Cotton Valley Mall to Close?
Well, sadly, lots of people dump garbage all over, already. So I guess not much will change in that respect.
Just think of the amount of garbage that goes from CV each week. And then, on holidays or when Cramer Park is busy, it gets even fuller...Don't know what the alternatives are going to be, but how many people will be willing to drive miles more to get rid of their trash? How many tires are there all over the island, because folks don't want to pay the few dollars cost to have the tire company deal with them?
I can't imagine that all houses are reachable by big garbage trucks, even if folks are willing to pay for pickup
Anyone know who's assinine idea was it to close the dump? This is a new low point in using their brains. That's like outlawing toilets.
You guys should go to the meeting, if you live here, and give the Waste MISMANAGEMENT Authority a piece of your mind.
won't be on island for this meeting. According to WMA website, there are 26 bin sites in STT, 28 on STJ, and 4 on STX, two of which they plan to close. Another stepchild situation for us, I suppose.
hubby heard on the radio that it cost too much money to keep it open
Waste Mismanagement Authority was budgeted $30 Million.
Wonder where all the money goes when all the garbage is strewn around our islands and they still, after a decade, have no concept of recycling?
They manage contracts not waste and since their creation by Gov. DeJongh has been a blight on our islands as there is absolutely no competence and there is more trash on the roadsides than ever and less places to dispose of trash without giving your garbage a scenic tour of the island, depending on where you live and your daily route.
They need to be disbanded and replaced with a can do, intelligent competent agency that actually knows how to PROCESS waste.
Everyone at WMA that collects their sizable checks and Gov. benefits for pushing paper should be fired, especially May Cornwall.
I just saw this: VIWMA Closes Frydenhoj Ball Park Bin Site Permanently
By Source Staff — June 6, 2014
The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (VIWMA) advises residents of the east end of St. Thomas that the Frydenhoj Ball Park bin site will be closed effective Monday, June 16. Residents are asked to utilize alternate sites.
The authority is working to improve the efficiency of waste collection and disposal in the territory. This is part of the program to close or consolidate bin sites and introduce additional convenience centers throughout the V.I. in an effort to reduce operating expenses.
For more information, contact the Office of Communications Management at 715-9100 or 690-4218, or e-mail
I just saw this: VIWMA Closes Frydenhoj Ball Park Bin Site Permanently
By Source Staff — June 6, 2014
The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (VIWMA) advises residents of the east end of St. Thomas that the Frydenhoj Ball Park bin site will be closed effective Monday, June 16. Residents are asked to utilize alternate sites.
That's a little confusing. That bin site was closed about 3 years ago and the dumpster was moved further down the road right before the entrance to Pineapple Village. The Smith Bay Coalition neighborhood group was instrumental in ensuring that residents still had a site available and if this is the one scheduled to be closed then I'm sure the group will be right on it. Voices DO promote action and (and this is directed generally and not to you specifically, Alana!) if only more of those affected actually went to town meetings and joined neighborhood groups instead of bleating on forums ...
All must go..............................
The Avis has an ad on page 16 announcing the closure of both Cotton Valley and Mon Bijou MALL sites.
The Cotton Valley meeting will be Tuesday June 10 from 6-8pm @Green Cay Marina
The Mon Bijou meeting will be Wednesday June 11 from 6-8pm @John H. Woodson Jr. High School
hubby heard on the radio that it cost too much money to keep it open
but as usual they can spend lots more money for almost 7 times as many sites each on STT, and on STJ
The following is from a long-time, now departed, resident of Cotton Valley. Evidently this isn't the first time the Cotton Valley location has been 'closed'. Some 10-12 years ago it was 'closed' and people continued to use it. I'm told it was very 'ripe' after sitting in the hot sun for a while. After a couple of weeks of trash piling up, someone decided to light it up. Heck, at least the fire station is close, and the phantom police station wouldn't catch any perpetrators...
I lived in CV then and don't seem to remember
It closing. Always a threat.
How much is weekly pick up from a private
Company? Anyone know
VI Waste Management charges $18.75 a month for once a week curb side pick up in their blue bin. They offer twice weekly pick up for a higher monthly price.
Was just a matter of time.
Wasn't able to attend the WMA meeting at Green Cay last Tuesday. Anyone attend that cares to share what was discussed by WMA / attendees? Thanks!
The dump site will remain open for the time being--see today's AVIS
The dump site will remain open for the time being--see today's AVIS
Um - I've read the Avis and couldn't find anything?

See the Daily News
Thanks CruzanIron--my mistake.
It was gratifying to see that around 150 showed up for the meeting and that this was a considerably larger turnout than anticipated by WMA. Another meeting is scheduled for this evening re the closing of another STX site:
Hope some of you over there on STX take the time to attend!
Friends/neighbors who attended said the 150 count seemed very conservative to them
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