Caucasian Couple Shot in the Head in Exclusive Neighborhood
I don't care how many times they have been in and out of jail. They are still a person and do not deserve to be murdered or blamed for their murder.. Or if not outright blamed, just say, "well they were just meth heads". People care more about damned Mosquitos than humans. That is sickening to me
This isn't a case where some worker subjects himself to risk in order to feed his family. This is a case of a couple of individuals that have made (from available information) a ton of bad decisions and finally the bill came do.
and with this I'll leave this thread and let you all relish in your superior life choices.
That's ridiculous.
They did have a criminal history.
It can't be ignored or cast aside and not mentioned.
It is probably the resulting cause of their deaths.
There's no backhanded intention.
It is fact.So their murders are somehow justified or less important to innocent people. It's a bias. We all have them. Just admit you all feel less empathy to a criminal being murdered and we can be done.
I did not say that so don't go putting words in my mouth.
I said you cannot ignore the facts as they stand.
I don't care how many times they have been in and out of jail. They are still a person and do not deserve to be murdered or blamed for their murder.. Or if not outright blamed, just say, "well they were just meth heads". People care more about damned Mosquitos than humans. That is sickening to me
This isn't a case where some worker subjects himself to risk in order to feed his family. This is a case of a couple of individuals that have made (from available information) a ton of bad decisions and finally the bill came do.
and with this I'll leave this thread and let you all relish in your superior life choices.
Seeing how you care about their plight, please post pictures of the Meth heads you invite to live with you,
Sanctimonious much?
I don't care how many times they have been in and out of jail. They are still a person and do not deserve to be murdered or blamed for their murder.. Or if not outright blamed, just say, "well they were just meth heads". People care more about damned Mosquitos than humans. That is sickening to me
This isn't a case where some worker subjects himself to risk in order to feed his family. This is a case of a couple of individuals that have made (from available information) a ton of bad decisions and finally the bill came do.
and with this I'll leave this thread and let you all relish in your superior life choices.
Seeing how you care about their plight, please post pictures of the Meth heads you invite to live with you,
Sanctimonious much?
I have invited many people into my home.. Crackheads, heroin addicts.. Never meth, but then again meth wasn't big where I was from in Michigan. Some I helped get help. Some I got jobs. Some ended up in jail or prison and one ended up OD'ed in an alley.
So no pictures?
Pictures? No. I have like 4 pictures I kept from before I was married. I'm a dude. You want names? I can give you those. I can even give you last known city if you want to vet my story
I have invited many people into my home.. Crackheads, heroin addicts.. Never meth, but then again meth wasn't big where I was from in Michigan. Some I helped get help. Some I got jobs. Some ended up in jail or prison and one ended up OD'ed in an alley.
And you would with impunity invite addicts into your home to break bread with your beautiful wife and son?
I have invited many people into my home.. Crackheads, heroin addicts.. Never meth, but then again meth wasn't big where I was from in Michigan. Some I helped get help. Some I got jobs. Some ended up in jail or prison and one ended up OD'ed in an alley.
And you would with impunity invite addicts into your home to break bread with your beautiful wife and son?
My life is different now. Obviously my choices would be different now but my feelings remain the same.
They're just people...
They're just people...
I do not get to make unilateral decisions anymore
I guess everyone is some kind of victim these days, even the perpetrator.
On September 29th, 2011 a beloved member of this message board was stabbed to death on St. Croix. His name was Troy Weise. He was more commonly known as trw. He had a thread on this message board called stx today,comments. His thread ran 144 pages and had 1,135 posts. It was very popular. Some people read it because Troy was funny, brilliant, sweet and so well written. Some people read it because they loved to watch a train wreck. Troy was all of those things.
Troy, (trw), was a gay man, an alcoholic and a crack head. When Troy was sober he was a delight. When he was not, was still a delight to some on this message board. As I said, he was also a train wreck. He was still brilliant, funny, but not so sweet.
Did his life style contribute to his death. I imagine so, but it could have been that he knew too much about what was going on, on St. Croix. He knew everyone and people confided in him. Judges, Senators, lawyers, cops, teachers, and myself. He was my friend. Maybe he said too much or knew too much.
