Does anyone know if you can post a link to a blog??
I posted my link to my blog yesterday but it was removed because I was promoting it. Does anyone know if its okay to mention a blog or add a link? In the rules all I saw was that a domain or web link will be shortened. Thanks!
Did you read the board rules?
"Messages of a commercial nature whether direct or indirect are not allowed. This includes but is not limited to business owners/representatives using their business name as their author name, posting advertorial type comments, including contact information such as web address, email and telephone number in signatures and in messages when this information was not specifically requested, soliciting business from board participants directly on the message board or privately by email and private message, conducting customer service on the board (such as making reservations/appointments, notifications of actions like intentions to call or thank you messages). Posts that state "tell them I sent you" will be removed. Business professionals can participate and establish themselves as experts on a topic by responding with helpful answers. In doing so they may sign their name and note their professional business. Their posts should remain of a general nature and may not contain requests to be emailed for more information."
I think the fact that you were not just promoting a blog but that you were asking for money. There are a few people that promote their blogs and are not removed. There's one guy I remember who's building a house on st john and will post here when he has a new entry on their blog.
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