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Considering applying for a job and relocating.

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I am a special procedures technologist (cardiac intervention and interventional radiology) that's considering applying for a position on St. Thomas at the hospital. I have a family of 4 and am wondering about housing, pay scales, schools, etc.... I know that it will be a culture shock to begin with but are there any helpful hints anyone from the island can give me?? My husband is a bartender/casino dealer and I'm also wondering what kind of opportunities would be there for him? I would appreciate any input and information. Thanks:)

Posted : October 28, 2004 3:23 pm
Posts: 684
Honorable Member

Hello Jeni,

I have just moved here in August with my husband and three kids. We love it here, but it has been a culture shock and a very hard adjustment. STT has everything you need to work and have family living here, but it does not have everything you are used too or possibly not everything you want. I miss my super Wal-mart where I could get everything I need in one place. Now I have to do grocery shopping at four or more stores. Everyday use items at a two or three stores. It takes a day for me to buy a week's worth of groceries and household items. Granted, I haven't been here that long, but with three kids in tow it takes longer.

Things are vastly different here than anyplace in the U.S. for good and bad. You have to really be flexible, patient, and adventurous. It is funny when I look back at the first week I was here and how I was afraid to drive the road to our home and now my husband says I drive it too fast. I have memorized the pot-holes in the road now and was slightly disappointed whent the hole to China was filled in recently. It was a really large pothole that even got a write up in the local paper. Now if we could get them to fill the 'pop a wheely' pot-hole just past the bridge to no where on your way to Red Hook, I might actually be able to cruise at a consistent speed. 😉

Jeni, I don't know if you have visited here, but I highly recommend visiting as if you were living here. Instead of a vacation, you can find out whether or not you fit living here as a family. Some people move here and find out that it is not for them. It is quite an expensive mistake for some. Most, I think, love it here and adjust, but you never know til you try.

As far as answering your questions: You husband should have no problem finding a job. There is a casino on STX and STT has a lot of bars and I would imagine finding a bartending job would be no problem. This website has links to the hospital website, I belive - Islander will let you know. I have not been to the hospital here on island and have no idea what to tell you there.

For people moving from the states to the islands, I would suggest looking into private schools. There are a half dozen or so to choose from. I am homeschooling my kids now, but will most likely send them to highschool at a private school eventually. The public schools have little funding and lack of money leads to overcrowding, little resources for students, and a very challenging environment to say the least. It all depends on your own standards and experiences. Be sure to read some past posts on this board. I spent a couple of days reading as far back as last year before I moved. It helped a lot. Good luck!


Posted : October 28, 2004 6:26 pm
Posts: 9
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Thanks so much Teresa. I appreciate your thoughts. I will heed your advice as far as visiting as if I live there. Sounds like the potholes are as big as the ones I left in Michigan 5 years ago. Ha ha! Have a wonderful day:)

Posted : October 28, 2004 6:39 pm
Posts: 3030

Hello Jeni,

The hospital web sites are:

On St. Croix there is a casino... if the job is available at both hospitals you could look into St. Croix too.

The casino and resort is Divi and their web site is:

Otherwise there are many bars and restuarants on St. Thomas where your husband could apply.

Houses/apartments with 3 or 4 bedrooms are hard to find and can run $2000 a month, give or take. What age are your kids/grade in school?

You might enjoy reading the moving stories on this site under What to Expect:


Posted : October 28, 2004 6:48 pm
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I have a 16 year old in 10th grade and a 9 year old in 3rd grade. I have read that the public school systems are having some trouble. I was going to try and research private schools or possibly home school. Do you have any suggestions? I got on the hospitals website on St . Thomas (that's where the openings are). It looks like they offer a great variety of services. Is it an easy commute to St. Croix from St Thomas? Is it possible to live on one island and work on another? Are the salaries there commensurate with the cost of living? Lots of questions. It seems that I have a ton of research ahead of me. Thank you for your reply.

