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Posts: 2596
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I have only heard of two burglaries. Nobody was home during both. Like Yearasta we hardly lock our doors. We have tons of dogs in our neighborhood and a good neighborhood watch. Hopefully with all the attention we are getting the thieves will move on.

Posted : April 1, 2009 11:07 pm
Posts: 201
Estimable Member

we hardly ever lock our doors

we hardly lock our doors

Yikes!!! Couldn't sleep at night, go partying in C'sted in the evening or go to work in the day without knowing the locks are locked!!!

I do, however, keep them unlocked when I am home relaxing.

I do like to "spot check" my house during the days and evenings when I am out. I do live on the east side (STX), very close to where some of the break ins are very common recently, and fortunately have the opportunity to do "spot checks" on the house. I grew up not wishing harm on anyone, but sometimes, I wish I did a "spot check" or wake up in the night and find some scum in my casa!!!

Posted : April 3, 2009 12:12 am
Posts: 988
Prominent Member

TRW told me the other day that if you have drug-dealers or gangs in your neighborhood, they keep the riff-raff out. 😎

Posted : April 3, 2009 2:35 am
Posts: 812
Prominent Member

Ezra Thomas was spotted recently at Point Udall. He is a notorious thief. Arrested over twenty times for house breaking and or burglary but never convicted. The last time we caught him in our neighborhood he assaulted two 80 year old gentlemen with a crowbar he happened to have with him.

Ezra convinced the jury that these two gentlemen had kidnapped him from the Divi parking lot and dragged him back to our neighborhood and then assaulted him.


Wow, the jury thought 2 80 year olds kid napped & dragged him, how old is Ezra 107?

Posted : April 3, 2009 4:09 am
Posts: 812
Prominent Member

Wow, the jury thought 2 80 year olds kid napped & dragged him, how old is Ezra 107?

Posted : April 3, 2009 4:15 am
Posts: 1057
Noble Member

The 80 year olds got of easy. The police didn't turn around and charge them with kidnapping and assault.


Posted : April 3, 2009 11:27 am
Posts: 1
New Member

A solution I have in place at home (I am not in the VI yet) involves 4 commercial surveillance cameras that come on when sensors and motion detectors are activated and the videos are recorded. I have programed a VISONIC alarm system to call my cell phone rather than to subscribe to a security service. The four synchronized cameras feed an old fashion VHS tape recorder (this security system was given to me for free from a business that upgraded to a digital system). The system is well hidden and I prefer not advertise in advance I have an alarm system. I am not sure how much of a deterrence it would be anyhow. But once the alarm goes off it will be too late to avoid the cameras. Two of the cameras record the front and back of the property, the other two are inside. At some point I am planning to link the data via the web but that involves having a PC or a dedicated system running at all times.
The video is not bad, and you can recognize people (as long as they don't wear masks) with proper lighting but the still images are poor if printed. I will upgrade when I find a suitable digital recording system, but will keep the VISONIC alarm system as I like it. For now I feel I have a reasonable system for its cost. The hardware if purchased used is around $ 500-1000. You save on the installation as long as you know how to program and wire up video yourself.

Posted : April 4, 2009 3:19 am
Posts: 2045
Noble Member

Sounds like a good system, I just don't know that it will do you that much good here. You have to remember that our police force is very far from the best and if it goes to court its likely that they will get off. You need a system to keep them out all altogether, not a video of what they're doing to your home. But I really like that it calls you're home that could be a big help. I still think the best way are plenty of good locks, mean prickly plants, two big dogs and good neighbors.

Posted : April 4, 2009 3:41 am
Posts: 340
Reputable Member

How could anyone be arrested 20 times and not be sentenced to a jail term?

Also if someone is from a prominent family (whatever that means) that family's name should be publicized. Tell us. If something is kept secret things will never change

Posted : April 24, 2009 12:20 am
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