Donations needed
Hi All
The Coldwell Banker in Gallows Bay has a person who needs donations for cancer treatment. This person had cancer, was treated. insurance dropped this person. cancer came back.
Please if you can help at all, go an donate
trying to keep this at the top
Like to send a check----mailing address, and made out to????
hubby justtold me that there was something in the office saying this person needed help. it is at the gallows bay coldwell banker office.
i am sure this person would appreciate any and all help since the insurance company dropper them
Here is the appeal for help for Pam McFadden's cancer treatment:
Dear Friend,Yes, if you have received this email you are a friend of me or my sister, Pam (or of a close friend of one or both of us). I’m writing on behalf of Pam. She needs our help, but first, let me fill you in on the story you may or may not know about her.Pam was a successful real estate agent in the Lehigh Valley. She worked harder than anyone I’ve ever known to build her business with her husband, Mac. She also cared for our ailing mother, while being herself a new mother. Mac was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer at the age of 44 and my sister took care of him, too. Realizing that there was no cure and wanting Pam to have her closest sister near her, Mac moved his little family to St. Croix where our other sister and her family already lived. And he passed away after 5 years of conventional and experimental treatments, leaving Pam and her 6-year-old son with no resources, bankrupt.My sister pulled herself up, working again as hard as anyone could and over the past 16 years has rebuilt a successful real estate career on St. Croix. She worked to give her son an excellent education and eventually was able to buy their home, which she frequently opens to those less fortunate. She has given freely of herself to friends, families, and charities. She built a life. Then, four years ago, my sister Pam was also diagnosed with cancer. A pretty routine early breast cancer, lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation etc., which luckily she had health insurance for. Until she suddenly didn’t. My sister’s entire office group was dropped by their insurance company during Pam's treatments. They advised that more money was paid out in claims than they had received in premiums. All of a sudden these folks were uninsured, leaving them and Pam with pre-existing conditions and no chance of finding a new insurer.My sister, Pam, went about the business of getting well, paying out of pocket for treatments, traveling to the states for check-ups, MRI’s, mammograms, etc. Everything necessary to fight her cancer. In the process, she found herself, once again, deeply in debt. Still, she kept on keeping on. She just barely kept her house from foreclosure and keeps trying to work with the IRS. The real estate market in St. Croix seems to be picking up after the double whammy of the general economy and the oil refinery closing down on their tiny island. Snowbirds and tourists are returning. There seemed to be a light. Then, this past August, my sister was told that the breast cancer had returned during a routine check-up at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. This time she will have to lose her breast. Her principal surgeon gave Pam hope, by explaining the reconstruction process that now is usually done at the same time as the surgery. Dr. Habibi also said that he would be willing to work out a payment plan with her, but the plastic surgeon and the hospital would need to be paid. At least $30,000 – $40,000 for the reconstruction alone. My sister and I both thought that there has to be some sort of foundation that would help someone like her, who was unable to get insurance. But, her income is too high, regardless of her debts, and obvious need. Also at 62 she is too young for Medicare. It seems like the Affordable Health Care Act was designed for her, but unfortunately does not include the U.S. Virgin Islands. Also, it seems that Maryland is the only state that regulates a cap on uninsured hospital patients. Pam could lose everything. She could be your sister, too.That’s why I’m asking for your help. I created the Pam McFadden Fund for this purpose at the First National Bank and Trust Company of Newtown. I respectfully ask that you contribute what you are able. Thank you,Melody HuntThe fund account has been set up with:First National Bank and Trust Company of Newtown 408 Old York Road, New Hope, PA 18938Phone: (215) 862-2600The bank requests that checks be made out to: Pam McFadden FundPlease mail to:c/o Melody Hunt6632 Old Carversville Rd.Lumberville, PA 18933 Phone: (215) 297-5985
Ug I can't read that. Paragraphs, please.
