Car insurance on Stx
Wondering if anyone could provide details on which car insurance they use in stx. Also any details on the st. croix DMV and how to transfer a title would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
USAA , appears to be the cheapest for car insurance. However, you must be eligible for USAA, ie in the military, veteran, family member, etc...recommend you call USAA direct, 1-800-531-USAA (8722) to check on eligibility.
My experience here with the DMV required the title be notarized for transfer and either the person you bought the vehicle for present, or a copy of old registration and the person ID-----and recommend it be notarized. If the car was not registered in the VI and you are trying to transfer the title and register, you could encounter PROBLEMS, Again, I recommend you check with the DMV.
For More Information and Questions contact the DMV. On St. Thomas the number is (340)774-5765, on St. Croix (340)713-4268 and on St. John (340)776-6262.
Good Luck
We've used Executive for 8 years and have been satisfied.
Thanks for the awesome info, you guys are great!
USAA is by far the cheapest on the island. There are eligibility requirements, though. You or your spouse (if married) must have served in the military at one point. If you didn't, you can become eligible by one of your of your spouses parents or grandparents having served, but the one who served must be currently living. It's the best deal you can get if you qualify. They also have some really good banking products as well.
The DMV here is very similar to the DMV stateside. As in just about any DMV office I've ever been in (here, stateside, or otherwise), patience will get you a long way. Bring a book and have patience. You will need to have your car inspected here where they do a basic look over to make sure the simple things work (lights, horn, reverse lights, emergency brake, etc.).
I do not have any relatives that have served in the military that are still alive. Too bad. Is there any other way to qualify for USAA? And the DMV sounds just like any other DMV!
Does any one know of contact info for Executive? And is car insurance required in St. Croix? I would never drive without liability, but was just wondering if this is something you could be ticketed for if pulled over by chance on those few days without the insurance. Thanks!
How much is Executive insurance per month? Just a rough estimate would be great.
I would give them a call, too many variables.
edited to add that payment is made by the year.. I don't think them take monthly payments-- but give them a call.
Awesome thanks, would you by chance have the number? And is car insurance required on stx?
The DMV has come a long way if its like the ones in the states. Back in the day you had to take a written test if you were from the states that had trick questions on it from "the book." The book was completely wrong in several spots but had to be read and followed to pass the test. You had to pay to borrow the book, and they had a limited supply so you had to give it back. If you didn't turn in your stateside license you also had to take a road test. A friend of mine had to come back several days to take his road test because of "goats." This meant that a flock of goats had invaded the "course" area where you parallel parked. After passing all tests you may have been handed a piece of paper as your temporary license because they were out of "flim" that day/week/month. Film=ink jet printer ink so they could make an incredibly fake looking drivers license for you. Oh and DMV was in an outdoor shack like area with no AC! Eventually though you'd get your license and have tales to share with your fellow virgin islanders. I always thought the whole process was designed to form an instant comraderie amongs the island's residents.
Sounds like things have come a long way from where it was just 5 or 6 years ago! This place makes even a younger guy sound like an old man quick (when I was your age we walked to school uphill both ways)!
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