Election Results
13 precincts reporting (7 in STX, 6 in STT/STJ):
Based on the number of write-ins, things aren't looking too hot for Chucky. -_-
Not liking the numbers coming in for mapp.
Encouraged by the lack of write in numbers for chucky.
a vote for coffelt was essentially a vote for mapp. 2 more percentage points and he wins outright.
Actually it doesnt matter, Mapp seems like he will get >50% of the vote anyway
I'm depressed.
Mapp speaks of hiring a 1000 new government employees and debt consolidation but you add the salaries, heath care, benefits and bonuses of those 10000 new hires to the already sky high debt and the present $100 million budget deficit and all you get is a mountain more debt to consolidate. Just what we need, more entitled government workers and even more debt. 🙁
a vote for coffelt was essentially a vote for mapp. 2 more percentage points and he wins outright.
I think that was the strategy all along, and people were too naive to see it. This election has revealed just how gullible and uninformed so many people are, and has made me lose respect for people I've known a long time.
As long as people choose to rely on others to "educate" them without confirming the facts for themselves, the corruption will continue because the people have their heads in the sand.
a vote for coffelt was essentially a vote for mapp. 2 more percentage points and he wins outright.
I think that was the strategy all along, and people were too naive to see it. This election has revealed just how gullible and uninformed so many people are, and has made me lose respect for people I've known a long time.
As long as people choose to rely on others to "educate" them without confirming the facts for themselves, the corruption will continue because the people have their heads in the sand.
33 of 37 polls have reported in and Mapp does not have an outright win. Runoff election coming up? (fill me in here)
he'd have to get 50% + 1 votes to outright win it.

he'd have to get 50% + 1 votes to outright win it.
I spoke to Mapp at the poll yesterday. Asshole lost my vote if there is a run-off.
he'd have to get 50% + 1 votes to outright win it.
I spoke to Mapp at the poll yesterday. Asshole lost my vote if there is a run-off.
What did he say that prompts you to say that?

His motorcade visiting the poll where I vote blocked all traffic for 20 minutes in all directions. I pointed out to him that it was inconsiderate to do so and he just laughed and said "That's how we do things on election day". No apology, no concern. And the police did nothing to make them move on and free up the congestion.
Sigh, unfortunately that is the mentality here. Politics trumps manners and consideration for others.
I smell a big fat rat. There were supposedly 13,217 votes cast in St. Croix. The total votes cast is now supposedly 16,682, so for these numbers to hold, there must have only been 3,400 votes cast in St. Thomas / St. John.
I know there are 4 more precincts, but this means there are atleast 7k more votes to count (because as of 3 pm yesterday there were 9200 voters in STT/STJ).
Well, all the votes aren't counted as yet so it's "wait and see" if there'll be a run-off or not. Mapp is pretty darned close, tho.
While I am disappointed the the Coffelt team did so poorly, I don't care what anyone says, I'd rather have voted for her than the other choices that I neither believe or have faith in. There was no other choice for me.
I think it's a shame that while this was a huge voter turn out, that only 53.79% of registered voters did vote. Where's the rest of them?
"A society of sheep will in tIme beget a government of wolves."

I think it's a shame that while this was a huge voter turn out, that only 53.79% of registered voters did vote. Where's the rest of them?
1. dead
2. STX exodus
3. young voters that register but don't vote
His motorcade visiting the poll where I vote blocked all traffic for 20 minutes in all directions. I pointed out to him that it was inconsiderate to do so and he just laughed and said "That's how we do things on election day". No apology, no concern. And the police did nothing to make them move on and free up the congestion.
And no doubt we can look forward to more of this, election day or not. When he was Lt Gov under Schneider he obviously developed the taste while participating in frequent and famous motorcade extravaganzas. "King" Schneider would sit enthroned in his (uniformed) chauffeured limousine with two official vehicles preceding, two more backing up the parade and flanked by half a dozen police officers on motorcycles. We initially thought a visiting dignitary (the US President perhaps) was in town but, as the spectacles became more frequent, realized it was just the good Governor off to a mundane meeting or to pick up a carton of eggs and a pint of milk. Deja vu.

Yes, I remember the Schneider motorcades very well...
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