Artist Seeks New Venue
I recently returned from my second Caribbean cruise during which I visited St. Thomas. I thought the island was quite charming.
I am curious about living there as a self-employed artist. Anyone out there currently earning a living as a visual artist in the USVI? Are there any gallery owners/employees who can tell me what they look for when exhibiting an artist's work? I am interested in establishing myself as someone who creates Caribbean inspired pieces tourists love to purchase.
How abundant are supplies? I sculpt in paper so I would need access to a large selection of papers and crafting materials. Can these items be found there or am I looking at a trip to the mainland every so often to stock up?
Lastly, I apologize for the neophite question but what IS a PMV trip?
Thanks for reading = ]
Not sure about the artistic end, but a pmv is a pre move visit. In essence you would be on island to study the aspects of living on island. That would give you the answers to a few of your above questions like paper supplies. It would also allow you to visit the gallery owners and others in the trade to discuss more details. Also allowing you to visit and due common everyday things like grocery shopping, visiting different parts of the island to find a place you would feel comfortable living.
Try calling Bambini Arts (or other artist someone can recommend?). They are very friendly and may be able to provide some guidance vis a vis materials, supplies, etc.
Bambini 776-3557
Onika, have you got an area code for that phone number? I'm in the Seattle area. Thanks = ]
Hello there. I certainly do not know all of the possibilities of art sources on the islands, but I do know if you do a search of "shipping florida to St. Croix or USVI" you will find a number of shippers that are quite reasonable, so you can choose the materials you are familiar with already, and those companies, and have it shipped.
My family owns a business and is hoping to expand to the USVI, and this is the route they will be taking. It would come to approximately $1.80 per pound for the shipping, and unlike the mail, there is insurance and damage control (no offense to the USPS).
If you would like the specific name of a shipper, if you let me know, I can contact my brother and find out the name and number.
Warm regards,
Dan G.
Sorry, assumed you knew, 340
Good luck!
You also might want to speak with Claire Ochoa, she runs and/or owns Gallery St Thomas. 340-777-6363.
I went to Gallery St. Thomas in April and bought a charming piece of art. It's a nice gallery, be sure to check it out. 🙂
How funny! I was THERE at the Gallery St. Thomas and purchased some art work. The wonderful woman who helped us was from Misouri. She had only been on St. Thomas for six months but did enjoy it there. I should try calling there. Thanks = ]
I second the idea of talking to Claire Ochoa. She is the owner and does a great deal for local artists.
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