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Bioluminescence In Hull Bay
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Its been really good last week and this week, at night. Best spot is about 20 feet past the farthest white buoy on the right. We do night snorkels and its been almost as good as bio bay in STX. Watch for fireworms, their out a lot lately too and I got tagged by one last week. It really sucked. Id wait until the run off goes away but its cool if you've never seen it, this is a good time.
Posted : June 19, 2013 10:21 pm
What time do you go? My boyfriend and I have been wanting to do one and I had heard once about Hull Bay. Is there a peak time to go?
Posted : June 21, 2013 11:35 pm
Topic starter
Anytime after sunset works. Like 7:30-8 is great. Have fun! Don't walk on da rocks, lots of fireworms lately 🙁 let me know if u see any lionfish. 🙂 make sure u have UW flashlights to get out to the middle of the bay.
Posted : June 22, 2013 12:51 am
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