Dogs and beaches
Hi all. This is my first post. My husband, myself, our newborn daughter, 3 dogs, and a cat are all most likely moving to STT before Jan. 1. He is being promoted and transferred for his job, we think. Lots of stuff still up in the air, but we are trying to get prepared should everything fall into place.
We were talking the other evening about all the things we would love to take advantage of while living on island. During the discussion he said that he thought he had read somewhere that dogs were not allowed on any of the beaches. Is that true??
We've got a Doberman-mix that LOVES water and I think it would be awesome to be able to let her play in the water. We also have a German shepherd and an Aussie Cattle dog-mix.
Mrs. B in 2003
There are two beaches that I know of fact, we are going to take our mutts this Sunday for the first time...I was told Lindquist(sp?) and Brewers...Perhaps Hull Bay as well...You have a newborn? I am due in 6 weeks with a girl...are you renting or buying?

Beaches where it is OK:
Vessup, Hull, Lindqvist, Netljberg, Scott, Stumpy, Platform, Fortuna, Coculos (sp?), Bluebeards (NOT Limetree), Brewers, Sunsi... oh, there are more, but that should give you an idea. Just remember this, if it has a hotel - No. In the park system? - No. Magens? No. After a couple of weeks you'll have them alldown pat.
MRSBIN2003, you sound like my family!
We have a 5-month old, 2 dogs and 3 cats!
The beaches have pretty much been covered by everyone, although I wanted to suggest NOT taking your dogs to Brewers.
Brewers is a beach very much populated by locals and many with children (I believe, in part b/c of its calm waters and in part b/c it is no charge?). VI Locals (and many other people for that matter) are not too fond of dogs, especially large ones. Because of this, while I live near Brewers, I have only taken our dogs to the small, secluded beach NEXT to Brewers. (You'll see it when you get here.)
I figure there are several options for us and our dogs where we can feel comfortable, why ruin someone's Sunday visit to the beach with their family? Of course, if you go at 8:00pm on Tuesday, it may not be a problem.
My .02c
Dogs may not be allowed on Magen's, but there are always a few little dogs running around whenever I'm there. They're wearing collars so they must belong to someone. One of them tried to pee on our cooler when my mom was visiting a couple of weeks ago. If you don't have something to feed them, they ignore you.
Onika: I may be wrong, but I believe that John Brewer's is part of UVI, and government property. On Radio One the other morning they were talking about dogs being illegal on beaches. So, if it is government property and someone wanted to make something out of it...
BTW, I hope all you doggie owners are cleaning up after your sweeties. Nothing worse than doggie doo on a beach!! And yes, I love dogs.
I think we will be buying as we will be there for at least 5 years.
Yes, we have a daughter (Ella) who will be 4 weeks old on Tuesday. It's a little overwhelming to think of moving to the island, let alone moving with her and the critters, too. 🙂 But, it'll all work itself out.
How did the beach trip with the mutts go??
Thanks for the info on the beaches.
How does the baby like the water? We are excited to be able to teach Ella to swim and eventually snorkel. Yes, I know she's only almost a month old, but we plan big! 🙂
EE--how ironic that I should be the one to forget the legal issue concerning dogs on Brewers! Ha.
MrsBin2003--My daughter Zaya loves the water! There are several calm places to take the tikes...Brewers and Magen's come to mind. In the off-season, there is a baby swimming class at Magen's. Min. age is 6 months, so my little girl just missed it. Maybe Zaya and Ella will see each other in the class next year!
Feel free to ask any questions concerning pediatricians, La Leche League, baby gear or any other baby issues that you may have!
MrsBin2003. My husband and I are also moving to St. Thomas with 2 dogs and a 5 1/2 month old baby boy. Ironically if he was a girl the name was going to be Ella. Such a beautiful name!! Best of luck to you and the wild journey with baby and pets!!
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