Chicken Coop
BTW - for those of you living in STT (I don't know about STX) that have a trap and can and do trap chickens and roosters on your property, the Ag. Station will accept them instead of dumping/releasing in someone else's neighborhood to become their problem or at a dumpster site. PM me if in STT and will be happy to give you contact number for a farmer on A-1 land that will often times will accept chickens, chicks and roosters. They have a "No Escape" pen consisting of a top, bottom and 4 sides. Those suckers fly pretty well.
For those of you in STX that have roaming/feral chickens, etc., you can contact the Ag vet, Bethany Bradford, to see if Ag. Dept in STX will start accepting your donation's of poultry. If you catch a hen with chicks, you might have to resort to chasing the babies around (and they are fast for being so small) but they'll hang where the Mom is, chirping away. I use a large mesh pasta strainer for the little ones, then put them in trap with the hen.
Dry cat food works well for trap bait and for those that are leery of the trap.......they can't resist the aroma of wet cat food. Good Luck!
If you don't have your own trap, sometimes, you can get them from Humane Society (smaller ones recommended as for use in trapping stray/feral cats) and sometimes Ag Station has. I just went ahead and bought one but Ms. Bradford was kind enough to lend me one that she brought over from STX for me to use until I purchased my own. That particular yr. I captured 27 hens and chicks plus about 12 roosters, literally, on my doorstep. Where chickens are, roosters soon follow. Luckily and fingers crossed.......haven't had to use the trap all yr. which makes me sooooooooo happy.

WOW Alana...wish I were in STT just so I could kick back in a beach chair with a presidente and watch you wage war on the chickens with a large mesh pasta strainer...are they that bad around you?
Hey, wish you'd been here to help chase them! They are fast plus the ebtertainment would have been amusing for you.
They were that bad for awhile as well as for my neighbors, lots of other friends, business associates, acquaintances and family members on both STT and STJ.
I am right above Dorothea Beach and just below our unsightly and mostly unproductive Ag. Hill so for awhile, my neighbors and I, were quite inundated. We now trap and alert each other if we see new ones on our road/properties. Proactive is the way to be.
Right now (this yr.),we are going thru a "lucky spell" but all the examples I posted were all true of the various people having to deal with the nuisances created by immediate neighbors with their poultry and livestock, making their lives miserable with unrelenting noise and smells. All of this was in the last year, in various, once quiet, nice, residential neighborhoods.
This is why I am so pro-active. There is nothing like an energizer rooster that crows every 8 seconds starting at 3AM and continues
for 10 hours until its nap time only to start up again and again and again, for weeks and months while one tries to get resolution!
Woe be you, if that neighbor has his fighting roosters 12 ft. from your bedroom window which has happened to at least 2 families
that I know.
When I first moved to this location and many years after, it was incredibly peaceful and quiet, then it was a constant annoyance for awhile. (off and on for 2 years) This is why Ag. station here will now accept your unwanted poultry, if you catch and bring them to them during their working hours. And I must thank Ms. Bradford for her help and understanding. I was also able to prevent a commercial chicken farm from being created at the beginning of the road into our very quiet, residential neighborhood before the deal was finalized. As if that wasn't adding insult added to injury! Y'all might possibly conceive why this is a particular pet peeve of mine.
Fun fact: A group of mongooses (and it is mongooses) is called a "business."
And a group of egrets is called a "congregation." Whenever we go by a field of them I'll say, "they're holding church!"
(Yes I am an animal nerd, enough that I earned a degree in it - don't mock me!) 😀
Cute but I think that mongoose is both singlular and plural.
How about a pod of whales and a large number of crows is called a murder!
No idea why so don't ask!
Nope, it is mongooses, but it's fine to say mongoose as it has been accepted. But the proper is mongooses.
mon·goose (mnggs, mn-)
n. pl. mon·goos·es
Any of various Old World carnivorous mammals of the genus Herpestes and related genera, having a slender agile body and a long tail and noted for the ability to seize and kill venomous snakes
@ Alana
Do you know what the Ag. station does with all these trapped, unwanted poultry that they collect?
A murder of crows reminds me of Hitchcock's movie, "The Birds."
I thought it was de mongoose dem for plural.
@ Alana
Do you know what the Ag. station does with all these trapped, unwanted poultry that they collect?
A murder of crows reminds me of Hitchcock's movie, "The Birds."
Probably dump them on Ag Hill. 😉
I don't much care what you say about chickens but...
For years this website has argued the plural of mongoose....
There are those who have said mongeese
There are those who have said mongooses
There are those who have said mongoose dem
However the correct plural should be mongoose.....just like moose, or deer or mouse...
Linguist are still debating the issue...
The plural of mouse is mice.
@ Alana
Do you know what the Ag. station does with all these trapped, unwanted poultry that they collect?
A murder of crows reminds me of Hitchcock's movie, "The Birds."
To the best of my knowledge, they find farmers on appropriately zoned land to take them (maybe to the commercial coop operation that I mentioned that they wanted to allow at the begining of our road which was relocated to Bordeaux - don't know if it's operational as yet, however, as I did not keep up with its goings on once the threat was over) or Dr. Bradford will humanely euthanize.
I do not think that lots of people are taking in their unwanted poultry to them because very few people know about it plus they are closed on weekends and close at 3-4PM weekdays so a bit inconvenient. However, at least it's a start.........!
My lawyer insists a herd of lawyers in in fact a "pride" - as in lions LOL
It's getting to be be dark and dreary here in Ohio .... wish I were back dere ...
I don't much care what you say about chickens but...
For years this website has argued the plural of mongoose....
There are those who have said mongeese
There are those who have said mongooses
There are those who have said mongoose dem
However the correct plural should be mongoose.....just like moose, or deer or mouse...
Linguist are still debating the issue...
I found where some linguists say the plural of mongoose is "polygoose." That's kinda funny! I'm going with the currently accepted dictionary plural though, which is mongooses.
My lawyer insists a herd of lawyers in in fact a "pride" - as in lions LOL
Q: what's the difference between a duck and a lawyer?
A: every once in a while a duck will stick its bill up its arse.
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