Posted : October 28, 2004 6:57 pm
Posts: 9
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One suggestion with taking a job at the hospital - you should have a additional healthcare policy when you first start, if you're not a contract worker and you're signing on directly with the hospital itself. Although it will be stated that you will have health insurance after 30 days, the process is much slower and it can be 3-6mths before you start receiving health insurance. I started working in the rehab dept a month ago and I know of nurses upstairs that have been waiting for months for their health care to kick in, and I was told everyone goes through this same "wait and see period". Although the retirement plan is good, there is also a freeze currently on new employees receiving this as part of their contracts, but some are finally starting to come through, but there is a waiting list. In general I am very happy with my new position at the hospital, but there are little bumps along the way, but they're much more tolerable if you have a heads up first 🙂

Posted : October 28, 2004 9:31 pm
Posts: 3030

Hello Jeni,

I would suggest private school for your 10th grader. Visit the public elementary schools, talk to teachers, visit a classroom and see what you think for your 3rd grader. There is also a neat home school group over on Water Island that a few St. Thomas kids participate in.

St. Croix - St. Thomas is an easy commute but not an economical one. The ferry runs seasonally, this year Dec. to May. A seaplane and air service runs all year. Prices run $60-$120 roughly depending of ferry/air travel. There are some business people, doctors, attorneys that have offices on both St. Thomas and St. Croix and go back and forth regularly but not daily. There are folks that live on St. John that work on St. Thomas and vice versa and Water Island to St. Thomas on a daily basis.


Posted : October 28, 2004 9:42 pm
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Wow! Eye opening reply! Thank you so much:). I will have the opportunity to carry a COBRA policy if I choose to leave my current position but now that I know the inside scoop I will get everything in writing if it comes to accepting a position. I hope that they will honor their contracts (if I can get these kind of things in writing). Can you tell me any more about what they offer?? I am so glad that you like your position. Is the atmosphere of the hospital a good one (good morale, etc...)? I have worked in several different environments and can adjust to almost anything but would like to get a heads up ahead of time if possible. Thank you so very much for this information. It's very valuable. If I am offered a position and take it I will look forward to possibly seeing you around.

Posted : October 29, 2004 12:05 am
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Thank you so much for your input. I really appreciate it. It's nice to have inside information on these kinds of things. I have tried to find names of the private schools and enrollment fees but can't seem to find anything (maybe I'm just not looking in the right places). Do these schools have a web site I can visit to research? I would appreciate any information you have. Again, I appreciate your reply. Thank you!

Posted : October 29, 2004 12:10 am
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Could you please tell me what the home schooling environment has been like for you? I would appreciate any information that you could supply. Thank you again.

Posted : October 29, 2004 12:14 am
Posts: 3030

Hello Jeni,

If you go to our home page; click on home at the very top of this page on the left side. Then click on Education/Schools in the navigation you will find links to each island, district dept. of education web site, university ect. Once on the page for St. Thomas (or STJ or STX) you will find a list of public, private and parochial schools. The schools that have web sites are in blue letters/underlined and can be clicked on.


Posted : October 29, 2004 3:39 am
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Hi everyone!

I want to say I just love this messageboard! It gives me so much info. on so many subjects that relate to my move, which will be coming up in two weeks.

What I would like to know from anyone out there, Linda J., Teresa...
do you know currently of anyone homeschooling or even privately tutoring a couple of days a week? I had considered sending my 14 yr. old ninth grader to a private school, but am thinking I might just have him privately schooled at our home or someone else's.

I am on a budget and considering public school options vs. private school, the choice is a clear one. However, I don't want to take out a loan to send him to private school either. Can anyone offer a suggestion or know of anyone wanting to homeschool a ninth grader? I homeschooled him last year, so I have all the curriculum and books needed. Thanks all!

Posted : October 29, 2004 4:12 pm
Posts: 315
Reputable Member

I am only the mom of a 2 1/2 year old daughter. I think it all depends on how well your 14 year old can stick to a home schooling scheduled without supervision. I believe in Australia often homeschooled children only talk to a teacher via a radio a few times a week and then follow a learning scheduled on their own. Not all children can do this and some need supervision to make sure they follow their studies. There are some great books out there on what children should know at what age and what is told in schools. I would think if your son is a good selfmotivated person he is a good candidate for having someone simply tutor him several days a week. I believe there was a poster here who's mother is planing on doing just this. But I would imagine even teachers from some of the private schools you have been considering would tutor a few hours a day. Your son could do his own work in the morning and the teacher then follow up in the afternoon. Do you have the web link to the VI homeschooling web site?


