Auto insurance and license question
I would first like to thank everyone who helped me with my last questions about getting a drivers license in STT without having a valid license from Michigan. For those of you who did not read my last entry, I got my license revoked for a year and that was 2 1/2 years ago. I am moving to STT and am hoping to start over fresh and on the right foot and being able to live a normal life and having a license and a car will play a big part in that. I just have a couple of quick follow up questions and then I should be all set.
1. I understand that I will have to take a written test and a driving test in my particular situation to get a license in STT. My question is that everyone has stated that you have to fill out a questionaire type form that ask you about have you ever had your license suspended, revoked etc. Well I have had my license revoked and will answering yes to that question not allow me to get a license in STT?
2. I called Guardian Insurance and inquired about automobile insurance. i would just like to verify the information that the women told me. My first and most imortant question was wheter or not my driving record in the states would affect my automobile insurance and she said no. She told me that there is insurance for as low as $275 a year and then there is full coverage available where the rates are based solely upon the value of the car. Is this accurate.
I just want to make sure before totally commiting myself to the job offer that I have that I am going to be able to get a drivers license and be able to afford and obtain insurance. Thanks again for all of your help and I look forward to your responses.
Neither Ric or I have applied for drivers licenses yet, so I can't speak to that.
As far as insurance goes, all I can tell you is what happened to us. While at the insurance office, the agent called our agent in Kentucky and had the KY agent fax the STX agent a copy of our insurance policy. She told us they would need a copy of both our KY and USVI police reports. For a fee she ordered both.
One other odd thing. We have passports, KY drivers licenses, insurance cards, I have a work ID, BUT -- As part of our identification she needed our Social Security cards. Now, I lost my card somewhere, sometime and it has never been a problem -- here evidently it is. She wrote the insurance, but said I would have to order a duplicate of my SS card and bring it in for her to see. Same thing when we opened a bank account and got library cards. So next day I took myself over to Social Security and ordered a new card.
So far I've been on St. Croix for a month and I've experienced enough bureaucracy to las me for a lifetime!! WHEN DOES THE LIMMIN START?
Thanks for the first hand experience. My only question is did you bring a car from KY. My personal situation may be a little bit different because I am not bringing a vehicle from the states nor have I owned one for a couple of years. Thanks again for the information and if anyone else could please give me some additional informaiton I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
We brought cars from the mainland so the situation is different in that respect. But wouldn't insurance be the same wherever you get the car? All I'm saying is be sure what you're looking at. It would be a shame to get here, buy a car, and then find out you can't get insurance, or can't afford what insurance you can get.
Good luck. Let us know how it turns out.
Yes you have to fill out a section that ask if you ever had a license before. Call the office at (340)7745765 and ask whether they require a drivers/police report. And whether the fact that you had your license revoked a while back will affect you taking the test and applying for a license here.
Call Guardian insurance again and ask the same questions, maybe call one or two other agencies - if they all tell you the same thing that they are not going to go look for your past insurance information or driving records then I would say that - that they know their policies best you are getting the information right from them and that they are giving you accurate information based on their practices. The price given to you yes - you can get insurance for that low... but it depends on the car, if its just liability or if its full coverage, if you have a loan on it I think that requires full coverage...ect.
Have a friend who recently insured a car... 1 year was $750 full coverage on a 2001 Jeep, they asked to see his license -photocopied it and for the money; they didnt ask for old insurance company information or driving records. This is on St. Thomas with Guardian Ins.
I would say call the DMV and call the insurance company so they can tell you exactly what their policies are.
I can't tell you defeinitively whether they will check your previous licensing history, but I can tell you that whatever history you have (at least with respect to points) will not change your insurance cost. When we went for basic liability (the legal requirement here in the VI) at Guardian we were a little concerned about hubby's lead foot problem. He had amassed 3 speeding tix in one year. We aksed Guardin how much our insurance would be and they said that his ticket problem didn't matter b/c they weren't going to check. Can't say if that's an official policy or what, but our insurance premium is the same as everyone else's.
I really appreciate everyones input and information regarding my situation and questions. It is still kind of hard to believe that you can insure a 2001 Jeep for $750 a year for full coverage, but I sure would not complain. This is just a shock that you can get insurance that cheap and that your driving record does not affect it. For everyone from the states, that must have been a nice surprise to see the extreme price difference for insurance. I know that being from Michigan those prices are nearly impossible to get. Well I am going to continue researching but the information you have provided has been extremely helpful. I am know feeling much more confident that things are going to work out in regards to being able to get a license and insurance in STT.
I can just say that it feels great to know that the move I have been wanting to make for so long is finally coming true. It is also a great feeling that the particular perdicament that I have gotten myself into the last few years might finally have an end in sight.
One last quick question. Does your VI drivers license work in the states. It only makes since that if your stateside license works their that your VI drivers license would work here. Not that I plan on comming back to the states and driving with it, but I was just wondering. Thanks again.
Hello Mike,
Yes your VI drivers license works in the USA. And in some states you can trade your VI license in and get it replaced with that state's license without any driving or written test or any additional paper work.
All the best with your move!!
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