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Documents Needed

(@Jimmy Buffett)
Posts: 1
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Can anyone please help me and let me know what kind of legal documents and health records are needed to move to St. Thomas from the States? I really appreciate it


Posted : March 25, 2002 2:12 pm
Posts: 3030

If you are an American citizen - and you plan to move and live in the VI then you need to bring a valid passport or notorized birth certificate and a valid photo ID - these are needed when you want to leave the island to visit or return to the mainland. To get a job you will need to present your social security card, often a driver's license if you have one, and proof of citizenship. If you plan to work in the restaurant industry you have to get a health card but that is done locally on island. If you are not a citizen but you are a resident - then you need to have your alien resident card and social security card in order to work.

Posted : March 25, 2002 3:22 pm
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