Posted : October 29, 2004 5:51 pm
(@Lee P.)
Posts: 0
New Member

Islander or Teresa -

I'm the realtor from K.C., coming to STJ next week & want to
spend some time on STT to learn more & seriously considering
moving there. I thought maybe we should check out some
temporary housing (apt/condo) so I'd have a clue as to what to
expect when I come for a temporary stay (a month or so) to see
if I like it and if I can get my real estate license and if it's a move
I really want to make (before we just sell our home here & just
move without a clue). I had a magazine called "HOUSES" that
I picked up last year when we were there. I sent an e-mail to
Rosemary Sauter with Century 21 a few days ago asking if she
could spend a couple of hours with us on Friday. In the magazine
it said they do short & long term rentals as well as actual home
purchases. I have not heard back from her yet. Any suggestions?
Is there someone else you might recommend to assist us?
I know it won't be an immediate paycheck for them this week but
if somebody takes the time with us this week, we're more than
likely to stick with them when we're actually ready. That's what
real estate is all about...building the relationship so it eventually
pans out. Besides...I know that the most high profile agents are
not always the way to go, perhaps I need someone that's a little
more small potatoes & more attentive. Thanks, Lee

Posted : October 29, 2004 11:10 pm
Posts: 684
Honorable Member


Homeschooling has gone well, I think. My mother is a 5th grade teacher in the States and has sent quite a bit of good materials. In searching on the web, there is an extremely huge amount of homeschool groups, materials, etc. You need to narrow it down to what emphasis you want for your children's education. Our is from a Christian background and I enjoy the freedom of teaching school to my kids along with Christian beliefs. If that is not for you there are still numerous options. Abeka from Florida is a very good source and one of the popular homeschooling options. Many programs offer testing and even graduation diplomas. Some have emphasis on Latin or other foreign languages. It helps to order the samples (usually free) and go thru them with your kids. Anyway, the V.I. is very open to homeschooling and I have had no problems. I have talked with the Water Island school which is a group of homeschoolers that have a teacher and a one room schoolhouse. They take kids on part time or full time basis. The cost is half that of some private schools. I have talked to many teachers and there are many wanting and willing to tutor, so having someone else go over their schoolwork is available too. Most teacher's, I think need the extra cash. I am wanting to send my kids part-time to the Water Island school and do our own homeschool work at home as well. As soon as I get that settled, I will post as to how it works out.


You could place an ad in the Island Trader or Daily News looking for a tutor and I imagine the response would be good. Many teachers need some extra cash as I mentioned before and would love to tutor.


Villa Fairview is well known for short term living and economical. You can order the planning kit above which comes with many local papers. There is a lot of ads for weekly and monthly rentals. The realators, to me, seem to be more interested in selling homes than keeping up with rentals. We have a nice lady who shows us rentals as she gets them, but always mentions buying a home. 😉 She is great though really. Don't leave out the option to call hotels and see about any weekly or monthly specials. Depends on the time of year.

Good luck to all of you!

Posted : October 30, 2004 3:48 am
Posts: 9
Active Member

When you're getting everything in writing (which did also) make sure you have things EXACTLY outlined. In my offer letter it was stated "Healthcare plan as stated in packet" which stated after 30 days it will kick in, which is not what is happening. Our entire dept had it out with HR about the slowness of recieving healthcare benefits, but we were told that there was nothing they could do about it, that it was out of their hands. Apparently the hospital's official statement on the situation is that if you need healthcare in the mean time they will deal with it on a case by case basis. Pushing the issue won't get you anywhere, we tried to get a clause in our contract to include payment of temp health insurance, but to no avail. I think we only made enemies.

