College Grad Job Opps
Does anyone know of a way for a recent college graduate, finance and economics major, to seriously search for jobs in the USVI? I am looking for info on what opportunities are available for recent college grads in the business/finance area, and how do I find out about them? Ive seen the statistical data on island employment, but I can't really find a way to find out waht jobs are available for someone in my position, and how to get them.
I tried using the job search application on this site, but there weren't many returns. I am also wondering, does anyone have recommendations besides this sites application?
It is very difficult for someone to be seriously considered for an entry-level position if he/she is not already on-island. Employers get lots of enquiries from people who would like to live here, but very few actually make the move. Employers pretty much don't take time with you unless you are standing in front of them.
The only way you are likely to be considered is if you have unique qualifications or abilities (doctor, teacher, etc). Otherwise, you will likely have to take a leap of faith, move down with a few personal belongings and take ANY job while looking for something in your field. This is the beginning of high season, so jobs in the service/tourism industry are plentiful.
I know this is not what you wanted to hear. Good luck.
Does anyone know a good website for employment for the Virgin Islands.....preferably, St. Croix.
Thanks, Roc
Try: This is where all of the listings for the Department of Labor get posted (plus a few more). You can also check the classifieds for the Source (, Daily News and Island Trader online.
But does anyone know of financial service related companies based in the USVI. Is there any demand at all for finance/economics major college grads on the islands?
I believe the government of VI hires and has positions for folks with degrees in finance and economics. Other than banks and the government, I am not sure who else would be specifically looking for finance majors. Anybody else have any ideas for these people?
VI territorial government jobs will normally go to local people. There are EDC jobs, but frequently they want bona fide residents (people who have lived here for at least a year.) Again, you usually have to be here to apply and get work, unless you have a special skill or talent.
Linda J's post said it all and while one hates to be repetitive, anyone seeking a job in the VI needs to make a serious PMV and appear face up. One can go to the online VI telephone book yellow pages to look for potential employers in any particular field, and check out the online classified ads in the Virgin Islands Daily News. You might be lucky enough to at least start off the process from off-island but you have to understand that the majority of bona fide employers here won't hire anyone unless they are on island.
This is a very transitory society and while many restaurants and bars readily hire people (again, for the most part, those already on island) the majority of the established businesses outside that realm more often than not ignore the plethora of resumes they receive either via fax, email or USPS. They know that the majority of people wanting to relocate here will arrive and then leave within a year or two and it's simply not worth their investment of time, effort and money to train someone who may simply not fit into island life for purely personal reasons and quickly leave.
I've posted my story before but it's worth repeating because the same holds true today as it did over two decades ago. I came to visit friends who had recently moved here and was offered a job. The "ante" from the prospective VI employer kept getting "upped" after I returned to the mainland and although I was also offered a wonderful job in North Carolina, I finally decided to take advantage of the VI offer. Three months later, after moving down with a dog and a cat and my personal possessions, I was out of a job because my employer turned out to be a very bad person indeed.
Despite an excellent past employment history, and after mailing out over 30 resumes with accompanying personal letters, I received but two replies, both with a, "sorry, you sound great but.." and I was seriously at my wit's end.
My story turned out well through total serendipity. I lucked into one of the most wonderful job positions I could have dreamed of and was with the same company/boss for ten years until an ownership position changed all. I went into a totally unrelated field for a year and then opened my own small business eleven years ago and here I still be all those years later.
Do thoroughly check out this site and go to the "moving stories" and all the threads. And do make that very important PMV - loads of threads on that subject too!
If this site had been available to me over two decades over I would have been ecstatically poring over all the information available. But although much has changed over the years, the info available here reflects the same cautionary advice which would have been available years ago had the technology been there.
Please read everything on this site with due diligence, and good luck to you all. Cheers!
One company that is always looking to hire is Diamond's International - I know selling jewelry doesn't seem like much related to finance/economics, but the track to manager is usually pretty good for a college grad with drive and responsibility. I have a few friends that have started there and moved to more managerial positions either elsewhere or within the company. Figure it's closer related than bar tending/waitressing and has the potential to quickly move up within the company.
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