Bringing a handgun to STX
Does anyone know the law or who I should contact to legally bring a small handgun to St. Croix?
Moving there this Fall, and want to do it legally. Thanks for any/all help!
i think you should contact djs shooting gallery. not sure of the number, someone on here might know it. we had a friend who had to ship his to the shooting gallery and then get his permit before he could get his gun back from them.
Thanks for the reply.
Where is DJS Shooting Gallery?
Does anyone have their phone number (or e-mail ??), as I am not on island yet, and don't have a phone book.
That sounds like a great place to get the info I need! Thanks again!
It is not an easy process. Buying one here isn't either but I've heard it's a little easier. I second calling the shooting range.
I tried the link for the vi phone luck....
Anyone know how to get in touch with the shooting gallery/range??
I tried luck (at least looking under guns/gunsmiths).
anyone have a real phonebook that they could look up the shooting gallery?

Thank you for posting the name and phone number!!
I will call them to see what I have to do.
In the meantime..............
Has anyone out there legally brought a hand gun to STX? How?
Thanks again everyone!

I bought two handguns from D & J Shooting Gallery. They were a tad more expensive than stateside. Getting them licensed here took about probably about 2 months and involved trips to the police licensing people, trips to D& J, forms and more forms, finding at least 2 people who live here to vouch for you and a background check. In return for all that, we got a license to keep them at home and carry them (unloaded) via the "shortest route" to the shooting gallery when we want to practice target shooting. The only way to get a license for concealed carry is to own a business or (perhaps) to know the right people. Good luck!
Wow!! That seems like quite an ordeal......
Guess I will give it a try and see how it goes....
Thank you!!
A couple of loving but big dogs will probably give you better security against being robbed here. So many dogs here that need a loving home.
There is a theory/rumor/island legend that you will get robbed once you have a gun legally. Something along the lines that they know you have something worth stealing. I always wonder how they are supposed to know you have a gun. Is that public record? It's most likely garbage, but I've hard it many many times over the years.
Hey Betty,
Thanks for your posts!
Very interesting info on being robbed if you have a legal gun.
I guess I wasn't so concerned about being robbed....(until you mentioned it !!)
I have had this handgun for almost 20 years, and hardly ever use it.
I guess I thought I would bring it along for "just in case" ??
Now I don't know what to do!!
Also I totally agree with you on having dogs.
I have had dogs all my life, but unfortunately lost my last dog very suddenly to oral cancer (a beautiful long haired German Shepherd who was a wimp!!) just a year ago this month. I also lost my cat 13 days prior to my dogs death. I am not in the market for another dog.....not for a LONG time. Losing them is just too hard for me.......(Those island dogs are pretty cute though!!)
well, we have a carry permit (loaded ) and have not been robbed yet. we only carry it if we are going to be in an area at night that makes bf feel uncomfortable about.
robbystx sorry about your pets, i too went through that some years ago. our dog was hit by a car and killed and our cat died of feline leukemia within weeks of each other. it was a good 15 years before i had another pet. now i have 3 indoor and a slew of outdoor cats that come by for the buffet.
Thanks Spee1dy for your post!
And thank you for your feelings on losing your pets. I have been through it too many times.......
If the right island dog comes along I will know, but I realy don't think it will happen for a long time.
I am also interested how it was for your BF to get a gun permit?
Was it a long drawn out process? Was the gun purchased on STX?
Thanks again for your post!! Much appreciated!
Always stick with the second amendment,your right to bear arms. As for the dog goes,check out the Cane Corso,pronounced Cana Corso. I have had My old man Ceasar for 10 years now,we have a total of 4 of them. I don't think I will ever consider another breed in this life time. They are not aggressive with your friends while you are at home,they tend to be standoffish until they are ready to meet you.
When I am lucky enough to visit St Croix,friends have always cared for and fed the dogs while we are away. No one has been bitten to date. Last but not least,Betty's idea of adoption. A lot of great dogs have come from the shelters. Just Goggle search" Cane Corso", sorry we are out of the breeding business. Beware of bad genetics with any breed.

Isn't that the breed that in NYC attacked & killed a woman in the hallway outside her apartment a couple years ago?
No Trade,it is not. The one you are talking about was a Presa Canario. To much dog for me,but a good Corso will die to protect you. Unfortunate but true. Cane Corso is a very loving breed,but they need their people in their lives.

I knew there was a Can in there somewhere! :@)
I brought some long guns and hand guns in legally last year using just the process described above. Mine are still at D&J where I can use them at the range anytime I want. I just haven't gotten around to geting the paperwork for a concealed carry (and must admit the stories/legends about people getting robbed after getting their permits may have demotivated me.)
As it happens I live in a gated community that has been very safe so far and our family has a 7-lb terror of a mini-poodle and a 90+ lb rottweiler puppy. The latter is the most docile dog you'll ever meet but whenever a local shows up at the door they're terrified of the Rotti for some reason (we've had service people understandably refuse to come in until the dog is put away but my wife has also seen locals on the other side of the street pick up rocks for defense when she has been out walking the dog!)
well, my bf pruchased his gun here on island. he did have to get letters of reference, pass a shooting/safety class at d j shooting range. get a few passport photos go to the cop station, it seemed to take a few months, but that was a couple of years ago. he does exagerate and says it took a year :). and no it didnt take that long. he is a business owner so can get the carry permit. from what i understand if you are not a business owner you can only get a permit to have it in your house. we had a friend who sent his to the shooting range, not really sure what he had to do, he has since passed on. should only take a couple of months. i do know that the people at the range are very nice and helpful.
Here is a link (I hope) to an old thread on this subject. I made an entry in that thread that detailed the process I went through to get a gun permit here on STX and then have my handgun shipped down from the States. Regarding the rumor that registering your gun puts you at risk, obviously I have a registered handgun but my house has never been burglarized in the 3 years that I have had the gun here.,45601,45623#msg-45623
The thing about carrying a gun is are you ready to shoot someone.Most people are killed by their own gun.When you pull it out you need to use it. "If you have to shoot,shoot, don't talk" Keeping out of trouble and areas of problems is better than thinking a gun will get you out of trouble.As for home defence, good doors and locks will do better than a gun.The dogs killed Diane Whipple in San Francisco. This was a sick white supremacist killing a lesbian.

EE Doug: I agree with you. If you bring out your firearm, you must be ready to use it. You must fear that your life or the life of your loved one is in immediate danger. I deplore violence and would not hurt anything, but I do slap at mosquitoes and kill centipedes with alacrity. Where I came from everyone had firearms in the house and crime was virtually non-existent. The VI is another matter. Crime is rampant here from low-level thugs to CEO's stealing from the hospital. Dogs are great for warning us and can help to defend off would-be attackers. I would not depend on them to do my job, which is to protect my family from harm. We do our best to avoid "problem" areas. but around here, those areas can be just across the street.

I guess guns are are becoming an imortant part of or everyday life in the VI.
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