BBVI after Maria
There was no Internet to worry about after Hugo. Times have changed.
Hey Beeski, once the power starts to come back on how are we looking for BBVI towers?
Looks like there are a lot of towers already up and running on STX already. I see you have Gas City hooked up. Does that tower cover all of La Grande Princess or is there more than one tower there?
There are 2 towers that cover Princess, both have service, not all AP's on the tower are working. We had to triage re-connecting customers. We started with critical businesses to allow the island to function:
- supermarkets / food distribution (SNAP and credit cards)
- gas stations
- insurance companies
- hardware stores
- airports
- shipping companies
- hospitals / doctors offices
- drug stores
- schools
- FEMA / Coast Guard
- hotels
Now we are connecting businesses, restaurants, Govt offices.
Next we can get to residential customers.
If you are not working at home, if possible send an email to with your name, phone number, physical address and account number if you have it. Else stop by the office.
I have almost completed the tower plan for publication. Dates, sequence, etc.
Soon come
Good info
We had to triage re-connecting customers. We started with critical businesses to allow the island to function
I'd like to note that BBVI got the 100 condos at Coakley Bay Condos up quickly ! Many thanks !
do we get a credit for part of september?
BBVI has been very impressive during these tough times.
That's why I will continue to be a loyal customer.
I'd be very interested in service.. sent you an email!
We got our BBVI service back yesterday afternoon here in upper Rattan looking north!
Beeski, you mentioned a couple weeks ago you were getting ready to submit a plan for publication. Any update on when that is going to happen?
Hey Beeski how's that soon come plan you mentioned on the 14th coming along. Believe most people myself included trust you guys have been working your tails off but being able to manage expectations on what's next would help a tremendous amount.
Hey Beeski how's that soon come plan you mentioned on the 14th coming along. Believe most people myself included trust you guys have been working your tails off but being able to manage expectations on what's next would help a tremendous amount.
It is too dynamic to put on a message board.
We continue to make progress.
Two steps forward, one step back.
I have to double check, but I think I got a bill for October. Why would that be? Like I said though I need to double check
never mind, that was from September.
I have to double check, but I think I got a bill for October. Why would that be? Like I said though I need to double check
The lack of any response from your support group is completely unprofessional. The antenna on my house went through the roof during Maria. Not as bad as what happened with your repeater and Tom Skelton's kitchen on 7 flags but my transmitter was likely dead. I had been in somewhat regular contact with your team since 9/29. I understood that the situation was fluid and somewhat fubar but I made certain they knew that I was okay if service restoration took 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months. Just to let me know so that I could make alternative arrangements if needed. Assurances were provided that service could be restored to my house (Cotton Valley Shores) at the beginning of December. So plane tickets were purchased. And then nothing more has been heard from them. I've not heard anything since 11/29. Rather than take any chances (with my employment that is dependent upon having internet access) I had to pay $300+ to rebook my flight to 12/28. All of which could have been avoided if your support team had been truthful. I would've expected this from ViYa and not been the least bit surprised but not with BBVI.
Jason, I am sorry. I did not realize you are more important than the thousands of other customers we are repairing. I will certainly not make this mistake again. Would you like me to talk to the folks at Seaside Market to reserve a parking spot for you? Or maybe a permanently reserved table at No Bones?
The lack of any response from your support group is completely unprofessional. The antenna on my house went through the roof during Maria. Not as bad as what happened with your repeater and Tom Skelton's kitchen on 7 flags but my transmitter was likely dead. I had been in somewhat regular contact with your team since 9/29. I understood that the situation was fluid and somewhat fubar but I made certain they knew that I was okay if service restoration took 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months. Just to let me know so that I could make alternative arrangements if needed. Assurances were provided that service could be restored to my house (Cotton Valley Shores) at the beginning of December. So plane tickets were purchased. And then nothing more has been heard from them. I've not heard anything since 11/29. Rather than take any chances (with my employment that is dependent upon having internet access) I had to pay $300+ to rebook my flight to 12/28. All of which could have been avoided if your support team had been truthful. I would've expected this from ViYa and not been the least bit surprised but not with BBVI.
it didnt sound like he was asking to be put to the top of the list. just to let him know what was going on. wow.

