Census 2010
We got our Census 2010 "Form D-13 VI" today (on STX).
I saw Commerce Secretary Gary Locke on TV last week saying the form was 10 questions. This VI version is a lot longer. For Person 1, it's 71 questions, and for each additional person, it's 47 questions!
What did you all get?
have not yet, how did you get yours
We received a notice that they are coming but not the questionaire. Says they will follow up door to door and pick them up.
Good luck with that on STX!!!!! Good luck even finding the house let alone someone being home,..... or willing to open the gate.
STXbob, did you get the form at you home, or in your po box? I too am wondering how they will be delivered.
We got ours in our side-of-the-road mailbox, from the Richmond PO (STX). It's simply addressed to "Residential Customer" with no box number, no zip code, nothing else. So I don't know what list the census workers will use to find each house later. Property tax records? Walk the land and spray paint a green X on each door when it's done? And we don't mail these back, we wait for the census worker to visit us.
Just curious , STXBob... why not mail it back instead of waiting for the census worker to visit you? Isn't that a waste of taxpayer money? Or is there something I'm not understanding?
The envelope says, "Do not return this form by mail -- Your completed form will be picked up by a census worker."
I don't know why. Maybe they can only be sure they counted everybody by visiting in person. The form doesn't even ask for an address of any kind.
Come to think of it, in New Jersey in 2000, we mailed our form back, and a census worker still visited and asked if we mailed it back. Then they asked if anybody lived in our barn, or in the other front door to our house (the house had 2 front doors). They want to count everybody!
All the notices are sent to the Resident of an address. You First get NOTICE TELLING YOU ITS ON THE WAY/ THEN THE ACTUAL FORM COMES AGAIN TO THE RESIDENT. THEN A FOLLOWUP NOTICE THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED IT(THIS NOTICE SAYS IF YOU HAVE NOT RESPONDED, PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR INFORMATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The actual form is coded by address, if no response matches the address they will send someone to that address.

Good Afternoon:
The 2010 Census had only 10 questions (US). Additional members in the household were asked Question #4 through Question #10 basically. It was to be sent back by mail (no postage necessary). Wow... 71 questions/ 47questions? Do not mail the census back?
problem here is many folks don't have "addresses" as they are commonly thought of in the states.
They found me with no problem.
I just read through the VI census form. It asks the questions below, which I paraphrased and simplified a lot. Some questions are VI-specific, like "US Citizen? Yes, born in the VI. Yes, born elsewhere in the US. Etc." or "Print St. Croix, St. John or St. Thomas if born in the USVI"
All answers are confidential, cannot be given out by the Census Bureau in a way that identifies you or your household, are for statistical purposes only, cannot be obtained by law enforcement or tax agencies, cannot be used in court, and cannot be obtained with a Freedom Of Information Act request. (But if you happen to be a friend or relative of any of the hundreds of temporary census workers, I'm sure you can get whatever you want!)
On the back, for the census worker to fill out, is a form for your physical address. As Lizard mentioned, that gives a sensible way to help track who was missed.
Hispanic background
Birth place
US citizen or resident
When did you move to VI?
Mother's birth place
Father's birth place
Schooling questions
What language do you speak at home?
Did you live in the same dwelling 1 year ago?
Type of health insurance
Mentally disabled?
Physically disabled?
Trouble dressing or bathing self?
Can run errands alone? (if 15+ years old)
Marital status
How many live babies have you given birth to?
Any grandchildren living with you, are you raising them, since when?
Military service questions
Current work status, and many related questions, incl. duties, commuting, and income
Did you work in 2009, and related questions
Social Security or Railroad Retirement income, welfare, etc
Many questions about your dwelling (structure type, # rooms, own/rent, value, amenities, utilities, etc)

Agree with STXBob how they gonna find every home when no particular address used on the envelope rec'd -ha ha!! Some of the questions (financial) on the VI form regarding "sale value of home" and itemization of your income (pension, dividends, social security, etc) is in my mnd NONE OF THEIR DARN BUSINESS!! We file the federal income tax forms through the VIBR evey year so go there to find out our financial status. What the heck do those questions have to do with a census? (nothing in my mind).
I havie been checking on the web about this issue. The US (mainland) discarded the long form and only requires certain answers. Therefore, I am only going to answer those required questions on the USVI form. The rest are invasions of privacy and not needed to enumerate the people living in an area for deciding representation in Congress!
The USVI have no representation in Congress. The day you received your Social Security Number your privacy was opened to the Gov and anyone that could get their little hands on it. I don't know if a partial filling out of the form is considered non compliant but I guess you will find out. I have found that dealing with any Gov agency is like telling a 6 week old puppy do it outside.
Does someone know the ten mainland questions?
I only know the Biblical Ten Commandments, one of them say "Thou shall not steal":D.
EastEnder, I just filled out my cencus stateside. It asks your gender, ethnic background, how many persons living in the house hold, how they are related, ages of people living in the house hold, date of birth, where you were born and I think what your level of education is. That is all I can remember. Very simple. The one I just received here on St. Croix is very different and very long.
Here are the 10 questions from the US version:
I cannot copy and paste the text to here.
Thank you. Loved the statements in this article: http://www.virginislandsdailynews.com/index.pl/article_home?id=17644806 , especially the part about "people who are concerned about the census being an invasion of thier privacy should change thier thinking." Wrong thinking will be punished! 😉
Last time the census person came by and it took a good while to answer all the questions...he came, as I recall, on the 4th of July....and questions were about things like value of house, number of rooms, etc along with questions about residents etc........I wonder what happens to the houses where no one is in residence when they come...my snowbird neighbor is already gone, to visit only sporadically for a few days at a time till January...and others are off island alot.
5:30PM to 9PM??? LOL...I'm so glad that I don't have that job! They've got a gauntlet to run to get in here after dark - multiple gates - multiple dogs. The sound of horns honking soon come!
I heard on the radio that they're supposed to try 6 different times before they give up finding someone at a particular address. Seems like lots of expense for the government; I wonder how much they pay the census workers.
$13.50 / hour - enumerators
$15.50 / hour - Crew Leaders
Are they gonna swim out to boats at anchor? boats have no rooms or bathrooms LOL! we moved 3 times in past few months .....wonder if dey fine us?
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