Books and island weather
Hi All,
On another thread, someone mentioned regretting that he brought his books to the Islands. I understand that humidity isn't great for books, but I can't imagine that no one has books. I have a huge collection and can't imagine living without them. Does anyone have any special considerations for keeping their books looking good?
Hello Beth,
I keep an eye out for termites, as I have gotten them in a few of my shelfs over the years and they will damage books/pages. I don't store books near windows to prevent them from fading/sun and also from getting wet/rain coming through the window before I get to close it. Other than that I don't do anything else. I have a friend that gets more humidity at their place then I do and they have a small dehumidifier because the books were swelling with the humidity.
Any other suggestions?
Dear Beth,
When I relocated here donkey's years ago, I too had some books I felt I couldn't live without and I sifted through my vast collection VERY carefully before spending all that money on shipping them. The majority are still just fine. However, two incidents resulted in the destruction of several.
Hurricane Marilyn devastated one section of the house in which I was living in '95 and I ended up burning a whole bunch of soggy books, photo albums and all sorts of "life" memorabilia after digging them out from underneath a wealth of dank sheetrock. Then, a couple of years ago, I put some of my stuff in storage at a friend's house and termites recently sidled in there on the sly and chewed up some more.
Most books can be replaced but, if you have very special books like first editions, either leave them behind or, when you get here, you might consider repacking them in sturdy plastic containers to keep them safe.
The area in which I live (on STT) has low humidity for the most part and I totally agree with Islander's response about maintaining them in that you shelve them in a place not in direct sunlight or subject to dampness caused via leaking windows. Also ensure that ANY furniture you bring with you or buy here is impervious to termites. There are some good products available to eradicate these nasty critters and you need to keep a continuous watch on any invasion.
Thanks, to both of you. It doesn't sound that different from keeping them healthy in Phoenix. (With the exception of the hurricanes) I don't collect rare books, or have many first editions. I am just a voracious reader and I like to have a lot of variety. I know there are libraries to be had, but I like to have my books, too.
Dear Beth,
Then you'll be delighted to know that at least on St Thomas, there are some good options available for readers. Dockside Bookstore in Havensight is a gem of a place where you can find all the most recent publications, both fiction and non-fiction in all categories, PLUS they have an awesome computer system through which they can find you all sorts of out-of-print books at a most reasonable price.
There is also Hemingway's Book Store in Red Hook which sells a plethora of both new and used books - and there are even some local restaurants/bars which have free "libraries" where people bring and take hand-me-downs.
I have a lot of books. It is somewhat difficult, but I rearranged them on the shelves often to check for bugs or damage. I may be a bit paranoid, but I would hate to lose any of them. I have lived here 10 months and no issues so far. I have no air conditioning and things have faired pretty well. I ditto Islander and STT Resident's advice.
STT Resident,
What restaurants/bars have the libraries? I know of the laundry in Crown Bay having some books, but not any others. I would actually like to donate some paperbacks (in good condition) that I have no room left to keep them.
Wonderful, STT Resident. Does anyone know of any good bookstores, book exchange type things on St. Croix? Although, I have to admit, both Tabra and myself would be willing to pay for the ride over for a good used bookstore. 🙂
There are three "bookstores" on STX. One is in Gallows Bay. It has some books, as well as cards, gifts, etc. A used bookstore recently opened in the space over Divi Divi. Sorry, I can't recall the names, I need my tea to wake my brain. It has a really good selection and I definitely suggest you take a look. And the third and my personal favorite, is the Humane Society thrift store in Golden Grove. There is a huge selection of books, dirt cheap. The lady who handles dontated books does a wonderful job.
Contact us when you get here, we'll meet for a drink.
Bottoms Up at Indepedent Boatyard (open 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner) has a library and, on St. John, Chilly Billy has the same thing too.
My place is The Toad and Tart English Pub which is on the Smith Bay Road directly opposite the Kilnworks Pottery. I have a pretty awesome flow of books coming and going and always welcome more, so bring 'em down! I'm open Thursday through Sunday from 4PM to about 11PM but sometimes people just dump bags by the front door under the porch if I'm not open.
I do sift through from time to time and books that have "sat" for a while go to the Humane Society of St. Thomas. Their "flea market" is also a pretty good source for used books.
Hope this helps. Cheers.
Linda, We definitely will! Thanks for all of the great info. Used bookstores, and the beach. I don't know how much better it could possibly get. 🙂
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