He was not sober at the time of his death but he was trying to be. I don't know why he was killed. I do know that who ever killed him was very angry to stab him so many times and then leave him on the side of the road like garbage.
He was not garbage. He was an addict. I don't know why. I know he did not want to be an addict. I know he had a hard life, he loved his mother beyond reason and she died, he wanted to be accepted as a gay man, he loved his partner, he loved books, he loved St. Croix with all the good, bad and ugly, he loved music, he was an excellent server, he took enormous pride in his work, he loved to garden, he loved to help others, he loved gossip, he was very clean and everyone who met him loved him. I loved him.
He was an alcoholic, a crack head and one of the most brilliant men I have ever met. I have never spoken about Troy's death on this message board but when I read this thread I thought about Troy.
Someone loved these people. Did they deserve to die in the street. It seems that they may have been involved in some crime. I don't know. Did they harm others. I don't know but like Troy, they were left in the street like garbage. I am sure at some point in their lives someone cared and loved them. They were babies once. I don't know them and maybe the world is better without them. Again, I don't know.
All I know is that it is sad to be killed and left in the street like garbage.
On September 29th, 2011 a beloved member of this message board was stabbed to death on St. Croix. His name was Troy Weise. He was more commonly known as trw. He had a thread on this message board called stx today,comments. His thread ran 144 pages and had 1,135 posts. It was very popular. Some people read it because Troy was funny, brilliant, sweet and so well written. Some people read it because they loved to watch a train wreck. Troy was all of those things.
Troy, (trw), was a gay man, an alcoholic and a crack head. When Troy was sober he was a delight. When he was not, was still a delight to some on this message board. As I said, he was also a train wreck. He was still brilliant, funny, but not so sweet.
Did his life style contribute to his death. I imagine so, but it could have been that he knew too much about what was going on, on St. Croix. He knew everyone and people confided in him. Judges, Senators, lawyers, cops, teachers, and myself. He was my friend. Maybe he said too much or knew too much.
He was not sober at the time of his death but he was trying to be. I don't know why he was killed. I do know that who ever killed him was very angry to stab him so many times and then leave him on the side of the road like garbage.
He was not garbage. He was an addict. I don't know why. I know he did not want to be an addict. I know he had a hard life, he loved his mother beyond reason and she died, he wanted to be accepted as a gay man, he loved his partner, he loved books, he loved St. Croix with all the good, bad and ugly, he loved music, he was an excellent server, he took enormous pride in his work, he loved to garden, he loved to help others, he loved gossip, he was very clean and everyone who met him loved him. I loved him.
He was an alcoholic, a crack head and one of the most brilliant men I have ever met. I have never spoken about Troy's death on this message board but when I read this thread I thought about Troy.
Someone loved these people. Did they deserve to die in the street. It seems that they may have been involved in some crime. I don't know. Did they harm others. I don't know but like Troy, they were left in the street like garbage. I am sure at some point in their lives someone cared and loved them. They were babies once. I don't know them and maybe the world is better without them. Again, I don't know.
All I know is that it is sad to be killed and left in the street like garbage.
Yes. All of this
On September 29th, 2011 a beloved member of this message board was stabbed to death on St. Croix. His name was Troy Weise. He was more commonly known as trw. He had a thread on this message board called stx today,comments. His thread ran 144 pages and had 1,135 posts. It was very popular. Some people read it because Troy was funny, brilliant, sweet and so well written. Some people read it because they loved to watch a train wreck. Troy was all of those things.
Troy, (trw), was a gay man, an alcoholic and a crack head. When Troy was sober he was a delight. When he was not, was still a delight to some on this message board. As I said, he was also a train wreck. He was still brilliant, funny, but not so sweet.
Did his life style contribute to his death. I imagine so, but it could have been that he knew too much about what was going on, on St. Croix. He knew everyone and people confided in him. Judges, Senators, lawyers, cops, teachers, and myself. He was my friend. Maybe he said too much or knew too much.
