Cute Puppies need homes on STX
My friend found 5 abandoned puppies on her doorstep yesterday (appears someone knows what a kind heart she has)... she is hoping to find homes for them, but if not will be taking them to the shelter for adoption. Just thought I'd let you all know. They are adorable and would make beautiful additions to your home. These puppies would love to have a home for the holidays... but... that said, please remember the long term responsibility of pet ownership ....
I have pictures. They are fluffy and cute and mostly a beautiful brown color. There is one black and tan. I can email pics to someone interested... I just don't know how to on here.
Happy Holidays to all.

If you have an online photo storing site like Photobucket, put them there & just put the link here. That little picture next to the smiley icon will post the pics.
Thanks Trade... I'm gonna try that.
It looks like 2 or 3 of them are going to get a chance to go stateside! Lucky pups. We will take them tomorrow to get a vet check and puppy shots.
Can you please send pics to We're looking for a puppy (2nd visit to the shelter last weekend, lol). any clue on what types of pups these are (big or small - i don't care about breeds).
plz e-mail me i have a 2 year old and i really want a pup.
The puppies visited Dr. Paul this am and they have a clean bill of health, no worms, no earmites... just cuteness. They are about 7 weeks old and ready for homes. They are all male. We estimate that they will be small dogs (two have the short crucian legs) and probably not be more than 20 lbs. They are beyond cute. Each is different in looks and personality. One is shy but already a little guard pup ... barking at me when I enter the room. The black one is spunky and playful. The short haired blond is also very playful and full of himself. The fluffy blond one is a lover and ever so sweet. OMG.. they are just the cutest things.
They've had their puppy shots and we would like to ask anyone who adopts them to redeem us that expense... so we can do it again for future found pups. Its $50.00 and can be made payable to the vet if preferred. PM me for more details and pics.

That's a nice thing you did, Limetime.
Thanks Trade... as per your suggestion... here are some photos: All are available as of this moment. Here is:
The Gang:
They are perfect. PM me if you want to see them!
You are doing a wonderful job limetime2, I'm sure they will all get homes now. Amazing how different the four of them are - I wonder what their parents looked like. Cupid looks super-sweet, I'm sorry I'm so far away (although I don't exactly need another dog!) Good luck!

