Condos St John

Any 2 bedroom, 2 bath condos in St John...ever? My continual search of your area MLS portal turns up nothing every time I check but lots of opportunities in St Thomas. Looking for short/long term rental starting 1 October up to $2,750/mo or purchase up to $500,000.
Thanks for any info you can provide, whether MLS listed or not.
Not a condo, but the place I told you about in Fish Bay is still open. 🙂 So many places on St. John converted their long terms into short term rentals because they can make a lot more money that way. Not a lot of condo options on St. John to start with, and $500,000, while a lot of money, is a very low budget for purchasing a home or condo on St. John. Like others, I too recommend renting for a year or so before you buy anything.

So there are condos there, albeit rare, just not showing up on the MLS at this time?
What a statesider thinks of as a "condo" and what St John offers in the way of condos might vary a bit. Julie's advice here is excellent on all counts. Also, be sure you are clear on what your maintenance fees will be and what is/isn't included, above and beyond the price tag, if you ever buy a condo here. It can't be said enough -- stateside expectations do not work out well here.
Periodically, there are excellent condo choices that come on the market East End STT for less than $500K. If your goal is to live in the VI, from East End you can easily access the beaches on STJ and the BVI.

Thanks everbody for your input and I am looking forward to learning the real estate market there more intimately upon arrival soon. As you guys say, trying to think of the real estate market there in terms of how we think of it here in the States, is an unrealistic expectation, like so many things about the islands I suppose. Have been engaged with the USVI Dept of Licensing and Consumer Affairs about getting relicensed as a real estate broker there as soon as possible (been one here in Michigan during the last 30 years) and am all ears and eyes at this point, excited to learn all I can about it, so that when an opportunity arrises, hopefully will be able to make an informed purchase...meanwhile renting the best fit possible. Thanks again!
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