Can some help me and tell me if Iam dreaming or is it possible . You see i was on
St John for 1 week in june and its all i can do to stop thinking about my time there , I have three kids 18,15,13 and Iam just waiting for them to grow up before i make a move , I would have maybe stayed there if I didnt have them to finish growing , they all think Iam crazy and that I have got USVI on the brain , and to tell you the truth its true. This place(Florida) now seems so dull and I was wondering if Iam the only one , is there anyone else like me ? I fell in love with the beauty and solitude of StJohn. Iam a 41 ,female and I dont want to be old when I get there. So its kinda driving me crazy . If i had a job selling ST.John I would make alot of money, Iam wondering if anyone else had the same exp? ps Iam not crazy, just not rich enough to bring all with me....:)
You're not crazy. I haven't even been to the USVI and I'm planning to possibly move there. I've been to enough of the other Caribbean islands to know that it is a lifestyle I could possibly embrace. I felt the same way after leaving Jamaica 2 years ago. That's what prompted me to start looking for an alternative. I, too, am a 41 year old female in Florida. Must be mid-life crisis in the Sunshine State. (Or maybe all these friggin' hurricanes we keep getting hit with!) 😉
The only thing I can tell you is to plan for it. I have friends who are doing the same. Once the kids are grown - they're outta here. If it isn't still your dream when that time comes, you'll have another one. There's plenty of them!
Funny, had mine ten years ago (in Florida) and am still here in St. Thomas. People ask what I miss and I must admit not much of anything but I get nostaglic when I see oak trees and Spanish moss on TV shows. And the afternoon thunderstorms .... we do't get much thunder and lightening here unless the storm has a name/number and then it is no fun! Growing up we used to "skip" school and take off to Daytona or St. Augustine beach. We thought they were the most beautiful in the world. On my first trip back to visit family we went to St. Augustine beach and i didn't want to get into the water - I mean you couldn't see you feet in that stuff 🙂 And by the way, 50 here is not nearly as old as 50 there!
I have the VI bug and have not even ventured there yet! My son graduates in 2006 and then I plan on being on my way. Most people think I am crazy, but you know~I am looking forward to a less hectic way of life. I currently live in San Diego and I am ready for a change. I guess I am the youngest of the bunch, 35 ;0)
I was in the Islands for the first time about 15 years ago. Last year my daughter got the bug to move to the Caribbean. We went to STT a year ago to check it out. We get to make our permanent move Oct 1, 2004! Yes my family thinks I'm crazy. Do I care? Not even a little. I'm so excited I feel like I'm in a dream - my dream becomes reality in 3 1/2 weeks. I'm 55 and just gettin started. Go for it kids. I'll buy you a drink when you arrive.
Nope, totally not alone. This 41 year old female (and her 39 year old husband) decided we needed to move down here when we vacationed on St. Thomas last December.
We had oriiginally planned to make the move in August of this year, but when I got some pretty devastating medical news in March, we accelerated the timeline way up.. Did a premove visit to St.. Croix in mid-April (after using the Settlers' Handbook and this board to help figure out which island was "us") and bought a house on that trip. Went back to DC and sold off our condo, all of our furniture, and my car, negotiated an agreement with my boss to bring my job with me and telecommute from STX, hired movers, and arrived on island as permanent residents on Memorial Day weekend. We've never been hapier, even though we'll end up "camping out" in our house for six months or so (i.e. living out of boxes in one room with limited furniture plus kitchen and bath) while we wait for much needed window and roof replacement, plus interior remodeling, to be completed.
It can be completely nerve wracking to make the decision and go for it,. but it's stress with a smile because you know it means living a dream. I have not forgotten what cancer taught me a long time ago (and that others got after 9/11-- seemingly briefly, though): things can change quickly in your life, so don't leave room for regret by not seizing every opportunity to follow your heart and live your passion.
The one thing I would change is taking longer than six weeks to do everything related to a move of this magnitude. You've got the gift of a few years in which to save money (you can't have too much of that when you arrive!) and develop and implement your plan. You've already gotten a start by posting here -- why not stick around and let us help you build a plan that gets you here as soon as your kids are grown? 🙂
Okay, must be all of us in our 40's, I am 42 but from New Hampshire, so some of the remains of those hurricanes you guys in Florida have been getting must be bringing those mid life crisis vibes up this way!!
