Petition to sign!
OT, I don't disagree with you or her history. I wouldn't vote for her and think it's a shame she gets reelected, but the reasoning for it isn't based solely on the intelligence of the local voter. Comfort with ignorance maybe, but to just call people dumb is too dismissive IMO.
OT, I don't disagree with you or her history. I wouldn't vote for her and think it's a shame she gets reelected, but the reasoning for it isn't based solely on the intelligence of the local voter. Comfort with ignorance maybe, but to just call people dumb is too dismissive IMO.
Oh I don't think so in context. Dumb is defined (amongst other definitions) as "lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid; dull-witted."
In my opinion, someone who's swayed to vote for her solely based on the fact that she's "easily approachable by any islander, talks freely and says what she thinks" is pretty dumb and in this instance I don't find the designation at all "dismissive".
Please, keep in mind, although Chucky is a prime example of what is wrong with our leadership, it was the Board of Elections choice to even let her run. The board COULD have gone with the very prevalent definition of moral turpitude, but they just back off & let Chucky have her way.
This is why the BOE needs to be subpoenaed & investigated, and this is why I am asking for y'all to sign the petition.
Thanks for signing!
BOE is only ONE of the agencies run amuck.
And this thread, this petition, is all about the BOE.
Tru dat blu4u.
However, the nutsy BOE is the one I am most familiar with. Check this out, this just happened today with the BOE, and if this doesn't help convince people to sign, well, idk.
The BOE had 50 or so applicants for the Supervisor of Elections position. They narrowed it down to four. of the four is someone that the BOE currently has a lawsuit against! The BOE is so tied up in their own mess, they forgot they were suing him!
...and then there were three...:P
I don't think most of Chucky's supporters are doing anything different than what most voters do, and that is vote for what they think will benefit them directly, regardless of whether or not it might be best for the community or country. At least with the people I know, most of whom seem to be reasonably intelligent, most will vote for whoever looks most like them, promises to cut their taxes, eliminate government programs that do not benefit them directly, and not touch any programs they might use now or in the future, such as social security and medicare. Best for the country? Who gives a damn, they are looking out for their own self-centered interests. Every stateside politician, black or white, who has ever been convicted in a scandal still has loyal followers, and many politicians with what appear to be significant moral issues still win re-election easily. I suspect that many of Chucky's followers live in poverty and like most people, blame others for their situation, and nobody is easier to blame than outsiders that look different than you. They don't care about many of the issues people on this board do because they are not affected the same way by them. I am very disappointed that she has so many supporters here, but I am also disappointed in many of my friends political and social beliefs for similar reasons.
JE, just look at mayor marion barry from dc. he was caught on tape doing crack with a prostitute and he still gets reelected. mind boggling
JE, just look at mayor marion barry from dc. he was caught on tape doing crack with a prostitute and he still gets reelected. mind boggling
He use to vacation down here too. lol. I've talked to people who knew him.
JE, just look at mayor marion barry from dc. he was caught on tape doing crack with a prostitute and he still gets reelected. mind boggling
He use to vacation down here too. lol. I've talked to people who knew him.
In early March 1988, at a time when the District's finances were deteriorating, he led a delegation of 17 city officials on a four-day mission to St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, to help the territory improve its personnel system.
The idea that Barry and members of his government, who had trouble keeping track of the number of people on their own payroll, could help improve efficiency in the Virgin Islands struck many District residents as ludicrous.
Then, in late December 1988, as the mayor staged a series of high-profile media events to show that he was out front leading the war on drugs and drug-related violence, Barry was engulfed in yet another drug scandal.
District police had received a tip from a housekeeper at the Ramada Inn on Rhode Island Avenue NW that a guest -- Charles Lewis, a former D.C. employee and Virgin Islands native who had arranged Barry's personnel mission to St. Thomas earlier in the year -- had tried to sell her drugs. Two police detectives headed to the hotel to question Lewis but were called back, because Barry was in Lewis's room at the time.
More on Charles Lewis:
The Governor of the Virgin Islands said today that he regretted having named a former District of Columbia official to oversee a revision of the islands' personnel system. He said the official, Charles Lewis, who is at the center of an investigation of Mayor Marion S. Barry Jr. of Washington, ''wasn't producing anything.''
But the Governor, Alexander A. Farrelly, defended district officials, including Mayor Barry, saying that as consultants on the revision, ''they put in a lot of work, a lot of time.''
And of allegations that money for the consulting was misspent, the Governor said, ''I don't believe there's anything to it.''
