Car Insurance
I will be moving to St Thomas in July, and will be bringing my 2000 BMW. I am unable to find on the web an auto insurance company. Can anyone provide an insurer for my auto needs in St Thomas?
Are auto insurance rates expensive there?
Visit the Phone Book Online for the USVI... and search for auto insurance or insurance for a list and then you can call and get quotes. Guardian Insurance is pretty good.
As Islander says, you will need a local agent to purchase auto insurance for the VI.
The Virgin Islands Gov't requires that insurance providers be licensed to do business here.
You won't find ANY stateside companies that can or will provide coverage here.
PS If you have a lein on your car, be sure to check with your bank to make sure they will give you a release to take the property out of the United States. I've Heard of many a snafu !
Good luck with your beamer ON STT!!!!!
Thanks for the info.....
Chris.... Why would i need luck with my BMW?
Well, maybe it is a stereo type. I guess I think of BMW owners as very meticulous owners. I just don't see many cars without dings and bumps. I hope you get a nice driveway and dont go over any tough roads.
I just don't see too many Beamers, hopefully there are a few guys who can work on them.
... meticulous owners - there are quite a few on St. Thomas... I lived next to one couple every morning the husband would come out real early and wipe all the dew off the car and sometimes shine the bumpers and tires. I would eat breakfast thinking - hey come clean my car your car is spotless already - LOL.... Every weekend he'd clean the car for hours... this is fairly common amonst men on St. Thomas and their cars or so it seems. Taxi drivers have this similar attitude toward their vans - often you will see taxi drivers on a break and they are wiping up their vans - for presentation sake as this is their means of making $$ but also because they take pride in their vans/cars. Now don't get me wrong there a quite a few Real Island Cars here too, quite a few.
On St. Thomas there are several BMW owners. A lot of attorneys drive them as I have seen. There are a few covertiable bmws too. A few Mercedes, and a few other sports cars. For a while the BMW was THE Car to try and get amonst locals, I had one local lady I worked with tell me that on St. Thomas BMW stood for "Black Man's Wagon" that was about 6 years ago... today they are still popular, up there with SUV's though, you see a lot more of the latter these days. Even though sports cars are not the typical island car they do exist, getting parts is a bit more difficult, but they can be ordered. Cars are a big deal amongst many locals on St. Thomas, tinting windows, putting in spoilers, dropping the car even though low riding cars isn't the best idea, fancy paint jobs....
As Chris mentioned cars here seem to get bumps from people opening doors, pot holes, sand/salt .... the elements... more so then other places... And although they exist, they are few in number to the extent that car enthusiast on the island often times can name all the owners of a certain type of car, what color car each owner has and so forth.
And the comment about finding a good person to work on the car - well car shops in the VI are a bit different. I recall a new car owner and new resident once told me in frustration that he took his car to the repair shop and was told "where are the parts" he said that he assumed the car shop would have them or get them - but not here the repair guy said go to this person or this person or this person and see if they have any then bring it back to me. Or order it from the states and when you get it bring it in to me. So you really need to look around, ask other car owners for recommendations for a good mechanic.
Thanks for the info.
I work on my own car. If anything major needs to be done I'll ship it to the BMW dealership in San Juan.
Anything that will happen to a BMW will happen to any other brand of car. I'll fix it and go on in life. If I had a Toyota or Hyundai It would still get dings, and bumps, and I would still have to fix it.
I'm loking foward to driving the car through the twisties..... : )
If you see a guy driving a bright red 2 door BMW... be sure to wave... just make sure you wave with all 5 fingers up....
Right on Larry!! You are right BMWs aren't magnets for damage any more then any other car. And if thats the kind of car you have and want to drive then DO IT!! 🙂 Good attitude - enjoy your move and be sure to drop a note when you are here to let us know how everything is going.
🙂 --Islander
Just being the stick in the mud.
Maybe I am just jealous.
I miss my miata.
It just seems the cars you really take care of and dont want dings on are the ones that get them.
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