Fortunately for you guys, your kids are almost grown and out of the house. We have a 5 and 8 year old, so we are considering making the move with them. A lot to consider when doing that though.
We too have visited many of the islands, and I think it is a lifestyle we could adjust to. I work in Boston and the pace is killing me. Besides, I am lucky if I see my kids for 4 hours a day.
I recently lost 2 very close friends to sudden illness and had a minor health scare of my own. So, my outlook right now is, I don't want to wait til I am 60 (not that 60 is old!!) and look back to say "should've, couldv'e, but didn't". What's the worse that can happen? You move, decide it's not right for you, and move back! The best, you move, love it, enjoy every day of life to it's fullest looking out at that amazing water!
So, keep dreaming, you've already taken this out of the dreaming stage, because if you are at this website, you are at least researching it! Me too!!
You go girls! By the way, we do have a chapter of the Red Hat Society down here! When you all get here, let me know and I can introduce you to a bunch of the greatest (and happiest) old broads around!
I say believe it and seize it. Although my son is almost of age, it is still going to be difficult to make my move, but I have realized that my happiness is paramount. My favorite reggae band is from St. Croix and I guess the inspiration has come from them. I am taking steps such as getting my vehicle paid off early and you will see me on this site from time to time. I do hope to make some connections before taking on the task of the full move. I may not be eligible for the Reh Had Society yet, but I am sure you are all a great bunch of people. Blessings!
If you are under 50 you can still be an honorary member of the red hat society - you just have to wear pink and lavendar!
Mah Gawd! Them Virgin Islands is ass-deep in dreamy-eyed women over forty!! Virgil- git the truck!! We're close'n up shop and movin' down!! Hurry!!! Ever' Tom, Dick, and Jose's gonna be on the next plane! There's hearts to be won!! Bring some rum, and one of them small dairy cows! Yeeeee-haw!!!
You got it, sweetie. But forget the small dairy cows as I think most of us are in agreement that anything that requires two milkings and a curdling is not likely to wind up as a drink special.
My mom jnust became a red hatter at her winter home. Had never heard of it before, but gotta say I love the concept and how much fun she is having with those feisty old broads! (These really are old broads -- average age of that group is around 75). Have never seen her so spirited and full of laughter as she is when she tell me about their adventures. It's been a wonderful thing to watch her thrive and real,ly enjoy life with these new found friends.
Mom just called me on Sunday to ask if I still had my hat collection, which includes a red fedora. As it turns out, I do have it and have now set it out for her to adopt when she visits us next month. I was goling to send a few other red hats along with her, but now I think I'll hang on to my favorite one as it will likely come in handy down here very soon.
on and on and on.........the same story keeps coming and coming and coming....kinda like the energizer bunny!!!!
see my moving story in that section of the board...........St.John is my first love from a week 15 years ago. Now St.Thomas is home for the past one year, as of Friday last week.

What a great thread! Maybe I kin hitch-a-ride with Elvis n Virgil. Got me a brand new floatie that Wal Mart wuz clozin out so I'm ready!!!
What kind of work would you be looking for on St. John? You mention "selling."
You're not at all crazy wanting to move to the USVI. Maybe it's your friends in Florida who are a bit crazy. I drove through Florida three months ago when I moved from Cleveland to St. Croix. What I remember most about Florida is that it is hot, flat, and crowded. I kept thinking, Why does anyone live here? I was only too eager to get on the plane and get out of there.
I love St. Croix. Sunny, warm, breezy, mountains to hike in and empty beaches to explore on weekends, an enjoyable, relaxing job.... Unlike in Cleveland, I now have a three-minute commute through beautiful countryside. Do your friends in Florida have that? St. John is a small island, so your commute would be short. You might even just walk a few blocks to work.
It's beginning to sould like a calendar is in the works here..."The USVI's Awesome Girls Over 40." We can sell the first copies to Novanut and Elvis.