But on other things like remibursement and how soon you actually get your paycheck, they are very timely. Ask about relocation or housing assistance - many of these things will not be offered to you unless you directly ask - again, get it in writing, often you will be told 2 or 3 different things, sometimes within the course of a few days from the same person. Time off and holidays are nice, as compared to the states. We have 21 holidays here! (part of what made me what to move down here even more!)

In general I have found people to be welcoming. Everyone in my dept is supportive and caring and are fun people to work with. Many people come and go in the hospital as contract workers, so sometimes people are slow to warm if they think you're just going to leave in 3mths anyways. Have you been down for an interview yet or to see the facility?


Posted : October 30, 2004 11:18 am
(@Lee P.)
Posts: 0
New Member

Teresa -

Who's the realtor you like? I'll keep her in mind. Maybe I
could e-mail her with a few questions & she'd actually
answer me. I'd prefer to deal with someone who is
recommended anyway.


Posted : October 30, 2004 1:39 pm
Posts: 217
Estimable Member

Hi, Jeni,

I just noticed the unique spelling of your name, and I was wondering if it is pronounced as "Jenny", or "Jen-Eye". I knew a Jeni (Jen-eye) when I was growing up in Michigan, and thought you might be her.


Posted : October 30, 2004 3:33 pm
Posts: 9
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Hi Marty.

What an amazing thing! I am originally from Michigan but my name is pronounced like Jenny. Where are you from in Michigan? I grew up in the Detroit (Allen Park) area. Are you living in the islands now? My family and I are thinking of moving there if the job I want comes through. Anyway....Have a great day!

Posted : October 30, 2004 4:58 pm
Posts: 217
Estimable Member

Hi, Jeni, (Jen-E)

I was born and raised in Lake on STT for the last 7 years...sure don't miss Michigan! Haha!

Where are you now?


Posted : October 30, 2004 5:13 pm
Posts: 9
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Hello Cheri

Thanks for the advice. I have sent my resume and have heard back from an Elizabeth Harris. I am hoping to gain a chance for an interview. I am going to speak with her on Monday morning and I am hoping to find out then. I'm glad to hear that people are nice there and that things are going well for you. I hope that things will work out the same for me. It will be a big change if I do get a job and decide to move there.
You mentioned that there are 21 holidays. That's amazing! Do they observe bank days as in Europe? As for relocation....they will have to help with that if they want me to work there. Did you get relocation assistance/housing assistance?
Have a great day!

Posted : October 30, 2004 5:16 pm
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Hi Marty
I used to water ski on Walled Lake. Isn't that in the area of Lake Orion? If I remember right it is. I live in Portland, Oregon now. The weather is better than MI. It's a moderate climate with lots of rain in the winter months. I don't especially like the rain but it's better than snow, ice, and subzero temperatures. Ha ha! Plus if I do get to missing the snow I can go up to the mountains (although I haven't done that in the 5 years I've been in the northwest). 33 years of snow and ice were enough to cure me of ever wanting it again. Ha ha!
The climate there sounds perfect. I could get used to it real quick. I know my kids and husband would also. The only thing that kind of makes me nervous is the fact that you get hurricanes. I guess it can't be any worse than earthquakes and tornadoes though, (I've been through both) just alot wetter.
Did you have a hard time adjusting to life on the islands (aside from the weather)?

Posted : October 30, 2004 5:30 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Thanks for the advice, Iris and Teresa. I have a few days before I officially take my position in STX once I arrive, and a couple of more weeks between now and then before I ultimately decide on the schooling situation. I might even work out an online correspondence course, because I too like the freedom of changing and adding to the curriculum as needed, and based on what he's geared toward in his future.

And yes, I'm sure any teacher would appreciate a little extra money if it means continuing their skills and overseeing that my son is completeing assignments and progressing, even excelling at the level he is currently studying at. Which is our goal. So thanks once again for the info.

Posted : October 30, 2004 8:51 pm
Posts: 684
Honorable Member


What is your email address? Or just email me. I will send you info on 'our' realtor and some others you may want to contact.


Posted : October 30, 2004 11:06 pm
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