Bunnies as Pets
Hi Everybody, great site.
Does anybody have a bunny as a pet on STX? Or the other islands for that matter.
My girlfriend & I are moving down fairly soon, she in a month, me a few later. She was born there, and has endured the harsh winters of Massachusetts for the past 7 years for college and then me.
She's always wanted a bunny as a pet, so I figured I'd ask if anybody has been successful at having one down on the island.
Hello Keith,
Had a friend years ago that had rabbits, also one of my cousins did too (on St. Thomas). There was a pet store that carried them. I don't know of anyone presently and the pet shop I am refering to closed.
I checked with Superior Pet Shop on St. Croix and they don't carry rabbits. Not sure if there are other pet shops, only saw that one listed. Perhaps if you find a resident with some you could adopt one from them. Ask around once on island.
I have a great recipe for rabbit in beer sauce that I got from a friend in Belgium... you know... if anyone's interested.
Dear Keith,
In all fairness I'd scratch the "bunny pet" as an option here, at least for the time being.
You've never lived here. Your girlfriend is moving "home" after, I assume, several years' absence? You should probably just settle into life in general before contemplating taking care of any "pet" whether it be a rabbit or a dog or a cat.
One should only take on an animal here if one is prepared to (1) have it spayed/neutered (and that actually DOES apply to rabbits as well as dogs and cats!) and (2) make a commitment to care and nurture that animal for the rest of its life.
Animals get left behind BIG TIME when humans leave. Some are just simply left behind and are forced to go feral with more often than not devastating consequences. Those which are dropped off at the Humane Sociey Shelters are confused and sad and, 90% of them end up being euthanized because people in general won't even look at an older animal.
I honestly wish you both all the best in your move here to the islands but I would most sincerely advocate that you don't take on any kind of a "pet" until you're VERY well settled.
Point made, Keith?
Thanks for the input. I'll look into bringing one down via plane. Then I'll get one from a shelter up here sometime in December.
Don't worry STT Resident, I'm not going to dump an animal on the side of the road just because it pooped on the rug or something.
i know someone who has a bunny for a pet in STT. I'll find out where they got it. But be careful, it's food attracted HUGE rats!!!
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