Drive from Christiansted to Frederiksted
How feasible would it be to live near C'sted and work daily in F'sted. Have only visited a few times and love East end to live but job that I'm applying for is on the opposite side of the island, and I never really drove straight through with a daily commute in mind.
Is anyone currently in this situation?
people do it all the time, just depends on how long you want to be in your car driving
It's only a 15 to 20 minute drive on a good the states I thought driving for an hour was no big deal as an ex New Yorker!
If I remember correctly, the drive took us over an hour, but, then again we were stopping and picture taking, so I really can't estimate how long it would be with a straight through drive. I suppose the up side would be the sun at my back both coming and going!
Lol. I know. It takes me 30 - 40 minutes each way through snow to get to work right now. I remember visiting England to visit a friend several years ago and was shocked when he said that we wouldn't be visiting London because the drive would take an hour. I suppose it's all in your perspective.
It does get old so consider that.
The thing about commuting time is it is all relative. If you are used to driving 90 minutes to/from work then a 45 commute will seem short. On the other hand if you have a 10 minute commute you'll probably think a 30 minute commute is horrible.
My point is if most of your friends, neighbors and co-workers have a 10 minute commute your 30 to 45 minute commute on STX will become just as tedious as a longer commute in a large city.
That's time you can be doing other things rather than driving back and forth.
Most people find it easier to live closer to their work than farther away.
That was my thinking. Don't know if I want to move and get a new job just to spend hours each week driving to and fro again. Perhaps something more mid island. Just have to see if this job comes through and then start looking to see what's available.
Thanks for your thoughts!
I knew a woman who worked at the Buccaneer (east side of Christiansted). She lived off Mahogany Rd just outside of Fredricksted. She claimed during rush hour, or what Cruzan's consider rush hour, about a 40-45 min drive.
Also east ends of islands tend to be drier and not as lush.
Audiobooks! !!
It's only a 15 to 20 minute drive on a good the states I thought driving for an hour was no big deal as an ex New Yorker!
Um no. I live just past town. To get to Sunny isles its 25 min (my fiancé drives it every morning). I drove to C-sted TWICE today (and I speed) lol forgot I had a package at the seaplane lol - and it took me 30-35 minutes.
I get the "east is safer thing" but I feel pretty safe here. Not like STT where I never locked my doors but we do have a gate. Honestly I could never live east. Its SOOOOO freaking HOT!!! I drive a black car and when I stay at my friends house in cotton valley I have AZ flashbacks of 115 when I get in it! NOPE. I'll take my cool even cold breezes, giant 100yr old + mahogany and tippet(?) trees and no $500 WAPA bill in Fsted. Its also so quiet out here but east seems to be pretty quiet too. A bit boring at times - but thats just STX HAHAHA! That'll ruffle some feathers 😉 Im all in for West IS best 😉 The beaches out west are freaking amazing also and I don't mind being able to pop in the water at the pier for seahorses on the regular. Had a pretty epic dive yesterday with my friends at adventures in diving. I put them up on their Facebook page in a folder under Squids Pics.
So I got off topic - nothing new there - its about 30-35 min and 35-45 in "traffic".
My best friend lived off Mahogany Rd and has been working at the Buckaneer over three years now. She and her husband moved to Christiansted, Shoy's, because yes, it was a far commute and got old quickly! They loved Fredericksted and we moved over here last year ironically on very next hill from where out friends lived and love it. I still have my mailbox in Christiansted and dread driving over there for it once or twice a week.
If I hit all lights right, which is rare, I can make it to Sunny Isle in 15 minutes or some. But, if living further east and east of the bypass, you are looking at 25-30 minutes. Cotton Vally, Solitude area, you are talking 45 minutes to an hour to West end depending on the hours you are traveling.
Always something going on over here and best beaches, great friendly people and very quiet, especially if above the town in the hills! Oh and cruise ship views and fabulous sunsets! We really haven't missed the east side and just may stay here for awhile. I'm retired and husband works all over so it doesn't matter where we live and we are liking West! I sort of shocked myself for I didn't think I would.
Thanks so much for the insights! Now I just need to wait and hope to hear from the employer. I had a guaranteed position on STT, but the island seemed a little frantic for my husband and me. Fell in love with STX. Thanks again and I hope we get to meet and share a cup of coffee sometime in the near future!
The only "frantic" area of STT is town. I live in totally idyllic peace and quiet but in less than 10 minutes can drive into town. Unfortunately it's a very common misconception!
I suppose I misspoke. What I should have said was that the job was in Charlotte Amalie and that's where I would be driving into every day. The traffic and general feel was just a bit too busy for me. Outside of town was really nice, but just getting where I needed to be was quite the experience. I don't know if I want to do that every day. The position on STT remains open and I'm of a mind that if this current position falls through, I may take a second look. If it's meant to be, it will all come together in the end.
I'm familiar with the AZ heat, lol. Worked and lived in Goodyear, AZ during hottest summer on record. (123 degrees). Not pleasant to say the least. On the flipside, worked in Whiteriver, AZ on Apache reservation during the winter, driving up an down mountains during blizzards every day. What I learned is there is always something that's less than ideal but you just need to find what you're willing to deal with on a daily basis. Blizzards on a mountainside is where I drew the line, lol. Although, right now I'm looking at our lovely spring weather here in Western Pa with no sun and 3 inches of snow on the ground. Ugh.
Yea, that's PA. Too depressing for me, even in the South East part.
I suppose I misspoke. What I should have said was that the job was in Charlotte Amalie and that's where I would be driving into every day. The traffic and general feel was just a bit too busy for me. Outside of town was really nice, but just getting where I needed to be was quite the experience. I don't know if I want to do that every day. The position on STT remains open and I'm of a mind that if this current position falls through, I may take a second look. If it's meant to be, it will all come together in the end.
You didn't misspeak at all. Fortunately in all my years on STT I've never had to work in town - but if your hours are a little flexible, the run in and out is super fast!
Yea, that's PA. Too depressing for me, even in the South East part.
I had never really travelled outside of PA until my mid30s and was astounded, when I visited AZ, to see just how sunshine can have such a positive affect on your mood and feeling of general well-being. Then visited the islands and fell in love.
Yea AZ - YUCK but I still would rather be in that hell hole than in the snow. Luckily I wised up and moved to these beautiful rocks and I ain't leaving anytime soon!
I commute from Frederiksted to East of Christiansted. It takes me 37 min one way. It is great because it gives me time to listen to TED talks and language lessons during the drive. I can listen to two lesson episodes of "coffebreak Spanish" each way. The TED app allows you to set how many minutes of talks you want to listen to prior to driving, so that perfect and I never fiddle with phone while driving in order to stay safe. When I lived closer and had a 10-15 commute, that time was "lost" and unproductive.
From tipperrary to west end beaches(stand up paddleboard place) 35 minutes when no traffic. Though i take the south shore road for ease of speed.
Same back
From C'sted proper it's about 40 minutes to the main downtown area of F'sted.... with not much traffic. From further East like Cotton Valley-- 55-60 minutes.
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