Cheeseburgers In Pa...
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Cheeseburgers In Paradise?

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It appears that Jimmy Buffett's legal team could be destroying what took Mr. Buffett decades to build and brand. I have the highest respect for this man and his music - his songs are great, probably have encourage many of us to move to an island, and the good news is, the music never seems to grow old. But Houston, we have a problem!

I am seeking input for this issue and have listed a lot of information at and am hoping for honest opinions.

Thanks in advance to all.

Posted : June 25, 2008 11:55 pm
Posts: 3919
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Sorry, I don't quite understand your problem. On STX we have a restaurant called Cheeseburgers in America's Paradise which, I think operates without difficulty. I assume the name Cheeseburgers in Paradise is trademarked, just like McDonalds and KFC, and cannot be used without permission.

But what do I know, that's why lawyers are rich and I am not..

Posted : June 26, 2008 12:03 am
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That's why i posted a link to the site...

It is kinda complicated without a little background, that is why i am reaching out to others. But you just reminded me, Cheeseburgers in America's Paradise is not the original name....when the lady who started it (can't remember her name) she was attacked by Jimmy Buffett's legal boys in the mid 90's and was forced to changed the name...that's when she included the "America's" part of the name. Her original business model was completely different than what is there today...her menu was a burger and drinks...that was it. now they offer all kinds of stuff and killed the original ambiance that made it the BEST place to get a burger in the entire world! Her original business model is what I am following. Simple and focused!

Posted : June 26, 2008 12:22 am
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"Cheeseburgers in America's Paradise" was originally "Cheeseburgers in Paradise" but as you say they were contacted by Buffett's legal weenies and asked to change the name. Up until then Buffett music was very popular. No longer, it is now banned at Cheesies.

I was told that Joannie and Eileen originally ran the restaurant at the Deep End Bar but Dick Pelton did not agree with the changes that they wanted to make so they moved. The current Cheesies used to be the sales office for Southgate Condos.

The original "Cheeseburgers in Paradise" is actually a place called "Le Select" in Gustavia on St Barts. Buffett still does gigs there occasionally.

Posted : June 26, 2008 2:00 am
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Do you really think that either one of those places would have chose that name if it weren't for Jimmy Buffet's popular song. As it is, they are skirting the legal issues to try and capitalize on his song and restaurant name.

Posted : June 26, 2008 2:02 am
Posts: 2473
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Of course they were taking advantage of the song. But from what I have heard, Buffett's legal guys are ok with "Cheeseburgers in America's Paradise".

Posted : June 26, 2008 2:05 am
Posts: 3111
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They really won't play Buffett music at Cheeseburger's? Because they used his song title, and he objected? Hmmm...Hopefully, there's more to this story. Maybe Buffett's weenie's asked them not to.

All kidding aside, don't you think it's a little petty to "ban" the music? There are a whole lot of people who would actually think Jimmy Buffett had something to do with Cheeseburgers if the name remained. Hell, they still do!! Never over-estimate......

I just re-read MosquitoBait's post. Why in heaven's name would you say Buffett's legal boys "attacked" her? The man spent many years building his name. I, for one, don't blame him for trying to protect it. My kids listened to him in the crib. The man is an icon....stop...stop...stop!!:):):) Alexandra, where are you? I need help here!

Posted : June 26, 2008 2:20 am
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But as Joan once said, you cannot trademark a song, and this was before the restaurant chain launched

Posted : June 26, 2008 2:55 am
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These is always more to it...but, they did play his music back when she ran the day to day business with a simple $100 grill from Do It.

Posted : June 26, 2008 2:57 am
Posts: 1842
Noble Member

I bring my Grand Children to "Cheeseburgers in America's Paradise" They Love it! But I refuse to bring my Adult children who turned against me this year during the "Super Bowl". Well the Giants "WON" and they can dig in their wallets and pay for their own food HA!

Posted : June 26, 2008 3:53 am
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