Crazed Crucian Seeks Tax Form 1040 I NFO and info about where to file in person
Greetings Old Friends! And a warm hello to the new folks on the board.
Am still hoping to get back on here more regularly one I get over this current life-stressor. My medical health, pain, and mobility have all progressed rapidly and severely enough that it finally became obvious that my supercrip persona was no longer enough to let me keep working at a job I adored. (I was the online political organizer for a Washington DC-based nonprofit working on death penalty reform and other CJ Reform issues.)
I'm technically on 16 weeks unpaid medical leave right now (so my employer will have to pay my insurance for that four month period) and am using this time to get my act togetherand file for Social Security Disability Insurance and private Long Term Disability Insurance benefits -- am collecting short term benefits now -- and both the SSDI and the LTD benefits will kick in after a six month waiting period. Anyway, it's all of this paper work and bureaucracy and my diminished strength and attention span (thank you for flaking me right out, opiods-NOT!) that is eating my time and energy faster and more completely than I can bear to admit.
Anyway, I have a couple of questions regarding my first attempt at filing income tax forms in the VI. AM just about done with the federal 1040, whch I understand needs to be submitted with a companion form called 1040 INFO. Does anyone know where on STX one can pick up the 1040 INFO form and where we should go on STX to hand deliver our tax forms and get a signed receipt for them. After reading and hearing about it taking years to get any tax refunds you are due, plus watching the Senate and Administration of the USVI in action, I don't feel at all comfortable with mailing the forms in.
Any advice from the long timers is always appreciated.
I miss the old crowd, so please pass on hellos to Theresa, Eve, Pamela, FormerOhioGuy, Ric and Linda, and others. I am planning to have our moving story and reflections on our first year on island ready by that anniversary date (May 29). Writing is the next job -- have succumbed to years of prompting by family friends, my friends, co-workers, and now two of my doctors and have conceeded that writing a book about my experiences with working over full time for 20 years while dealing with multiple rare and chronically debilitating conditions would be therapeutic, even if no one else finds value in it.
Anyway, you know it's really me, the original HipCrip, just from the long, long post. (8-0)
Hope everyone is well and that life is progressing the way you'd like it to. Remember that it is short, so make time everyday to do something fun and something to take care of you so you can better help take care of others.
Please fill me in on the 1040 INFO FORM and where to file on STX -- I have never filed this late before and it's starting to FREAK ME RIGHT OUT!! <---------- Newbies: this is the opposite of island time, and one of only two lapses back into DC mindset since moving. I adore it here, the people are the best.
Thanks again,
Welcome back to the board. All the forms you need can be picked up at the Internal Revenue Bureau located across the road from the hospital. They are standard federal forms. You turn them in at the same place. Hope this helps.
Welcome back! I'm not here as much these days either. Hubby's health is going down hill fast and it just takes so much time and care to deal with. Email me if you need me .... Teresa and I will be over to see you as soon as we get it together 🙂
Hello, my friend, and thank you for once again being the source of all things Crucian newcomers need to know! Can't say I'm at all surprised to see the answer I needed posted by you in record time. You and the lovely Linda are so giving of yourselves to this community -- let me say thanks in general for being such friendly and knowledgeable mentors to all of us who follwed you down here. Is it really coming up on/just past your two year anniversary of moving to STX?
Hope everything is well with you -- please give Linda a hearty hello from Kelly and I (he sends his best to you, too). Our desire to join you for trivia night or dinner at OTW again still runs strong. I recently (and finally) took the advice of my friends, family and doctor and admitted that my disabilities and health issues had progressed to the point where I could either work or have enough stamina to leave my house once in a while. It's my hope that we'll finally be able to make good on that dream after taking a brief recuperation period and getting through the arduous paperwork needed to qualify for long term disability insurance benefits. I just bought myself an awesome beach wheelchair, so once the body is willing we will definitely be making some appearances at your section of the beach.
Thanks so much for pointing out the revenue bureau office location. Hope to join you here, and in person again, more often.
Hay Lady of the Red Hatters, how wonderful to have you be one of the folks who left a note for me. I am so very sorry to hear that your husband's riding that declining health wave that I've been battling. I think of you so often, and will now keep you both in my prayers. Please know that you are not ever alone -- we can both empathize with needing to give up things you'd like to do in order to take care of/be cared for by your loving spouse. If you ever have the desire to talk with a peer in the same situation, I'm sure Kelly would be happy to provide a listening ear. The same offer goes out to your hubby -- I'd be honored to be able to be an empathetic place to vent about what he (and you) are going through health-wise, relationship wise, etc.
I would love to finally say hello with a real hug to you and Teresa. You are two of my favorite people here on the boards, and I have missed you so. Believe it or not, I might be heading your way very soon! At long, long last, the renovations that we've been hoping to get done since early in the last hurricane season are finally underway!! Kellyand I are looking for ways to keep the costs down, and decided that it might be woprth our while to shop for some of the materials needed for this massive undertaking at Home Depot. We should be getting a list of everything and what was budgeted for each from our contractor in the next week or so -- once we have that, we'll check out prices down here and if it seems we can save more by going with HD, we'll be hopping on the ferry for a long day trip before the ferry service ends early next month. I'll keep you updated so that if we do make the trip, we can hopefully find a way to have lunch/coffee/milkshakes or at least get in a quick hug while we're there. OF course I'd love to have you make your first trip dowm here any time you are able, but I totally understand where your priorities are and need to be.
I do hope everything is going as well as it can for you and Teresa (and family) given the trying circumstances you find yourself in. Try to make the best of every day, and please remember that it's more than okay to ask for help if you need it. After living with my health problems for over 30 years, I know how hard it can be on a relationship when the long established role each partner played in the marriage are suddnely forced to change -- and change dramatically. Please know that we're with you in spirit and are pulling for you both.
Please tell Teresa hello for me should you be in touch with her. Would love hear from you both whenever you have the energy and time, or when you need someone to just listen.
Tell your husband that the HC is thinking of him (and is a great home pharmacologist, should such skills be of any benefit to him. *wink*) Thanks again for taking the time to drop in and say hello. I will be in touch about the potential Home Depot run....
I'm delighted to report that we found the elusive form 1040 INFO, which is required for anyone who earns income that isn't from a USVI source. The form is kept under the counter at the Revenue Bureau -- ask a staff member for one.
Here's a time and money saving tip for anyone who plans to hand-deliver their tax forms to the USVI Bureau of Revenue: BRING A COPY OF YOUR RETURNS WITH YOU. It seems that USVI law states that the staff cannot accept a tax return unless you have a copy of that return that can be date stamped as your proof that your tax forms were submitted on time to the correct place. If you don't bring a copy with you, the Revenue Bureau will be happy to make a copy for you..................
...............for a mere $50!!!
Arriving copyless means making a choice between taking your forms and making a copy elsewhere, then going back to the Revenue Bureau, or coughing up $50 to save yourself a trip to the copy shop and back. I wonder how many people show up without a copy at the very last minute on tax day and are virtually forced to pay the extra $50 to get their returns filed on time?
Anyway, thanks again to everyone who replied with the info about forms and filing.
Now there's only one unknown: how long it will take a governor that proposed giving government workers a pay raise by using funds from the territory's tax refunds account to send me the sizable refund I am owed. Consider the HC tax refund delivery date betting pool open!
Don't be in any hurry for that refund. We still don't have ours from last year. We owe them money this year. I called and asked if they would just deduct it from what they owe me. I think you can guess what the answer was.
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