Chucky Episode 4
I just heard the Federal Court sent the contempt case against Fawkes back to the Superior Court... Hm... So the "fat lady" may have not sung yet.
Be a pity to waste all that money on a fish fry and then become ineligible. Crocodile tears optional.
All the Senators have refused to act on this matter since she first ran for re-election after her conviction. What does that tell you about them? Vote the entire bunch out while you still can.
Diane Capehart wrote the petition to get her out. I believe that Kenny Gittens signed the petition too, to get Chucky out of the senate. There are others but I can't remember.
Yes, and shortly thereafter Capehart got chikungunya. Some people may think Chucky or one of her supporters went to an obeah to punish Capehart. Classic island drama!
Wilma Lewis suddenly realized that her court had no jurisdiction and decided to send the case back to the Superior Court? Really. I guess the threat of being sanctioned by the Third Circuit Court or removed from the bench was enough to do the right thing.
Then Brady is in contempt of court himself, for improperly not obeying the orders of the Supreme Court.
Tomorrow, he should jail Caroline Fawkes, who decided which court's orders she preferred to follow, and mailed out ballots with Hansen's name.
Shame on Fawkes, Wilma Lewis, and Brady.
So that's it folks. Chucky is off the ballot.
Woot! But is the big concert still on???

They're renaming it. It's now a WAKE!
Best watch out with Chucky "working up HER people" it doesn't turn into a riot/rally.
I was really beginning to wonder if I truly lived in LA-LA land where no justice can be attained and bad behavior and wrong doing always triumphs. 1 down, so many to go!
Novanut, rotflmao!
Lee Rohn is still trying to get Chucky back on. There is a community move afoot to get this to the Third Circuit Appeals Court in Philadelphia to have this criminal woman completely off the ballot.
Send your contributions (to keep Chucky off and to keep justice on)
Andrew Simpson, PC Trust Fund
PO box 2618
kingshill VI 00851
This is the same attorney that gave Coffelt and the voters of the VI real justice in the appellate court. Or you can call the attorney himself to make your contribution. No cash please.
she's off, she's on, she's off, she's on. I'm getting dizzy. I'm not holding my breath I have an ugly feeling she'll wind up back on. I really hope if she's off she doesn't turn her fish fry into a rally and riots break out around Gallows Bay.

Why doesn't she hold her party at the park that she created when she kicked the rocket assembly plant out?
Even if she's eliminated from the ballot, is it still possible she could apply as a write-in candidate?
(A wake - nice one Novanut. But there could be a post-wake zombie walker candidate.)

Yes, she can run as a write in candidate. Her pardon allows her to be sworn into office.

Does anyone know how she got the nickname Chucky?
Ringling bros already had the rights to Bozo the Clown
Does anyone know how she got the nickname Chucky?
The killer doll from the movie Child's Play???????
"Hi, I am Chucky... Wanna play?...."
Lee Rohn is still trying to get Chucky back on. There is a community move afoot to get this to the Third Circuit Appeals Court in Philadelphia to have this criminal woman completely off the ballot.
When you say "criminal woman", you're talking about Lee Rohn, too, right?
Chucky CANNOT be written in on the ballot! No person who was not eligible by the May deadline, can be eligible as a write in candidate. So if you had a criminal record in May 2014, whether or not you applied for the ballot, you are not eligible to serve in the 31st Legislature.
Lee Rohn. Meh.
Entertaining enough.
My favorite line from "Breaking Bad" is "When you need a criminal attorney, you want a CRIMINAL attorney" (not shouting. Caps for emphasis).
My favorite line from "Breaking Bad" is "When you need a criminal attorney, you want a CRIMINAL attorney" (not shouting. Caps for emphasis).
And THAT'S why you hire Lee. A pox on the island for decades now. Sometimes, in darker moods, I regret the opportunity I had some years ago to "accidentally" hit her with my car (she just ran out into King Street without looking). When I told the story at work, my boss told me it was good I didn't because it would have put his firm out of business, although he understood my conflicting feelings.
and isn't that a sad commentary on the state of things?
Judge Brady, Superior Court judge, and political hack of DeJongh just rules to have Chucky Hansen back in the ballot, and not find Supervisor of elections Caroline Fawkes in contempt.

Now will it get appealed to the VI Supreme Court (again)?
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