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Best month for a PMV?

Posts: 593
Honorable Member
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I've arranged to do my job (in healthcare) on STX for a month. What month would you recommend for making the most of the trip? (I'm thinking of months when there are festivals, when tropical fruit is in season, when tourists aren't around so much... or whatever other reasons you may come up with.) Money isn't an issue (yay!) because my job will pay for the flight and housing, so high/low season doesn't really matter.

I can't do Jan-June because that's getting too close to when my current job will be over and I'll need to start trying to land a job on STX. So I'm looking at July-Dec 2009. I'm leaning towards August because it's such a horrible, hot month at home in Phoenix. It's also smack in the middle of hurricane season, but I'm okay with that. Thoughts?

Posted : August 30, 2008 1:00 pm
Posts: 165
Estimable Member

Well, we've gone a couple of times in July. Probably not the best month to get a truly representative look at the island, but it was what was available to us. One good thing--not too many tourists around in July (although there were more this year than in 2006). The weather both years in July was actually better in STX than in Kentucky! I say just pick a month and go--whatever you experience will still be a part of life overall in STX.


Posted : August 30, 2008 1:29 pm
Posts: 3111
Famed Member

In August and September, a lot of businesses are closed, particularly restaurants. You can find plenty of places to eat, but some of the better know spots might not be open. The businesses in town don't open until 11:00 ish, if at all. It's really a very sleepy time of year. I don't remember what happens when, as far as festivals, etc., but there is an events schedule on this website. Just go back to the home page and you can find it. It may not be current, but maybe you can get an idea. I know it doesn't fit your schedule, but I like March and April.

Posted : August 30, 2008 4:22 pm
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