Crucian Damages my van and attempts to leave the lot
What a lot less bother the thread would have caused if it had simply been entitled even, "Some stupid jerk damages my van and attempts to leave the lot." There certainly wouldn't have been a barrage of posts asking if the guilty party was white, black, pink, purple, bahn-here or a down-islander. Ah, the simple life!
Reminds me of a time many years ago when I was arrested after sliding into the back of someone who was stopped in the middle of the street late at night, right around a corner and with no lights on his vehicle. Yes, I mouthed off at the cops (for good reason) and faced a barrage of charges for doing so, including that I had insulted one of the officers by calling him a "black a**-hole". Two years down the line and all charges against me were dropped but throughout the whole ordeal what REALLY ticked me off above all was this nonsense about my insulting comment. As I explained many times, I did NOT call the cop a "black a**hole" as it would never have occurred to me to do so. I DID call him an "a**hole" and stood by that because he was. 😀
Reminds you of the time? I didn't hit anyone call anyone a vulgar name or get arrested. Please get a life!
Reminds you of the time? I didn't hit anyone call anyone a vulgar name or get arrested. Please get a life!
Oh forgive me for my wandering off a little because something reminded me of something. I didn't intimate anything at all where your particular situation is concerned, it was simply an observation on the use of words and language and how they can be (mis)interpreted. Sorry you didn't understand that but please don't be so rude as to tell me so churlishly to "get a life". No necessity for that. Enjoy your evening and have a cold one on me. 😀 (see smiley, see humorous intent?)
Here you go;
Crucian=One Person
Crucians=More than One Person
Crucians do not Equate to Race but a group of people that inhabit St Croix USVI with a family History on the island.
So if the poster is truly a Crucian he/she would know the difference an not (mis)interpret.
Some are just filled with anger.
SunnyCarib assumed I was a Continental with his statement of 39 years. Now that's a jerk!
So I suppose I am a jerk as well as I assumed(know what they say about assume) your statement meant you were on island for 40 years. Maybe your title would have been better written Fellow Crucian Damages.... Then we could go about the discussion of the audacity of someone hitting your car and trying to get away with it. IMHO.
Read it again the statement says I have owned cars OVER 40 years and never had that happened. Maybe fellow Crucian would have been better. Silly me!
a-pie, that so sucks about your brand new van. Even suckier is that you know (by slight degrees of seperation) the jerk who tried to get away. I'd be pissed too. And yeah, I agree if you and your family are STX born and raised and living a work-a-day life on STX, then you can be "classified" as crucian. Like, what the if there s some sorta BS crucian meteric elavaulation.
If a-pie posted "statesider trashed my new car", would y'all asume that the statesider was white? Whats with all the phony race talk? Honestly, in this day and age how many 'pure-blood-crucians" or "virgin isalnders" do you really meet?
Squirm all you want; the person's heritage is still not relevant to what happened.
Parking diagonally can get your car scratched up more than door dings.
Why you say that? Do you mean someone is going to vandalize my car by scratching it? I would be considerate enough to park far away from the stores in large parking lots and not small parking lots where parking is limited.
I agree with Alana's post about the driver's on Stt, but then again you have considerate driver's that let you out of intersections and let you go first at red lights, etc. And I always give them a thank you. I do let others through also. If they say thank you, I like that. If they don't, it's on them, but at least I know did something nice. Karma.
If someone hit my car as I was driving, I would turn around and chase them down!
Just the other day as I was turning into the Kmart parking lot the driver was on exiting the lot on the wrong side. I went arond her, but we all were befuttled in the parking lot. I had to go on the right side because the traffic was backed up and she didn't have no where to go except back up, but she didn't realize she was on the wrong side of the road in the lot.
I would not advise chasing down anyone that damages your car in this day and age as you may very well get shot for your efforts or attacked. The side swipe happened so quickly that I wasn't even able to get a tag number so the guy got away with it but hopefully he
had a nice long white streak or a dent down the side of his dark blue sedan from my 15 yr. old truck.
Ironically, the worst dent I have, is one I did, all by myself, by backing into my light post at home. Drat! 🙁
Alana, when I said "chase down", I meant get the tag number and report it.
Sometimes you don't even want to blow your horn at someone when necesssary with all the road rage going on.
Blu4u, I am also wondering what meter one is evaluated on that makes one a true US Virgin Islander.
How many generations does a family have to put in on isalnd to be considered a US Virgin Islander? 2 generations? 3 generations? When? :S
Should I tell my friends when their baby is "bahn here", to bury the baby's umbilical cord. Does that do it?
I think if Ronnie posted what he did on the Facebook page, "Eveything and Anything Virgin Islands", about what makes a true US Virgin Islander, I think he would get a lot of flak.
I see a lot with Latino & Frenchie backgrounds that define themselves as US Virgin Islanders and proud of it on that page. I would hate to be the one to break it to them that they are not true US Virgin Islanders.
applepie, sorry about your car.
BeachcomberStt and All the other posters that felt sorry about the damage to my Van thank you. I received my first estimate for the damage to my Van done by a Fellow Crucian to three right side doors and right rear fender in the amount of $3,750.00. No Squirm here, No Heritage Bashing, No Karma on my part, maybe a squirm and some Karma on my Fellow Crucian who tried to get away with it. For the Jerk that felt it was OK, Karma is a double edge sword.
I consider myself a Virgin Islander since I am 12th generation here in the islands.
There lots of us around tho you wouldn't really know it unless you actually inquired but.....that's a whole different story.
