Burglary in Lower J...
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Burglary in Lower John Dunkoe

Posts: 58
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My husband woke up @ 6am this morning and noticed that the right side of the sliding door was about 1 foot open. He thought that I forgot to close it before I went to bed, didn't even bother to tell me. I knew it was locked because I checked it. However, I may have missed that one on the right side. We also noticed that the middle screen door was open, so, I guess, they tried entering through it but since it locked, tried the right side, and got in. I went to bed at around 2:15am, and my husband woke up at around 6am. So, the incident must have happened between 2:30 am to 6 am.

Anyway, around 7am, I wanted to quickly use the internet while waiting for him before we go to work. I noticed laptop was missing. Some other items we found out that were missing are cell phone, my wallet with credit cards (which I already reported) and driver's license on it and digital camera. That's when we got to conclusion that we just got burglarized. We were just in disbelief that it happened that we didn't even thought of calling 911. We're moving out also this week, so boxes are all over the house, so, who knows what else are missing.

I did report it to the police eventually at around 8:45 am this morning. Of course, I was told that I should have called when it happened.

I also checked my cellphone log online, and found that somebody used the phone for a minute duration at 3:52 am and called this number - 340-344-5683. It maybe around that time the burglary happened.

But anyway, be careful out there. Lock.. lock..lock..

Please spread the word around... Please let me know if you know anybody that just bought or being sold to the following items - laptop, cellphone, digital camera, etc. Please, please PM me here.

Posted : June 23, 2009 3:15 pm
Posts: 58
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By the way, when I said moving out... I meant transferring from LJD to another side of the island, not to mainland.

Posted : June 23, 2009 4:03 pm
Posts: 1866
Noble Member

I hate to hear this. I'm sorry you have to deal with this mess. I can imagine how violated you feel. Crap!

Posted : June 23, 2009 7:35 pm
Posts: 523
Honorable Member

Sucks...Sorry I hope you have renter's insurance.

Posted : June 23, 2009 9:58 pm
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