Jason, this is nothing. I actually went into the BBVI office last week, the first time in my 10+ years as a customer.
PM me and I'll tell you the story.
Be careful what you say here, I have already been threatened to be shut off.
Jason, this is nothing. I actually went into the BBVI office last week, the first time in my 10+ years as a customer.
PM me and I'll tell you the story.
Be careful what you say here, I have already been threatened to be shut off.
You went into our office and started yelling at our staff.
Pushing your notebook into their face.
I threw you out.
We are trying to recover from TWO category 5 hurricanes.
We have over 60% of our customers restored, compared to the competition's 6%.
We are working our asses off, under ungodly amounts of stress, and you come in and start yelling at us.
Its only because I like your wife that you weren't cut off.

Of course I remember it completely differently.
I had not come in to yell at anyone. I had come in with my six month old puppy to talk to customer service about a speed versus billing problem. Since Nov 14 when billing resumed, I had been charged the full amount for residential plus service but had been receiving far far slower speeds. I hoped to either get my speed problem fixed or get a billing credit for not getting plus speeds.
I had come into the office after trying to call first but was unable to get through. I sat in the customer service waiting area and waited my turn. I then spoke to a customer service rep, I explained my billing vs speed problem. She then got tech support involved. The tech support guy looked at the speedtest logs for the past month that I had brought in. He agreed that the speeds were low for a plus customer. He had agreed to try to remotely look at the problem and contact me later to discuss what he found and possibly schedule a visit to my house.
I then pointed out to him how much the speeds varied during the day. We were looking at the data on my tablet when you came into the room. By this time I had been there for 25-30 minutes and there had been no yelling. We were almost rapped up. Your staff, both customer service and tech support had handled things perfectly.
When you came in and saw me, you started yelling at me. "What are you doing here? You aren't supposed to be here, you are supposed to call me." I yelled back "I am here about my speed problem. " You answered "Speed problem? We have thousands of customers to connect and you are here to talk about speed problems? " " Get out, I am going to shut you off!"
So for 30 minutes the visit had gone smoothly, no yelling. The yelling only started during the last two minutes of the visit after you arrived. The yelling was between you and I, I never yelled at your employees, they were great.
You then chased me out and followed me out onto the porch continuing to yell at me from the porch as puppy and I walked to the car. I left. It is hard to argue with someone when they are threatening to shut off your Internet access.
I think you get angry when someone mentions a problem with BBVI. I am probably not the first person to see this anger.
In any case, you didn't shut me off, thank you for that.
You were so loud it made me get up out of my office to see what the problem was.
I see you rotor, who I had talked to, texted, multiple times, berating one of my employees at the top of your voice. I get angry when someone attacks my employees. You were being a jerk to my CSR. As I told you multiple times, our priority for the first 3 months after the storm was to get people connected. We are now starting to tune the network to improve performance in a few areas that need it.

I did not berate anyone. I was not being a jerk to your CSR. You simply rushed to judgement and misinterpreted what you saw.
I would be happy to come in and speak with your CSR and if they feel that they were being berated I will gladly apologize.
I too was concerned about the speed vs billing. I am thankful to have enough speed to do what I need to get done but feel that I should have reduced rate since speeds are nowhere near advertised speeds. All of my inquires to custimwr service have to e unanswered. I don't doubt that you haveave been working very very hard.
No communication from Broadband VI since the hurricane, despite the email form I filled out on the website months ago, and I just received my BILL which is due January 20th and I am NOT EVEN HOOKED UP!
In a few days I return to STX and will probably need to open an account for residential internet/WIFI south of the F'sted town. Tenants on the property I am pretty sure used BBVI over years before Irmaria. There remains a dish? gizmo? hanging crooked on the roof, but I heard that old equipment is being replaced anyway because of post-hurricane upgrades.
With normalcy slowly returning according to my friends, what are my best options now on that part of STX? I don't want any bundled services ... just residential WIFI for apartments. Is there ANY alternative to BBVI since I have been away for a couple years and Irmaria has transformed infrastructures.
Thanks for any brief summary advice. I don't need any rehashing of personal frustrations. I have already read some of the intense stress stories from multiple sides and feel great sympathy for all. I hope some of the painful transition has subsided... seeing no fresh complaints in January.
Personally I am grateful for ANY internet service, and admire the strength of those toughing through the worst of it.
I think the only option right now is BBVI. Viya is still trying to get all their stuff repaired and most folks have no TV/phone/internet service yet from Viya. There's not much of a schedule published yet. You can get Internet only with Viya, see their web site for pricing. You'd have to call them to see if they can give you any idea when they might be able to provide service at your location. BBVI uses a radio antenna not a dish and they are not replacing existing equipment that is functional, no need as far as I know. Viya has much more to repair/replace.
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