college degree
Good afternoon everybody!
First off, I just want to say how much I appreciate this website and all the wonderful information available on it. I think I've read through every single page on here and it's very informative. My question is in regards to a college degree. I have just recently started considering the idea of moving to USVI. I'm 22 and married with no kids and am currently attending college part-time to get a B.S. in information technology. I know the job market for IT type jobs is virtually non-existent down there, and would just like some idea from locals about how much a degree would help in general in the job market. To be honest, my dream job would be working on a boat or something like that... though I have no experience on the sea. I am considering two possibilities: either finish school and go down there with a degree completely not related to anything available (and also have a few thousand more dollars debt), or just drop out and move down there without a degree. Some places it seems like they want you to have a college degree in general for jobs, even if it's not really related. Is it like that there? Looking to move there for a simpler life, so I'm not too picky about any certain type of job I want - don't care about the pay as long as we have a place to live and some food to eat. I know that's kind of a tough question to put on people, but just wanted some input from someone in the area.
Do you know what you are getting yourself into? Have you spent some time in the USVI?
It's a lifestyle not all people would be comfortable living. It takes some getting used to even if you have resigned yourself to do it.
How close are you to finishing your degree?
Finish your degree! I did not and have regretted it greatly. I can't tell you how much money it cost me not having that little sheepskin. Yeh, we ended up doing alright financially, but had to work a lot harder. The islands will still be there when you're done.
It doesn't matter what the degree is in, it will open doors for you. My daughter's degree is in Spanish Education and she is in marketing. My son's degree is in Performance Art and he is in sales in Mexico. Neither would have their jobs without having their degree.
(Ric steps down from his soapbox)
I have a degree in Chemistry. I couldnt find an entry level job in that field in Minnesota and I didn't want to live in the corns fields of Iowa or in the middle of Nebraska. So I stayed in the restaurant business and moved into management quickly with my degree.
Later, I had people who got better grades than me, eating at my restaurant, asking me how I got where I was. Now, I find myself in the Carribbean in fine dining. A degree opens my opportunities up for you.
Chris - I have to agree with everyone a degree makes a big difference. If you are going to school part time.... well there is no reason for you to drop out to move to the USVI... there is a university here. Perhaps transfer for a year, there is an IT program at UVI, you can take dive also and get certifified through the university or with a dive shop - that would help with jobs around the water and boats, get a job at a restaurant waiting - they make fair money particularly during seaon (I knew many college students that went to school and supported themselves with two part time jobs maybe sales and restaurant or just at a restaurant)... then you could have both.... you would be living in the islands, attending school so working toward your degree, and you could feel out oppurtunities for working on a boat or tour. As mentioned I knew several people from the states that went to UVI and worked and stayed here.... lets see; one worked at a bartender, school during the day, part time.... another worked part time as a beach attendant and in a store - full time student. Another worked sales and full time student, another worked at Coral World and school.... some stayed for a year and then went back others stayed and are still here with degree, kids, job.... this is a big decision, but its yours to make and make work for you and your wife. Go to the University web site, read through this web site, get a Settlers Handbook to the islands read about the oppurtunity and then decide if you think you can make it work. If you stay a year and you are going to school and working - and you don't like the islands, you would have that experience, you would have the school credits that you can transfer back to your college and then make lifes next move. Good Luck.
Chris -
The only reason I'm replying is because I just finished my degree in Computer Science. and I'm moving to the islands on July 14. The advantage to completing your degree now is that you will always have something to fall back on. If you leave now, it may be difficult to return to the academic lifestyle. This has happened with so many of my friends who "took a year off" and never came back...
Some of the best advice I was ever given was "Short term sacrifice for long term gain"
...just my .02
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