Bike commuting/ bike repair
honis: Don't worry about the snarky responses. Sometimes people in our little family here get a little out of control. Many people get by without cars (or bikes!) here, so you can too. Just be careful when you get here and come back to tell us about your UVI experiences.
thanks east ender! I appreciate it =) I'm sure I'll be able to figure it all out, between a bike, dollar taxis, bus, etc. And then I'll be able to answer questions if anyone has them =)
If you're lucky to get a bus, they have air-conditioning!
I'm sorry you find them snarky that is really not my tone. But you are wrong about the inconvenience. I don't want to kill or hurt someone and it's just a matter of time with these roads. On my road alone I have 5 BLIND CURVES. And it's the bicyclist that are going downhill way too fast. I've seen them wipe out many a time. These roads are just too narrow. Bike paths would be great but we do not have them and it is extremely dangerous to bike here or to use a motorcycle.
I'm sorry you find them snarky that is really not my tone. But you are wrong about the inconvenience. I don't want to kill or hurt someone and it's just a matter of time with these roads. On my road alone I have 5 BLIND CURVES. And it's the bicyclist that are going downhill way too fast. I've seen them wipe out many a time. These roads are just too narrow. Bike paths would be great but we do not have them and it is extremely dangerous to bike here or to use a motorcycle.
I followed this thread with increasing concern as I read some of the comments, yours foremost among them. I am really glad that you "..don't want to kill or hurt someone..
It is my opinion that we all have the responsibility to change our driving habits to conform to the conditions of the road. To me, that means that if the road is windy with impaired vision ahead, then I need to slow down so I won't hit a child, a goat, a biker, or even a mongoose. If anyone is driving so out of control that they cannot avoid something around the next curve, then they are driving too fast.
Yes the roads are narrow and windy here, but that is no excuse for putting other people at risk. First change your driving habits, and then work on improving the roads.
thanks stxer! you are so right -- there is no excuse for putting people at risk. I hope there are more people on the road like you when I get down there! =)
Not to worry " Hiya is on ST Croix":D
I absolutely love the jacks. I have to get me some of those!!
It just seems to me you guys don't understand what blind curve means. You are not going to be able to stop on a dime even at 25 mph and avoid hitting someone if there is a car in the other lane. The roads are simply to narrow. I do drive slowly but as I'm on a busy road I know MOST of you do not and I see the accidents. I would love it if people would slow down but I dont see it happening. The truth is the truth. If you ride a bike regularly in the islands you will get hurt sooner or later.
And in truth I know there is now way I will discourage the hardcore rider OR jogger but someone else will hopefully see the logic in my words. Especially if they actually visit before they come.
I have been down to the islands before. Only a day and a half on STT, but two weeks on STJ, and I assume the roads are similar. That being said, I do understand what blind curves are. I've been biking - and driving - for years. Colorado has plenty narrow, shoulderless, windy roads with blind corners and not once have I hit a cyclist. The reason I'm optimistic about this situation is that although plenty of people want to dissuade me, the positive feedback - or comments that it is challenging but doable - come from people who actually bike in the islands. I am more inclined to believe the people who have actually tried and succeeded about what I'm about to do, instead of those who only have the driver's perspective. And .. the only bad injury I have gotten on my bike, after years of heavy traffic commuting, was on a path and probably my bad for going too fast. So I have seen at least plenty of STJ roads.. not appealing, but I think it can work out.
honis: To be honest with you, there is much more traffic on St Thomas than St John. I am not worried about *your* skills as a cyclist, but about the drivers here who do not imagine there could be someone in the road around that blind curve. As I said, just be careful. 😉
On STX, drivers frequently fail to keep left, and we have very little road striping to help drivers to keep left. On a blind curve, that is a big problem. And some people drive too fast. Cruzans in a hurry, how ironic!

Hi honiscb,
I'm a mountain biker here and stay off the roads as much as possible. However, depending on where you live in relation to UVI (and I imagine you'll be looking for a place close to the university) the road tends to be wider on the more congested main drag to UVI, with more room for error/mindlessness/idiocy on the part of all "participants", and straighter. While being prudent in your biking I don't believe you'll have too many issues. Just don't try to ride out too far from UVI (Magen's, or Red Hook, for example). 🙂
thanks Effone. I am looking for a place close to UVI to limit my bike commuting =) and how is the mountain biking on the island?

Alot of broken double-track and going either up or down hill. It prepared me pretty well for a race I did in Costa Rica, though.
BTW, if you have your bike shipped to you once you arrive, it should be around $100, if in a bike box.
I didn't have a car for a couples years in the Midwest/Southwest, and rode my bike everywhere. I was never into racing. I just liked to ride my bike. I got from Point A to Point B, and got exercise. And had fun.
That being said, I would not want to ride here (STX). There are some places where I would feel safe, but the dangers are too great for me. I have a car, so I don't need to worry about transportation. I missed riding, but I don't even want to ride recreationally here. You'll see once you get here. Have someone (local) drive you around your route, so you can see how people drive.
There are plenty of people who bike here, so it isn't unheard of. I guess I'm just not hardcore enough.
Hopefully near the college on STT is better.
Have fun with the fishies! I bet you're excited to get down here.
Just moved here from Chicago where I used to bike everywhere as there were bike lanes galore. I've shipped my bike down here though it has not arrived somehow been rerouted to Jamaica. Anyway I was hit multiple times in Chi town and learned to deal with it however I've scoped the roads here and have to agree it's going to be a bit tricky. I'm still going to do it but I'm suiting up for battle when my bike arrives. There are lots of blind curves and plenty of pot holes but I think it's doable. I've dodged many a foreign taxi driver in Chicago and trust me they suck more than the drivers here. By the way I see plenty of people walking on the roads and no dead bodies so I assume the drivers here are quick to respond. If not then hope for the best and if it's your time to go then Vaya con Dios muchacho/muchacha!
Speaking from experience (MORE THAN ONCE):
I hope you saw me...
I was the passenger today @ 5 pm when my bf passed some ickheads on STX on the south Shore Road this afternoon. The ickheads on the bikes (who I hope saw me) were riding next to each other, totally blocking the whole left lane for at least a mile riding 5-7 mph, causing at least 5-7-10 vehicles to drive at a snails pace because of them. The silver SUV in front of us, out of frustration, passed and almost had a head on collision with a car in the opposite lane. They had to swerve to the left to avoid a collision.
Who do you blame? My bf, the car in the other lane, or the ickheads who refuse to follow the law and ride tandem? This is why I won't finger a "hit and run" either. I agree, why should a driver pay a lawyer because a biker refuses to ride by the rules of the road?
I hope you saw me because I was flipping you the finger as we passed behind the SUV.
You ickheads on the bikes owe me and my friends a drink next time you see us at the bar on the boardwalk!!
This is really unnecessary. I understand your frustration with riders who do not follow the rules of the road, but this is not the place to express that anger because:
a) I started this thread to get more info about the biking situation on St. Thomas
b) Myself and other bikers who have spoken up on this thread don't ride many abreast, we obey traffic laws
c) don't lump me in with bad cyclists because I am not one
d) griping about it here won't change anything and
e) this behavior means those bikers were idiots but does not mean a hit and run is justified - ever
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