Door to Door follow up
I have called Door to Door three times since January 22nd to get a quote from south Michigan to St. Croix. Each time I have called, I have left a message for someone to call me, or left a voice mail for a return call or Email. I have not received a call back yet. I see they service lower Michigan on their web site and they service St. Croix. I wonder if anyone else finds there is no follow up with this company.
Their website says they service St. Thomas and St. John. Doesn't say St. Croix..
Looked at and did not find them under Moving..., Storage..., nor Shipping.
I would look up shipping companies on island and work backwards. There are a lot of recommendations on this board. Anyone know?
Teresa, Door to Door is a stateside company and I think they work with Deliver It on the USVI end.
Marlene, odd that they aren't getting back to you. I noticed that the contact information in their ad on our site is different from what is on their site. Have you tried the number on their website
I contacted Brandon Transfer VI Corp by email. They emailed back to me the same day. They also arranged for an Allied International moving company in my area to contact me and talk about my move.
I'm not quite to the point of needing them yet, but they have been very helpful to this point.
Teresa, I know the points that they service shows up as St John and St Thomas but when you go to Request a Quote and ask for a long distance move. Go to the service only shows St. Croix.
Islander, I called from the number on their web site. I also Emailed them. Have talked with someone twice 1/22 and 1/29 who said someone would get back with me. Called during mid-day on Wednesday 1/31 and got a voice mail for a female who I left a voice mail to call or Email me. Nothing yet.
Marlene. Hang in there, girl! Island time is island time is island time and waiting for a response for a few days isn't abnormal. Actually, judging from what I hear from transplanted others (as in from here to there!) the island politesse one learns from living here transplants very well to the mainland where service in many areas isn't what it used to be.
Take a deep breath, don't come across as demanding either via email or on voice mail or in person, save any frantic outbursts for the shower* (see PS) and, whatever medium you use to address those who you think might service you, be humble and ASK rather than rattle on and demand. A change in attitude along with the change in latitude will serve you most well in the long run. I may well have read you wrong and I apologize if I've done that!
Good luck and I'm sure everything will work out just fine.
PS. Remember that conserving water is a biggie here and that the pounding massage shower you're used to might have to give way to an energy-saving showerhead which will afford you a great shower twice a day without depleting your cistern, But it's quiet but very satisfying flow will in no way drown out any rantings and ravings!
STT Resident
Each time I call I have never said "I called last week "or "two days ago" I'm not that type of person. Only wanted a quote. Just wondered since its been 2 weeks and no follow up that I should just not even bother calling them any more. Didn't know if anyone else had that problem.
And DTD isn't from the island. They are located in the states. Somewhere out west.

I wouldn't bother. Obviously they don't need your business. Surely some other company can help.

Hi, this company should be able to assist with your moving to St. Croix. Good Luck
Flemings Transport
contact: Lee Fleming
work: 340-778-9132
cell: 340-277-4504
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