Choice VI STX
Brief power outage last night before rain and lightning and after power came back no service. Two computers tell me I am connected but both will not find servers?
Babylon customer service could not do anything and submitted a ticket which does no good until Monday. Of course no one answers any number here as usual.
Any one else with issues? Also pointed at Welcome tower, exterior mount.
i wish i could help you but we have broadband
My Innovative internet went out for a couple of hours late yesterday afternoon (STT) and, funnily enough, a friend stopped over and mentioned the innumerable complaints he's been hearing lately about Choice's service. I wasn't in the least bit surprised - I kicked them to the curb years ago when they totally failed to deliver what they so firmly promised and KEPT promising as techie after techie came out and fumbled around to no avail. I was patient for a few months before losing it - and I both demanded and was returned every penny I'd paid them. Hope your issues are soon resolved! I wouldn't trust them to communicate on two cans separated by a string.
Even Innovative is better than Choice.
I used them for years until problems and issues mounted along with my frustration level and their lack of service and performance.
I now use BBVI.
I have had relatively zero problems with Choice for the last four years. A couple of glitches here and there but resolved quickly. Would switch to BB but they want more money for less speed plus an insane amount to attach a dish or whatever you call it and will not even come out to do a site check for access without charging and installing first. Walk with a computer you use for setups and a modem and see if it works. If not no sale. Why should I pay upfront for something that won't work and then have holes in my house?
Any I digress. I have heard a few complaints here and there on STX about Choice but the majority of all complaints are coming from STT, STJ as they are switching to 4g and the new modems they are using is giving people sh-t fits. Hopefully they will have the bugs worked out by the time it hits here but I don't think I will be affected as I am on an exterior pole mount.
Just weird that I have connection on two comps but no servers found.
stxisbest I need to correct a few things you said about BBVI:
1) "Would switch to BB but they want more money for less speed"
as I understand their website, the speeds are comparable; faster for BBVI for some price ranges, faster for Choice for others....with Choice having caveats "up to" and 2G speeds after Full speed, and I believe they now have data caps. BBVI is working on upgrades.....soon come.
2) "an insane amount to attach a dish"
BBVI offers free installation with a 2 year agreement and credit card auto-pay. If you don't agree to those terms, its a $199 installation fee.
3) "will not even come out to do a site check for access without charging and installing first."
BBVI does not charge for an install if it does not work. If you do not have line-of-sight, we won't do the install and won't charge for coming out to your house. We don't do sight surveys. They are a waste of time, money, gas, etc.
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