CFVI Announces Acedemic Scholarships - FYI
Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands (CFVI)
availability of more than approx. $185,000 in Academic Scholarships
Contact: Dee Baecher-Brown, President
Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands
Phone: (340) 774-6031
Fax: (340) 774-3852
A9- VI RECYCLING INC Scholarships: Two scholarships of $2,500 each to graduating high school seniors pursuing a degree in environmental science or related field.
ANNA WALSH SCHOLAR Awards: Up to $10,000 in one-year, renewable grants to students that have applied to, or are already enrolled in any accredited college or university.
ARTRELLE M. WHEATLEY Scholarship: One year full tuition to the University of the Virgin Islands, to a student with an outstanding record in community service who will have completed two semesters at UVI by June 2009.
CORAL WORLD Scholarship: $3,500 to a student pursuing a four-year degree in science at any accredited college or university, with first preference going to applicants in the fields of environmental science or marine biology.
GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM Scholarships: Up to three renewable grants of approximately $3,500 each to graduating high school students who are dependents of contributing members of GERS.
HEAVY MATERIALS Scholarships: 15 four year scholarships of up to $3,750 a year to young V.I. residents who have, or whose parents have, resided in the USVI for at least 10 years, to attend college, technical or vocational school.
ISAAC AND REBECCA PAIEWONSKY Scholarship: $2,000 a year for four years, to a graduate of Charlotte Amalie High School (CAHS).
STANDARD PACIFIC CAPITAL HOLDINGS Scholarship: $5,000 scholarship towards tuition to a graduating high school student who is interested in Early Childhood/Elementary Education as a career.
THEODORE E. SHARP SCHOLAR Awards: $2,000 in awards to students with outstanding records in community service that have applied to, or are already enrolled in an accredited college or university.
TUNICK FAMILY FUND Scholarship: An award of $1,000 to a student at the University of the Virgin Islands, with academic excellence and financial need who is pursuing an undergraduate degree in business.
WILLIAM OTTO AND SHARI DECKER MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP: Up to $5,000 in scholarships to graduating students from Charlotte Amalie High School and/or Ivanna Eudora Kean High School who plan to major in music.
The CBCF Spouses and Cheerio’s Health Scholarships are now available for V.I. students meeting the following criteria:
• Preparing to pursue an undergraduate degree full-time
• Be a current full-time student in good academic standing at an accredited college or university.
• Have a minimum 2.5 GPA, demonstrate academic achievement, exhibit leadership ability, and participate in community service activities.
**through the Delegate’s office
Complete applications should be mailed by May 15th, 2010 to:
Makeda M. Okolo
2020 F Street NW, Apt 428
Washington, DC 20006
Completed application packets should include:
• A completed CBC Spouses scholarship application
• Personal statement (500 words or more) that addresses all four of the topics listed on the application in one essay
• Official transcript(s) from high school or college
• Letter of acceptance from intended institution
• Two (2) letters of recommendation (one from a community or public service leader, each in a sealed envelope with recommenders signature across the seal)
• One (1) page resume listing extracurricular activities, honors, employment, community service, and special skills
• Recent photograph – cap & gown or professional dress (no group or social photos)
• If applying for the CBC Spouses Cheerios Brand Health Initiative, student should be planning to pursue a degree in the fields of medicine, engineering, technology, nutrition, or other health related studies.
Please be advised that the following CBCF scholarship applications have moved to an online application form:
The CBC Spouses Heineken USA Performing Art Scholarship
The CBC Spouses Visual Arts Scholarship
The Louis Stokes Health Scholars Program
The Environmental Studies Scholarship
St. Croix Hiking Association
- 2 One Thousand dollar (1,000) scholarships @ 500 per semester to 2 St. Croix graduating high school seniors entering their freshman year at the University of the Virgin Islands...
Applications can be found at www.stcroixhiking,org
The St. Croix Hiking Association
P O Box 5060, Kingshill, St. Croix, VI 00851
HOVENSA Scholarship
HOVENSA LLC Scholarship Program
# 1 Estate Hope
Christiansted, VI 00820-5652
Two Thousand dollar (2,000) scholarships annually to Virgin Islands graduating high school seniors entering their freshman year at the University of the Virgin Islands...
Four Thousand dollar (4,000) scholarships annually to Virgin Islands graduating high school seniors entering their freshman year at any other accredited U.S. College or University.
ACA-VI Scholarship
American Counseling Association of the Virgin Islands
A Branch of American Counseling Association
P O Box 3707
Kingshill, VI 007851
Contact: Sharon Canton
John H. Woodson Junior High School
(740) 778-2710
Two- One Thousand dollar (1,000) scholarships to Virgin Islands graduating high school seniors entering a “helping profession” major
Rotary Club of St. Croix Mid Isle Scholarship
Rotary Club of St. Croix Mid Isle
P O Box 224515
St. Croix, VI 00822
*Nina York, Chairperson_Scholarship Committee
Two - One thousand, five hundred dollar (1,500) scholarships to Virgin Islands graduating high school seniors entering their freshman year at the University of the Virgin Islands
St. Croix Federation of Teachers Scholarship
Scholarship Committee
American Federation of Teachers Local 1826
P O Box 1530
Kingshill-St. Croix, VI 00851-1530
Phone (340) 778-4414
Fax (340)778-8833
- 5 One Thousand dollar (1,000) scholarships to 2 St. Croix Central High graduating high school seniors; 2 St. Croix Educational Complex High School graduating high school seniors; and one graduating high school senior from a private/parochial school entering their freshman year at the University of the Virgin Islands...
