Chicken Coop
Hey everyone! We are building a chicken coop, blog post here, and want to get some chickens soon. Our hope is to have enough chickens to provide us with a nice supply of fresh eggs and make a dent in the bugs on our property.
Does anyone have any recommendations on specific breeds or where to buy chickens? All info greatly appreciated!

Any parking lot with a net and some bread crumbs and you can get LOTS!
One chicken strolled into the yard...we fed it....a few months later it was over 12 of you shouldnt have any problems...
Yes. It is suggested that unless you are properly zoned on Agriculture land. designated A-1 or A-2, you do not raise chickens on residentially zoned property. There are enough of them running wild in our streets and neighborhoods that create a nuisance and
disturb the peace and quiet. By the time you build a coop, buy all their food and care for them daily, you might as well buy from the
store. Don't forget about having them checked for mites,worms and other parasites and taking them to a vet regularly to make sure
they (and you) remain healthy, if you are indeed on properly zoned property. If you are not zoned properly and there is a complaint, you stand to be fined and chickens confiscated. Personally, I wouldn't want you in my neighborhood which is residentially zoned and does not allow raising fowl or livestock. Thank Goodness. It's bad enough having show up on their own, then it's time to get the trap out and relocate them to a nice chicken farmer on properly zoned land.

Alana I am curious as to who would fine you and confiscate your chickens.
Theresa, I have plenty o' chickens in my neighborhood for you. If not, I would love to have them confiscated by "The Man." And if not, can you send me the plans for the trap, Alana?? :@)
DPNR does the notification that there is a zoning violation, if they have to give you a 2nd notice and they have not been removed from residential property by the foul, fowl owners then it goes to court and the fine imposed.
Agriculture is supposed to take the chickens upon 2nd notice.
There enuff of the darned things running wild being a nuisance as it is. Mainly because people think they want to raise them, then find
out how much work it actually takes and let them loose or they get cited by DPNR and let them loose on their unsuspecting neighbors until they have become an epidemic of crowing roosters and breeding hens and chicks. This is a pet peev of mine, in case one had not noticed. I personally do not enjoy the clucking of chickens, the chirping of chicks nor the constant crowing of the blasted roosters.
Thanks but I am quite happy to get my eggs and already plucked chickens at the grocery store. Move to a farm if you want to raise them.
I ordered a trap a couple yrs. ago just for this purpose. catching unwanted fowl on my property.
I rehome to chicken farmers on appropriately zoned land with coops that have tops, bottoms and sides as chickens and roosters fly quite well and can fly quite far, if need be. I don't want to cathc the same ones over and over.
I will look up the modlel and manufacturer and let you know.
You may as well buy your own since you sound like you are inundated.
I have a friend on the east end that suffers constantly as all she hears, unless windows closed and A/C on, (Hello WAPA!)
is the constant crowing aand endless noise from the blasted birds. Not fun.
I'm TMW's neighbor. I'm ok with chickens. It the people who have screaming kids I wish could be zoned out.
I grew up on a dairy farm and my husband grew up on a large pig farm. He also worked at a chicken farm with a TON of chickens for years. So, we do know the work involved in raising them and are not concerned about this.
Luckily for us, we do not live right next to neighbors and have a large property so that our daily life is not a nuisance to our neighbors. If our neighbors did have an issue with this, we would of course try to remedy the problem (not bad neighbors). We do not like the mentality of just buying from the store because it is easier and want to be self sufficient as much as possible. Hopefully there are not rules against growing your own food too??
The agriculture department would probably be very happy to learn that more people on St. Croix want to grow their own food and be more conscious of what they eat. I am sorry to those of you who are unhappy with the abundance of chickens on St. Croix, but I am still going to raise some of my own 🙂
I just want to see the chicken catcher. I bet he wears a really spiffy uniform.
Well, I hope you do not get fined when someone reports you for breaking the law.
I guess only certain laws are applicable to you and you will willingly and knowingly break them to suit your specific desires.
I guess this answered your question...... hahaha not.
I know where I'm going for fresh egg Texas omelette. Yummy!
We had chickens a few years ago ordered from
The states. Great eggs every day. I know of someone
Who may have great layers for sale.
Unless your coop is mongoose proof better to
Get grown to half grown chicks.
I miss my girls.
Wonderful to brazenly and knowingly break the law.

Costco in Puerto Rico had really well constructed chicken coops on sale last week.

Mainly because people think they want to raise them, then find
out how much work it actually takes and let them loose
Na...that's not's because when we were growing the middle of Sunny Isle was a big bandstand, probably late 70's. Every Easter there would be lots and lots of chicks there..different colors....all you had to do was buy something from anywhere in sunny isles...woolworth's, people's pharmacy...wherever....take them the receipt and you got a free chick.....we would run back and forth buying chocolate and candy and getting receits and went home with so many chicks....and it happened every Easter.....:-)
True story...
Well, after this discussion I am going to contact senators and ask that they ban individuals not on Agriculture land from importing chicks.
We already face an epidemic of roaming, wild, feral chickens and roosters. Laws are meant to be obeyed, not flaunted and that is the part of the entire problem we face in the VI. It seems that people totally disregard them according to their needs.
Fantastic blog! I'm sorry, you're not getting the answers you are looking for PM coming your way. I'd love to hear what laying breed end up working out for you.
I sometimes think a few people on this board must have had their lunch money stolen by feral chickens as children based on their reactions. The solution to an excess of feral chickens is of course, delicious chicken soup.
Alana, where is the money for this ban on people not on agricultural lands from importing chicks going to come from?
I'd like to see a lot of other things, the biggest one being fines and penalties levied on people who let their dogs run loose in our neighborhood. I'd like to see horses not tied up on street corners in residential areas and left to fend for themselves. I'd like to see an aggressive cat trapping program. But we will get none of these things and more because money is needed more critically in other areas, like education.
And I'd really like to see the fishermen who fish illegally and are decimating our wild stocks caught and fined. But that's an argument for another day.
Bottom line - I don't stress over a neighbor who wants to have backyard chickens, especially if they're responsible about it. I see them as part if the solution, not the problem.
This is seriously making me laugh! I have an image of the chicken police in my head -- A guy in uniform with a chicken trap running after the chickens saying "The government is out of money, but I must get rid of all chickens! This will surely help turn the economy around and is very important!" Definitely starting my morning off with a smile 🙂
To everyone that had something positive to say, thank you.
This is seriously making me laugh! I have an image of the chicken police in my head -- A guy in uniform with a chicken trap running after the chickens saying "The government is out of money, but I must get rid of all chickens! This will surely help turn the economy around and is very important!" Definitely starting my morning off with a smile 🙂
To everyone that had something positive to say, thank you.
This was my mental image as well! A looney Tunes character, haha!
tmw7771 we got our chickens at the aqricultural fair on St. Croix. They were brown laying hens.
Speedy, go to the farmer's market across from Beaston Hill on Saturday mornings. They have them. Free range, farm fresh eggs. I get mine there.
Geez, Alana, get a life! Chickens around are a whole less noisy than the weekly Wednesday morning running of the generator at Questa Verde. If you live near there it is almost impossible to think. Maybe we can get a noise police. Oh, let's not forget how many people get woken up by the Sea Plane each morning!
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