Awwww. I want one but I can't take one.
I know... I want one too but its fun enough playing with them (not the cleaning up after them tho). Not only would my husband not like it if I decided to keep one... but my other pets would be seriously more upset with me.
Sabrina... it is amazing how different they are! Different daddies for sure. Even more so is that their little personalities are so different too. Cupid is indeed the sweet one, all he wants is to follow the human and get some loving. Rudolf is the wary one but a little pistol once he gets started. Comet is everywhere, spunky and fun. Blitzen is beautiful! He is well rounded, curious but cautious and rambunctions. They all love to play and romp.
They crack me up. This morning they had a four way tug of war over my rottweilers leash - it was hilarious. Meanwhile my rotty, chesapeake and terrier (all mutts really)... each tried to stay as far away from them as possible and were not at all happy that their mommy was being entertained by those four disgusting little fluff ball excuses for dogs. 🙂 Very funny.
Have a great day and if you know of anyone looking for a puppy... send them my way!
Good Morning ALL,
Well I have to give you props Lime, I have 2 dogs now, and don't think I could give those cute little ones up! We are in the process of rescuing a Black GSD that is in a Kill shelter in MS. (We are in NJ)
Good Luck with them and I hope the good deed you are doing gets rewarded!
Most adult dogs seem to be pretty annoyed by young puppies, but my oldest, a six year old male, absolutely loves them. He is more "maternal" than most bitches I have ever known, and raised my younger dog like it was his own puppy. He used to wash him all the time, and adjusted the level of play as the puppy grew. I would love to be a foster home, but live in a Condo, and they have already seriously bent the rules to let me have my two.
Interesting - when I used the common term for a female dog, which is exactly what I was trying to say, it somehow got censored out like I was using a bad word or something! It must be automatic because if Islander had read the sentence, he/she would have known what I was saying.
Someone needs to step up and start the adoption of these puppies; I'm sure limetime2 is dreading taking them to the shelter for fear they will all be put down.
Don't make excuses, just do it.
We took the last 2 that were on this board and they are wonderful.
It's better that those who have any reservations about adopting, don't. Too many animals are adopted and then taken to the shelter b/c they weren't what they wanted or expected. The people that adopt these puppies need to want them. They will be adopted, whether here, at the shelter, or via Pets From Paradise. They're adorable, small pups - i'm sure they'll keep going! I don't think anyone's making excuses...
I agree nforbes, adopting a puppy is something that should be taken seriously. If they end up in the USA through Pets from Paradise, they should have a very good chance of getting adopted. I used to volunteer at the Humane Society of Broward County, and they always had tons of nice large dogs in, but very few good smaller dogs, especially puppies. If they were nice and also small, they would be gone really quickly. I don't think HSBC is involved with the scheme from the USVI, but I did once see dogs from the Cayman Islands there, so it is maybe worth looking into.
All four puppies are still available.... and I would love for them to get homes as soon as possible... however... I could not agree more with Sabrina and nforbes. This time of year in particular, it is very important that the person/persons who decide to adopt these puppies be doing so for the right reasons and with the knowledge that pet adoption is "for life". I will not let these puppies just go to any home... they are way too precious for that. One poster that expressed interest in them has already emailed me and told me that they found an adult dog at the shelter that they are going to adopt instead.. I was elated... its much harder to find homes for adult dogs than puppies. Another poster found out the size of the pups and was actually looking for a larger breed (mix breed) and decided to pass... yet another looked at them, wanted one, but when checked with spouse got the "no way". All that is good... rather have those decisions being made now than to have these puppies wind up in homes that were not really ready for the committment. Puppies take commitment!
Meanwhile.. I will be taking them in to Sadie's Boutique on Saturday to show them off and I will continue to look for good homes for them. If no homes are found locally by next Tuesday... two of them have travel plans to be taken to a Pittsburgh shelter for adoption. If I haven't found homes for the other two within a week or so after that... I'll find someone to take them north. I'm not worried. I love them, they are beyond fun and ever so cute and I'm enjoying them... they will get good homes. I'm sure of it.
Spread the word!
OMG.....I want Comet!!, but my "Diva" of a dog & hub said NO 🙁
As of this evening , four of the five puppies have homes. Cupid found a great home with two other smallish dogs and will likely be the spoiled little man of the house. His two older 'sisters' have their own wardrobe... including sunglasses... and their own St. Croix blogspot... Hilarious. I'm willing to bet that he is one really lucky dog. Blitzen and Comet both spent last night at their new home and have already been given new names (Pinot and Grigio, I believe)... funny... (Cupid is keeping his name I think)... and the home they went to is someone I know and am extremely confident will be a fantastic home. Lucky for them that they will be together as they were best buds... and I understand they have an older 'brother' that will show them the ropes.
One other, you never saw pictures of, went to a great home and has a humongous big brother dog that has taken him under his paw, literally, and they are getting along great.
That leaves Rudolf. Poor Rudy is asleep in my lap as I type this and is having a real hard time coming to terms with the idea of being an only child. He really really really misses his siblings and I feel very sorry for him. I think he will go to the vet in the morning for his second check up and his health certificate so that he can fly to Pittsburgh tomorrow night. He was always my favorite of the bunch and I hate to see him go but I know he will go to a great home there.
Thanks to all who responded and for the community support. All the people who have taken puppies so far have agreed to contribute to the puppies vet bill (which helps us be able to foster future lost puppies without suffering the wrath of our more financially realistic husbands)... :)..... and all are people who don't take adoption of a new puppy lightly.
So.. a happy ending to a puppy abandonement story.
ahhhhhhhhhh another happy ending!
Limetime2, hear you on the wrath/husband thing 😉
No surprise I don't have a husband anymore.....!
Congratulations on finding homes for all of them (I presume Rudolf has a home waiting for him in Pittsburgh). Everywhere up north is getting blasted by terrible storms, lots of delayed flights which would worry me if he isn't flying non-stop.
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