VIRGIL- GIT THE CAMERA!!! We're on assignment!!!!
I want to be a red hatter too! I'm there soon. Pamela I emailed you, and hope we can meet up when I get there. A toast of rum and "milk" to all us chicks over 40.
Well, I'm not about to wear pink, I'm not female, and I'm not quite 40...but still dreaming anyway. 🙂
I've been to the USVI twice...almost a third time a couple months ago until I had to pay for wife's hospital bills (she's fine btw). Last year I was in STT and visited STJ for the first time with my wife. I'm 38 and she's 46 and we're definately planning for a move probably to STX. Like a few of you my daughter is 11 so I'm going to have to wait 5-6 more years...ughhh. I've had this bug since my first time to STX and STT back in 99. Being an Air Force brat as a kid moving all over, and then being in the Air Force myself makes me feel a need to get out of Indiana for good. I lived 4 years in SoCal in the desert when I was AF and got used to the nice warm/hot weather. Cold weather really stinks to me now...hehe.
Clock's ticking....
WOW , Ididnt expect such a response, thanks to all of you guys & gals ... Its good to know that Iam not a crazy (maybe a little ) Iam the kinda girl who came to St John and partied with locals and loved it . Iam sure that they get sick of such kind like me , but I didnt care afterall I was on vacation. I had a awesome time it felt like a dream & I cried a few time close to the end and while leaving cruz bay . made some friends and want to go back .. hey I might be there in october would like to know if any of you guys are already there? if so we could meet, As for what I do well lest just say Iam displaced and would like to do somthing creative down there. oh hell I dodn t care if I work a front desk or am a waitress ,I have been a mom and wife for the last 18 years and I am burned out . Just to prove it I left all of them here when I was on vacation. they didnt care . nor did I hahahaha 🙂 Thanks
as i am reading these threads of "dreaming" i see there are others who share the same dreams......i am a late 30-something, living in NW montana, saving all my pennies to head to the islands. i have been to stt twice and can't get it out of my head. i just need a "connection", a source of information......i have no husband to worry about and my son is grown...they all think i'm crazy too but i don't care! i am a manicurist/waitress/bartender/admin assistant...i can do it all, and honestly don't care what i do just wanna get the hell outta the snow!
Caryme, do it while you can and don't worry about what others think. At least that's what everyone keeps telling me.
I know I'm not crazy for having this dream. Like you, I have no real ties either. No mortgage, no car payment, no kids and no obligations to family members (such as helping take care of them), and I can do almost anything for work. Who knows when I'll be in this situation again. Life is a trade off. I may not make the kind of money I'm used to on the islands, but I will have a little reprieve from the lifestyle that may put me in an early grave!
Hey, if it's not forever or not even what I dreamed it would be, at least I will have tried. I think if any of us with this dream don't try, we'd probably always regret it.
You couldnt have put it any better or any more true, I have on the other hand have too many obligations kids, car payments , aging mom who has already told me she gonna be upset if I were to go . but I am gonna find the way even if its only for a year or two, like Martin Luther King I too have a dream to live in paradise .. lets keep the dream alive
We just moved down here and here are my observations.
Kids and families do move, live and thrive down here. So if it is your dream make it happen. People constantly use the excuse oh I have a family or too many committments "up here" and they alaways tell me they wish they could do what we are doing. I think that is hogwash. You have one life to live. LIVE IT. If all your kids are against the move, then I can understand. But I bet if you brought them all down here and said how would you like to live here year round, I would think they would say hell ya. Wait I can scuba dive, sail and swim in December? Sure...
All of the people that tell you that you are crazy are either (a) very jealous that you can be adventurous and wishing they had the guts to do what you are doing or (b) completely misinformed about the quality of life here. We do have running water and electricity and occasionally phones. We do not live in mud huts in the jungle. There is a Home Depot, Office Max, and KMart closer to my house here than in Boston.
Bills. I still have student loans, credit cards and other bills from Boston that I still pay from down here. Car payments? Sell your car. As long as you have a job, moving here is virutally like moving to any state up there.
JUST DO IT, and stop making excuses. (<---Tough love)
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