He was not sober at the time of his death but he was trying to be. I don't know why he was killed. I do know that who ever killed him was very angry to stab him so many times and then leave him on the side of the road like garbage.
He was not garbage. He was an addict. I don't know why. I know he did not want to be an addict. I know he had a hard life, he loved his mother beyond reason and she died, he wanted to be accepted as a gay man, he loved his partner, he loved books, he loved St. Croix with all the good, bad and ugly, he loved music, he was an excellent server, he took enormous pride in his work, he loved to garden, he loved to help others, he loved gossip, he was very clean and everyone who met him loved him. I loved him.
He was an alcoholic, a crack head and one of the most brilliant men I have ever met. I have never spoken about Troy's death on this message board but when I read this thread I thought about Troy.
Someone loved these people. Did they deserve to die in the street. It seems that they may have been involved in some crime. I don't know. Did they harm others. I don't know but like Troy, they were left in the street like garbage. I am sure at some point in their lives someone cared and loved them. They were babies once. I don't know them and maybe the world is better without them. Again, I don't know.
All I know is that it is sad to be killed and left in the street like garbage.
I hope some of their kids never end up succumbing to the manacles of addiction. These were not violent people.
Executing another human is never okay. They were unarmed. They were shot point blank in the head. That is not self-defense, that is murder. Many people on this forum are passive enablers of vigilantism. These people indirectly contribute to the high murder rate by fomenting to a culture of "well, she was a member of an undesirable group (meth head, young local, etc), so she deserved it."
Given that my "group" is typically the one cast aside as "forgettable when shot" (local, young, and not wealthy), I cannot endorse that philosophy.
On September 29th, 2011 a beloved member of this message board was stabbed to death on St. Croix. . . . . .
...... Someone loved these people. Did they deserve to die in the street. It seems that they may have been involved in some crime. I don't know. Did they harm others. I don't know but like Troy, they were left in the street like garbage. I am sure at some point in their lives someone cared and loved them. They were babies once. I don't know them and maybe the world is better without them. Again, I don't know.
All I know is that it is sad to be killed and left in the street like garbage.
I was getting sicker and sicker reading some of these posts. Glad there's some humanity left on here. Well said.
"by the sword you did your work, and by the sword you die" Agamemnon.
this has later evolved into "live by the sward, die by the sward" in Gospel of Matthew.
if impaired (drunk driver) hits a bystander on the sidewalk braking his/her legs, and the driver subsequently drives off the edge of the cliff into the ocean.
Do you feel sympathy for the driver or the bystander?
You referring to two hardened criminals with long rap sheet. Our criminal justice system could not stop them. They were out on bail. They may have been safer in prison. They crossed somebody else in criminal underworld it seems.
Sad end to human life. They choices they made were not mine or yours.
this has later evolved into "live by the sward, die by the sward" in Gospel of Matthew.
A sward is a patch of grass so I'm thinking that's The Gospel According To Matthew Monty Python. 😀
Good pick up.
I met trw only once when he was at work. I still miss him.
Did you know the Stephen watched his mother being murdered by his father at the age of 4, No you didn't. Did you know that he was adopted by a very wealthy family and abused until he ran away at 16, No you didn't. It's easy to make judgements about people you don't really know.
I knew him very well. i don't agree with what he did and i sure as hall can't justify it. He deserves better than all these horrible comments.

Yep, it is always someone else's fault.
this situation, like all murders is sad. did his life circumstances make him into the person he is today. of course. sadly this was true also for my ex. both had horrible childhoods. both chose to do drugs, both are now dead due to their choices.
there are many people who chose a different path. instead of letting what happened to them take over their life, they chose to make their life better, different then what they grew up with.
what makes one person with a horrible childhood succeed while another person with a horrible childhood succumb.
as sad as it is, they did die by their choices .
Did you know the Stephen watched his mother being murdered by his father at the age of 4, No you didn't. Did you know that he was adopted by a very wealthy family and abused until he ran away at 16, No you didn't. It's easy to make judgements about people you don't really know.
I knew him very well. i don't agree with what he did and i sure as hall can't justify it. He deserves better than all these horrible comments.
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