Crime in St. Croix
Hello everyone. My wife, who is a nurse, just received a very good job offer in St. Croix. We are likely moving to the island in one month's time. I have been researching: housing, schools for our daughter, utility costs, etc.... For quite some time now. However, the one concern that I cannot seem to find a definitive answer on is in relation to crime/safety on the island. I have received extremely conflicting information from a variety of different sources. A nursing student/friend of my wife's just told us today that her husband has a colleague who lived in St. Croix until the age of 14 (his family still lives there apparently). The guy (who I don't know and have never met) said that we shouldn't move to the island because, "There is lots of crime, a high instance of rape... Which is why the HIV % is so high." This is a ridiculous statement.... obviously. And I have no idea about the validity of the source. I would just appreciate any insight from people who actually live on island and know what they are talking about. Thank you very much in advance.
Had a car stolen, had each car broken into once... they stole spark plugs once too LMAO! Other than that we've not had any run ins... and we sometime hang in Fsted till 2-3am. Would I walk down a dark ally alone here? No, nor would I anywhere else either. The rape comment is likely in reference to the incident that recently occurred. All three were caught, Coconut vine says it was a gang initiation but I don't know how true that is. Roumors fly rampid around here...I just heard word that apparently I have a "side beau"! Hahahaha!
I am NOT talking about statistics because you can read them yourself and are what they are. Overall I don't worry too much. Be aware as any city and don't do stupid stuff. Bad things do happen to innocent people here but much of the crime is theft or gang on gang. A lot of theft.
The reason why you're not getting a definitive answer is because other than actual statistics this entire topic is highly SUBJECTIVE. Everyone has had different experiences. Some people in here have gone through REAL terrible ordeals while some have not had any run ins. You'll never get a true answer on this because it's too subjective to the individual you ask. Do I think it's safe here? Yes... for the most part. As safe as suburbia stateside? Not really but I guess it depends on what suburb.
There's also like a zillion threads in here on this topic which all end up like this one will, an argument based on each persons experiences and then it'll turn into STX vs STT crime rates and someone will pull STJ into the mix about being the safest... yea we've been over this one many times 😉
Use the search feature on here and read some of those threads, there's good info.
there is crime and we have a high murder rate. most violence is gang related. occasionally violence isnt gang can do a search here to find more on our opinions of crime
we have had a lot of petty crime. one job hubby was working on was burglarized about 3 times. 2-3 car windows broken, 1 radio stolen, fast eddie came into my house when i was home and stole a camera case ( guess he thought there was a camera in there ) our cars broken into a number of time ( lotion stolen once ) on my car, my back light covers have been stolen . someone tried to break into my car with some kind of a crow bar ( you could see the marks. someone tried to get into my gas tank. they broke the cover.
there is not an alarming number of rapes though the last high profile case was pretty horrific and to a child. hiv is high because when people have sex they dont use protection, not because of the high number of rapes.
Situational awareness is key. Avoid leaving anything in your car. Don't join any gangs. 😉
LOTION speedy :-O I thought my spark plugs were bad.... that's crazy!
In 8 years on STT, I've had a Royobi blower stolen out of the back of my truck. I was parked in the garage at AYH. LAMO, I was dropping it by the dumpster, it was worn out.:D
I greatly appreciate the insight from everyone. At one point in my life, I lived in Washington, D.C., which has a very high crime rate. I never had any issues, but I was pretty careful. I was also single and didn't have my family to worry about. The area where we live now in Northern Idaho (the town I grew up in) is very safe. For the most part, you can walk anywhere at any time and not have a problem. I generally don't worry about this type of thing, but now that I am considering moving my wife and 4yo daughter to the island, I feel like I have to do my due diligence. Again, thank you much for the replies.
P.S. I'm definitely not going to leave my sun tan lotion in the car... I'm pretty light skinned and I need that stuff. I don't know if I'm willing to remove and re-install my spark plugs after every drive though. 😛

Experiences vary. Armed home invasion in the middle of the night. Thugs killed on your driveway. Etc. Get dogs and security system.
More recently.
I've had my purse snatched off my arm in broad daylight in '95. While was walking down Queen Cross between Strand and the ocean (no boardwalk back then).
Four years ago while my husband was off island many of his tools were taken by our pest control guys who came double to do job. My husband is a carpenter with commercial grade tools. After firing them, one palmed my iPod on way out the door that we'd just been listening to at the pool.
We did not report to police as my husband is off island 6 months of the year and we lived on a dead end way up high and didn't want retaliation after my neighbor got them fired. So, could not take any of those losses off of our taxes.
Other than those two instances, I've not had problems. But, we rarely go out after dark unless close to home. That's because of night driving with cataracts is difficult at best and pot holes that will eat a front end that cannot be seen at night.
Do I feel safe here? Yes, but, I've lived in DC, Dallas, Houston, Little Rock that also had their own issues. Stay on the beaten paths and well lit areas and you'll be fine.
I would just appreciate any insight from people who actually live on island and know what they are talking about. Thank you very much in advance.
Unless your going into the projects to buy drugs, or are so intoxicated you can't manage your self in town, or just basically lack common sense, just like any city; you'll be perfectly fine.
I did have my car broken into once, but we parked in a very secluded spot and a wallet/phone was left in plain site on the seat, so in retrospect I wasn't overly surprised.
Other than that, I do hear the occasional gunshot at night (idiots showing off, not "gun battles"), but I live near a "rough neighborhood" or so i'm told, I go into Williams Delight all the time to work with horses and there's nothing but nice people there.
I don't worry about crime at all, though I do have several large dogs at my house (I sleep very well). Be smart, as you always should, and you'll be fine.
that was fast eddie, he will steal anything but loves cameras
LOTION speedy :-O I thought my spark plugs were bad.... that's crazy!
My husband was shot by a customer of his business on STX who owed HIM money and didn't want to pay his bill...figured shooting him would be a better idea, I guess, I don't know. I felt somewhat safe on STT...never have felt that way on STX. I have always felt uneasy moving about on STX...not really sure why, exactly...just a feeling, I suppose. After my husband was shot, my uneasiness has increased 10-fold. Just my experience...
Thank you!
Get a big dog, and a security system.
I caught fast eddie in my house two years ago stealing some dive gear. He is up for parole at the end of the month, so get ready to see him again. The DA let him plea to possession of stolen property instead of prosecuting him for something more serious. I have also caught him peeking in my windows a couple other times before that too.
he stole our neighbors clothing and they saw him wearing it. kind of feel bad for him but not sure why.
you know, i seem to remember something about the window peeping. maybe i dont feel too bad for him anymore. i think he tried that with our now deceased elderly neighbor.
I caught fast eddie in my house two years ago stealing some dive gear. He is up for parole at the end of the month, so get ready to see him again. The DA let him plea to possession of stolen property instead of prosecuting him for something more serious. I have also caught him peeking in my windows a couple other times before that too.
What does Fast Eddie look like? So we know how to spot him....
What does Fast Eddie look like? So we know how to spot him....
A Blur.....;-)
LOL well if he looks like a blur, how do you know it's him?
A Blur.....;-)
he is not taller than 5'5". he is darker skinned and skinny. i was told it was fast eddie by my now deceased neighbor after telling them what happened. the police came over and said that it was probably him as well. would i recognize him? probably not.
Please keep him on STX. 😎
I have multiple dogs in the triple digit weight range... you'll never be bothered. (Plus a donkey.. do you know how territorial they are? haha)

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Best advice I've seen. Bummer about the gang affiliation, they used to be so fun.
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