Right, Ronnie? 😛
I am a proud descendent of many generations of people from earth. My son is conceived in Kauai but is a bahn Crucian. Does this make him special? No, he is a human like all of us. He won't be claiming that he is a Crucian and his mom is a Thomian as some of you claim your VI roots as if its some sort of badge of honor that makes you better than others. Im from the earth, my wife is from the earth, and our son is from the earth. We respect the ocean and earth and its inhabitants wherever we go.
Get off your high horses you native VI islanders, your blood is red and a lack of food and water will result in death just like the rest of the 6+ billion humans on this earth!
I consider myself a Virgin Islander since I am 12th generation here in the islands.
There lots of us around tho you wouldn't really know it unless you actually inquired but.....that's a whole different story.
Right, Ronnie? 😛
I even know what you mean 😛
I He won't be claiming that he is a Crucian and his mom is a Thomian as some of you claim your VI roots as if its some sort of badge of honor
You may want to reconcider that stance in 15 years when he starts applying to colleges.....
I am a proud descendent of many generations of people from earth. My son is conceived in Kauai but is a bahn Crucian. Does this make him special? No, he is a human like all of us. He won't be claiming that he is a Crucian and his mom is a Thomian as some of you claim your VI roots as if its some sort of badge of honor that makes you better than others. Im from the earth, my wife is from the earth, and our son is from the earth. We respect the ocean and earth and its inhabitants wherever we go.
Get off your high horses you native VI islanders, your blood is red and a lack of food and water will result in death just like the rest of the 6+ billion humans on this earth!
Did you wake up grumpy this morning?
Not on any high horse here - just making a statement, no need for rudeness.
I He won't be claiming that he is a Crucian and his mom is a Thomian as some of you claim your VI roots as if its some sort of badge of honor
You may want to reconcider that stance in 15 years when he starts applying to colleges.....
Why is that? UVI does't ask if you are a Virgin Islander.
They ask the following on their application:
Select one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be.
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Black, non-Hispanic
White, non-Hispanic
Resident of the US Virgin Islands:
Veteran ID (If Applicable):
Veteran Category:
Other Eligible Veteran Only
Vietnam Veteran Only
Both Vietnam/Other Eligible Veteran
What is your ethnicity?
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
Good question B-comber....
Doesn't being a legal resident of the VI make you legal "virgin islander"? Well in the eyes of UVI it sure does. UVI's app requires an applicant to state if they are resident of the VI. "Legal Residents" of all flavors (v. non-residents) quailfy for reduced tution--big plus. The other non-required questions (exepct veteren thus GI bill) are for stat tracking purposes and grant funding. Not to dis UVI (which has some very strong and very affordable programs and is the perfect fit for alot of kids and adult learners), but it ain't exactly, Tulane or US Naval or Howard or Boston Univ or Wake Forest or Mibbleburry or Loyola NO or Rodger Williams (and it's sailing program)....
Prehaps the "virgin islander" (and PRican) status-lable is most applicable to stateside private liberal arts colleges and some private unverisities. Most state unveristies look mainly at stats GPA & SAT/ACT. Private schools put a greater emphsis on the presonal statement and whole student. That's where being born and raised in VI helps a canidate stand-out from a homgenius pack of well quallified acheivers (regardless of skin color).
So when Matt T Jr applys to college, providing that he continues to grow-up in the VI, he may want to remember his roots...
Study hard. Get good grades. Set goals. Enjoy the ride.
you all should be more outraged at what this person did than what the op used as a term to descibe this person.
you all should be more outraged at what this person did than what the op used as a term to descibe this person.
I know, right?
Like would "new yourker" trashes my mini-van, get the same outrage? Crucian v tourist, that how I read it. Hit and run is messed-up no matter what where your grandma was born..... phony baloney chest thumping.... For crying out loud, a driver (black white green) hits a parked car, well DUH.. it his/her fault...end of story. I could care less how dark the conditions or the driver are. I hope the hit and runner gets penalized.
blu4u, i like your new yorker vs crucian-good description of how it should have been taken and not based on COLOR
The color that comes ot mind when I hear crucian, is yellow-orange. The color of all the squashed mangos on the rainforest road. Love mango season on STX. Taking the seaplane over for long week-end is a ton of fun.
I believe made my statements based on how "native born Virgin Islanders" perceive newcomers. It's akin to the folks in the USA whose forefathers came over for a better world that join hands to keep the new immigrants out. I do not condone this here or there.
To the person that draws reference to the Eveything and Anything page on Facebook, I concur. Those who write on there are Virgin Islanders to the bone no matter where their parents came from. Personally, since it's inception, I have been writing on there almost daily to assist with the page. It's not my page. The founder is a proud Virgin Islander born in St Thomas, of parents from Nevis, who grew up in Nevis, and still considers himself a bahn here Virgin Islander. I am happy to help out with the page and will never be upset with them because of their heritage. After all, we all came here at one point to the other. Whether 5, 10 15, 20, 25, etc. years ago.
Shortly after the 5th constitution was vetoed by the Governor, I was asked what I thought. I said, good thing! The person who asked was very upset with me. She said, so you would want on of those people running for Governor? I said yes. To those who don't know there was a part in the Constitution that said you have to be born here as well as you parents and grandparents to be able to run for the offices of Governor and Lt Governor. Can't remember how it was worded.
Just my 2 cents.
Sorry to hear about how much damage to a brand new car! I would be beside myself!
Wow this thread has gotten out of control. Can't we all just get along???
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