//Sounds like a scam to me
For breast cancer patients:
Group on Facebook:
For the Love of Pam
Event on Facebook;
Benefit for Pam aka Pamela Hunt McFadden aka Jake's mom
By Sharon Byrd Earl, Amy Crespo and 4 others.
The Pickled Greek
Friday, November 22, 2013 5:30pm until 9:30pm
great menu being planned,
music by Mark Eckard,
cash bar,
silent auction
Ug I can't read that. Paragraphs, please.
//Sounds like a scam to me
It's not a scam.
noone IT IS NOT A SCAM, we know her personally and she is a wonderful person and no matter what she is going through, always the most upbeat person around.
pt, thank you for posting that. hubby is not good for remembering certain details
pt, maybe they could set up a page
Why don't they apply for Medicaid, since since the VI opted out of Obama care and electing to put the funds towards Medicaid, I'm sure they could help her out and it would be long term.
I would love to know who the Insurance company is that dropped Coldwell-Banker.
We need to organize a boycott of that Insurance company.
no0ne - I can assure you that it is not a scam. I have known Pam for 6 years and every bit of that is true. She's had a lot of hard knocks; she's one of the hardest working and most positive people I know. Those of us who are privileged to call her our friend are all affected by this in differing ways. For me it hits close to home because my wife is a breast cancer survivor, too.
If you're still skeptical, come out to Papi's (The Pickled Greek) on 11/22. I'll introduce you to scores of her closest friends who will be happy to address any skepticism you or any others might have.
Need volunteers to help work the event? Stong supporter of breast cancer research.
This is one example of thousands and thousands of cases that obamacare is targeting. Making sure this can't happen and all are covered!
Benefit for Pam aka Pamela Hunt McFadden aka Jake's mom
The Pickled Greek
Friday, November 22, 2013
5:30pm until 9:30pm
great menu being planned,
music by Mark Eckard,
cash bar,
silent auction
By Sharon Byrd Earl, Amy Crespo and 4 others.
keep sharing. she is a most wonderful person and is ALWAYS willing to help someone else in need
( The following is an update on Pam Hunt McFadden )
Hi Everyone!
While many of you already know this let me repeat for the benefit of those new people who may have just been added to this distribution list. Pam was diagnosed with a recurrence of breast cancer during her annual cancer check up in August. Due to the fact that her health insurance was cancelled during her first breast cancer diagnosis four years ago, she has been trying to raise money for her currently required surgery.
Due in great part to the many donations she has already received Pam was able to make a down payment on the required surgery which is now scheduled for November 20th.
Pam's sister Melody established a fund to help raise money for Pam's cancer treatment. I have attached an email written by Melody giving Pam's story plus information on how to make donations to Pam's fund.
Our office is also going to have a fundraiser for Pam on Friday, November 22 at The Pickled Greek. A flyer with additional information is also attached.
If you are on island we would love to see you come out in support of Pam. Anyone wishing to make donations of any kind may contact Amy Crespo, our office manager. Amy's email address is:
Thank you all for your continued support.
Georgine (Pam's Assistant)
Definitely NOT a scam. I know this person and it's a truly sad situation when anyone cannot afford health care. I think it's a shame the VI Gov't opted to take the money for Medicaid. It will only help the most poor people of the VI. Honest, hardworking people who make enough money to survive, but don't qualify for Medicaid are screwed. Once again, thanks VI Govt. Guess your pockets will be full when the federal Medicaid money flows in.
glad the down payment has been raised. so happy for her
I suppose more details are necessary as to why an insurance company would drop her after her first bout with cancer. Seems to me the fundraiser should be to find a lawyer to correct that situation. Is it legal for them to drop everyone? Maybe one can be found pro bono. A fundraiser is a good start. Good luck.
I do not believe the VI opted out for Obamacare, I don't think the territories were included in the first place. The question is why.
I do not believe the VI opted out for Obamacare, I don't think the territories were included in the first place. The question is why.
Ronnie: They totally opted out.
All please note that this is not a scam. I am a yound VI resident that got to know Pam well. I think someone shoould start up a a donation pool at
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