The Governor made his comments in an interview here on St. Thomas as Federal investigations were under way into Mayor Barry, Mr. Lewis and the personnel project. Inquiry Involves Drugs
One investigation is looking into more than half a dozen visits last month by Mr. Barry to the Washington hotel room of Mr. Lewis, whom the police were investigating as a possible drug dealer.

I always thought Mayor Barry was just trying to get drugs off the streets of D.C. -- one gram at a time.
From what I remember you have to be convicted of a felony to be ineligible. Chucky wasn't. I don't agree with all if her platforms, but it looks like she delivers for her base, which isn't anybody on STT.

Sen. Hansen responds strongly to Veterans concerns and although STX is her voter district her efforts on that front alone benefit all VI Veterans.
The ROA states a felony OR a crime of moral turpitude.
Yes, but from what I remember from the paper, moral turpitude hasn't been legally defined. That word isn't even in my phone dictionary.
Yes, but from what I remember from the paper, moral turpitude hasn't been legally defined. That word isn't even in my phone dictionary.
Not quite. It's a legal term used in criminal law, viz: "moral turpitude n. gross violation of standards of moral conduct,vileness, such that an act involving moral turpitude was intentionally evil, making the act a crime. The existence of moral turpitude can bring a more severe criminal charge or penalty for a criminal defendant."
In this case It couldn't be firmly upheld that the transgressions in question fell under the umbrella of moral turpitude and there was no felony conviction.
(tu) good post and well said
I don't think most of Chucky's supporters are doing anything different than what most voters do, and that is vote for what they think will benefit them directly, regardless of whether or not it might be best for the community or country. At least with the people I know, most of whom seem to be reasonably intelligent, most will vote for whoever looks most like them, promises to cut their taxes, eliminate government programs that do not benefit them directly, and not touch any programs they might use now or in the future, such as social security and medicare. Best for the country? Who gives a damn, they are looking out for their own self-centered interests. Every stateside politician, black or white, who has ever been convicted in a scandal still has loyal followers, and many politicians with what appear to be significant moral issues still win re-election easily. I suspect that many of Chucky's followers live in poverty and like most people, blame others for their situation, and nobody is easier to blame than outsiders that look different than you. They don't care about many of the issues people on this board do because they are not affected the same way by them. I am very disappointed that she has so many supporters here, but I am also disappointed in many of my friends political and social beliefs for similar reasons.
(tu) good post and well said
I don't think most of Chucky's supporters are doing anything different than what most voters do, and that is vote for what they think will benefit them directly, regardless of whether or not it might be best for the community or country. At least with the people I know, most of whom seem to be reasonably intelligent, most will vote for whoever looks most like them, promises to cut their taxes, eliminate government programs that do not benefit them directly, and not touch any programs they might use now or in the future, such as social security and medicare. Best for the country? Who gives a damn, they are looking out for their own self-centered interests. Every stateside politician, black or white, who has ever been convicted in a scandal still has loyal followers, and many politicians with what appear to be significant moral issues still win re-election easily. I suspect that many of Chucky's followers live in poverty and like most people, blame others for their situation, and nobody is easier to blame than outsiders that look different than you. They don't care about many of the issues people on this board do because they are not affected the same way by them. I am very disappointed that she has so many supporters here, but I am also disappointed in many of my friends political and social beliefs for similar reasons.
Agreed. I suspect that many of Chucky's followers live in poverty and like most people, blame others for their situation, and nobody is easier to blame than outsiders that look different than you. This is a two way street. Comments like, "ill-educated and poorly-read constituents who rely on oral volume and street chatter to make their voting choices" only serve to create divisive and distracting blabber. Especially coming from folks who have never made the effort to become a registered voters.
Focusing on positive change is more productive. We are all in this boat together. b]Anyone who's interested in the future of the territory needs to register to vote and show up on election day. Votes count. The rest is just hot air.
Change is the foundation of progress. Good for you Poodle. It s an uphill battle, Anyone who makes the effort (weather I agree with your view points or not) earns my respect.
I think that a petion with signatures from registered voters would hold more weight.
Chucky is holding a bill that would make tax evasion NOT a crime of moral turpitude. Go figure. Which senators are going to sign off on that? What lame duck session is she waiting to slip it in on?
It boggles the mind...............Lame duck sessions are how they get all the unbelievable bills passed, including raising their own salaries as in the case of Bill 6109 (6901?).
Knew it was something like that. The old memory just isn't what it used to be! thanks!
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