Community/UVI Scholarship
Barron Spot Fun Club
P O Box 1409
Kingshill, VI 00851
(340) 778-9285
One-One thousand dollar (1,000) scholarships to Virgin Islands graduating high school seniors entering their freshman year at the University of the Virgin Islands
Adams-Mahepath Scholarship
Sterling Optical
Adams-Mahepath Scholarship
Golden Rock Shopping Center
Christiansted, VI 00820
Ten - One thousand, two hundred-fifty dollar (1,250) scholarships to Virgin Islands graduating high school seniors entering their freshman year
Beryl Adams Francis Scholarship
Crusaders Fraternity, Inc. Of St. Croix
President, Crusaders Fraternity Inc.
Post Office Box 616
Frederiksted, VI 00841-0616
Contact: Maren Branch: (340) 227-4765 or Dolores Carier Brown (340) 719-6017
The Virgin Islands Association Robert Finch Memorial Scholarship email:
The Virgin Islands Association of the DC Metropolitan Area
VIA Robert Finch memorial Scholarship Committee
P O Box 75903
Washington, DC 200013
Three (3)-One thousand dollar (1,000) scholarships to Virgin Islands graduating high school seniors enrolling full time in an undergraduate program or vocational program in the Washington DC, Virginia or Maryland area
Rotary Club of St. Croix Stanley Farrelly Scholarship
Rotary Club of St. Croix
Scholarship Committee
P O Box 223114
Christiansted, VI 00822-3114
Two - One thousand, two hundred dollar (1,200) scholarships to Virgin Islands graduating high school seniors entering their freshman year to major in law enforcement or a related field
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Mu Gamma Omega Chapter
P O Box 222987
Christiansted, VI 00822-2987
Alicia George_Scholarship Committee Chairman
Carol Grant_President
Two - One thousand, five hundred dollar (1,500) scholarships to female Virgin Islands graduating high school seniors entering their freshman year at a HBCU (including UVI)
Professional Holding Company Excellence in Business Scholarship
Excellence in Business Scholarship
Professional Holding Company, VI LLC
Lydia Cuffy_Committee Chairperson
Scholarship Committee
340 Strand Street
2nd Floor
Frederiksted, VI 00840
Two - Four thousand dollar (4,000) scholarship, one thousand annually, to St. Croix graduating high school seniors, (1) from St. Croix Educational Complex and 91) from the St. Croix Central High school entering their freshman year to major in business
Territorial Scholarship
Virgin Islands Board of Education
P O Box 11900
St. Thomas, VI 00801
(340) 774-4546-STT
(340) 772-4144-STX
Wal-Mart’s Strive for Excellence Scholarship is available for V.I. students meeting the following criteria:
• Preparing to pursue an undergraduate degree full-time
• Be a current full-time student in good academic standing at an accredited college or university.
• Have a minimum 2.5 GPA, demonstrate academic achievement, exhibit leadership ability, and participate in community service activities.
Completed application packets should be received by April 1st, 2010. Please mail them to:
Makeda M. Okolo
2150 Abbotsbury Way
Woodbridge VA 22191
Completed application packets should include:
• A completed Strive for Excellence application
• Personal statement
• Official transcript(s) from all institutions attended
• Letter of acceptance from intended institution
• Two (2) letters of recommendation (one from community involvement experience)
• One (1) page resume listing extracurricular activities, honors, employment, community service, and special skills
• Recent photograph – cap & gown or professional dress (no group or social photos)
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Makeda M. Okolo
Office of Congresswoman Donna Christensen
1510 LHOB
Washington, DC 20515
( (202) 225-1790 | f: (202) 225-5517 | *
Innovative Telephone Scholarships
Albert A Sheen Scholarship_20,000.00 Tuition Only
UVI Scholarship
Bernice D. Kight
Coordinator Customer Service
Innovative Telephone
4006 Estate Diamond
Christiansted, VI 00820
340-713-8998 Office
340-771-0624 Cell
340-227-1907 Cell
Alva McFarlane Scholarship
Virgin Islands Water & Power Authority
BA degree in Engineering
AS/technical Degree
* Julice Thomas, Personnel Assistant (STT), 774-3552 Ext. 2029
* Ramona Faulkner, Personnel Assistant (STX), 773-2250 Ext. 4041, e-mail:
* Ms. Lynette Moreland (Public Relations),
WAPA Web site:
Degree; 2. An Associates / Technical Degree.
• Scholarship support for a Bachelor’s Degree provides up to $60,000 of financial to the following groups:
o Graduating high school seniors in the Territory;
o Freshmen or sophomore students who are presently enrolled in, or plan to
enroll an accredited engineering program.
• Scholarship support for an Associate’s / Technical Degree provides up to $20,000
for Associate’s degrees in Electrical Engineering Technology, Electronics Engineering or a technical field related to the Authority’s operations. Four scholarships are offered this year – two for Bachelor’s degrees and two for the engineering technology or electronics engineering degrees. One of each level is offered
for applicants in the St. Croix District and one for each level is offered for applicants in the St. Thomas-St. John District.
8526 Unionized refinery Workers of the Virgin Islands
USW 8526
Gerard ‘Jerry’ Jackson-President
Suite # 14 United Shopping Plaza_Sion farm St. Croix
P O Box 8051
Sunny Isle, VI 00823
Two – up to Two thousand, five hundred dollar (2,500) scholarships to Virgin Islands graduating high school seniors who are children and grandchildren or active ,embers & retirees of United Steelworkers Local Union 8526
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