drawbavks / downside of island life
OMG post the rest!!!! LOLLLLL
Sorry ms411, I really couldn't resist.:-)
No apology needed, Sausage. That just may have been the highlight of that particular day, but there's a highlight to every day.
Thank you all for sharing your perspectives on this.
Mr. Sausage please.:-)
Yeah I want to know what statement Kenneth Mapp issued. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He must eat a LOT of butter.
Wanderer, that is too funny!!! I would like to read the rest of the article also. Especially Mapp's statement. As islandjoan said, "He must eat a lot of butter."
Yeah I want to know what statement Kenneth Mapp issued. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He must eat a LOT of butter.
Should I text him when I see more at $2.xx? He can brag about how he's cutting expenses.
loved the article . thank you for posting
The biggest drawback to me is the culture of feral individuals. People who don't follow the laws and the people who don't enforce the laws. I used to laugh at the policeman who was on a radio program who would say, "You people shouldn't park on the sidewalk." Well, instead of lecturing them, give 'em a ticket or tow 'em!! Also the culture that doesn't support a bookstore, but is excited for a nail salon to lease the spot. A culture of individuals who believe having outside children ("It's man's nature!!" ) is a good t'ing. And who extend that reasoning that to their dogs by refusing to neuter them. A culture of multiple beauty contests and and yet, libraries that aren't open on weekends.
Upside down world.
The biggest drawback to me is the culture of feral individuals.
No paint less dent repair.
WAPA sucks

Try living in DR, most of the towns and cities you used to live in were probably less than 83 or 45 Sq miles and weren't surrounded by a sea. It is whT it is and change soon come but slo mon, slow.
"...in what can only be described as a carnival-like atmosphere." 😀 OMG I'm CRYING.
it's stuff like this that makes me excited for living on the island. We've just bought a retirement home on the east end, having been to St. Thomas every year for the last 16 and even getting married there in 2010. In those years we've lived in Pennsylvania, Montana, NYC and Belgium, so culture shock isn't going to be an issue for us. We love every inch of it, lumps and all. (I'm in denial about the bugs, but having been raised in East Africa where I once mistook a slug for a medium-sized fish and swarms of locusts were a thing, I'm sure I'll adjust pretty quickly).
Well if East Africa is anything like South Africa in regards to bugs you'll be FINE here. We do have palm sized spiders but I've never been to a place with more bugs than SA. I showered with a couple dozen praying mantis babies one morning. We have the same orb weavers here just a LOT less of them. I love our bugs - they're really amazing if you look close, lots of diversity. Many species of gnats can be found still stuck on my beautiful white Caribbean ceilings LOL.
Well if East Africa is anything like South Africa in regards to bugs you'll be FINE here. We do have palm sized spiders but I've never been to a place with more bugs than SA. I showered with a couple dozen praying mantis babies one morning. We have the same orb weavers here just a LOT less of them. I love our bugs - they're really amazing if you look close, lots of diversity. Many species of gnats can be found still stuck on my beautiful white Caribbean ceilings LOL.
East Africa has not only interesting bugs, but all manner of crawly things - snakes, geckos, chameleons, hedge hogs, bush babies. It was a pretty wondrous childhood. That said, as I've gotten older I find the only 'bugs' I'm really comfortable with are those that I use to fly fish. pffft.
THIS IS AWESOME!! And seriously makes me love VI even more.
I don't live anywhere near the ocean (and right in the middle of a whole lot of dairies) and this happened one time with milk! People were leaving work, filling up their trunks, everyone that stopped to visit my sister (in from CA) mentioned the milk, asked if we had gotten ours. At least in VI I can see butter being consistently harder to get...but milk in Idaho?? People are funny.
And I would like to say - this has been my favorite thread so far!
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