Are there petsitters on the islands??
I would love to move to the virgin islands, but would probably have to spend 4-6 months of the year in nyc. I would like to buy a house though and have a rental apt. with reduced rent for petsitting when I am out of town. Does anyone think that is possible?? I do that in nyc when I travel. I have 1 50 lb. dog and 2 minipins. Thanks!
Debbie's Dedicated Dogs offers a petsitting service...I have not used their services so I cannot comment, but I know people who have gone to her for grooming and she is apparently a very animal-oriented person. Also, Dr. Williamson, a local vet, offers boarding.
As far as renting out your apartment to animal-lovers who would agree to care for your dogs, I'm sure you could find someone to take on the job especially with reduced rent! We have a petsitting exchange with our current neighbors, and it has worked out fabulously because I can trust them with our babies 100% and they can stay in their home environment.
One question: being gone 4-6 months, won't you miss them terribly? I know large dogs are hard to move, but the minpins could probably go on a plane as carry-on. Just a thought.
Good luck Loretta and let us know of your decision!
thanks for your info! I just saw that AA has direct flights that are pretty cheap(430 in Nov.) so it is possible to take them back and forth, but often they seem to be better staying in their environment. The shepherd I dread to see him flying. he hates thunder and is quite neurotic. they all hate cages. he actually escaped from one when I first got him, banged hinself out of it. In nyc we usually travel in a 2 month spurt and have a dog sitter which has worked out well, though the minpins have a tendency to have accidents in the house to spite everyone. I would love to move to the islands, it is a pain though when you have to travel back to nyc and have a household of pets, 3 dogs & 2 cats. Maybe I will give up my business and my rental house in nyc, but i need income!
LOL Loretta.
First off, as I am sure you know, never ever give up an apartment in NYC (at least not if it's rent-controlled), it will just come back to haunt you. I know several people who have held onto apartments for years with various subletters. Especially since the USVI takes some adjustment, and the adjustment is not always successful, you might want to hold on to a wee bit of your NYC life.
As far as your possible move to the USVI:
Even in peak season the most I've seen an advance-ticket for STT/NYC is $600, and AA ups their direct flights in the high-season, so you can be there in a jiffy.
I feel for you and the animal menagerie, we have 3 cats and 1 dog. If you really plan on going through with a home purchase and then renting, consider renting the apartment as a pet-friendly pad. There are so few pet-friendly rentals on the island (especially vis-a-vis dogs) that future tenants would be very appreciative. Heck, I might even be interested. Also, renting to a pet owner allows you to observe how they treat their pets and conversely how they would treat your crew.
Great advice, Onika. I would also say to start by advertising your place at the vet's office and at the local pet shops if they have a bulletin board. Also try the humane society, which is very active here. I don't think you'll have much trouble finding a good tenant/part time pet sitter.
Consider me in for being a tennant! We would love to pet sit for you and your dogs. We are moving to St Thomas, though I am not sure which island for sure you are looking at living on. We have 2 weimaraners and I currently work at a dog day care here in Iowa. (I am going to miss the job, it is a dream job, but we are starting a new business in St Thomas). Overall though, we are looking to rent for a few years, but we will be in St Thomas the first week of September, can you move now, lol. When you say direct flight, is that a non-stop flight or is a direct flight meaning no plane change, but a lay over? We unfortunatly have a plane change, we are leaving from Chicago, Iowa would have 2 plane changes. Our total time from Chicago to St Thomas is just about 6.5 hours, so that is not too bad. Good luck and let me know when you decide to come down, my weims love the min-pins at day care. We have no pure bread German Sheperds at day care a few mixes, and again, my guys just love the socialization, we are going to miss doggy day care in St Thomas. My e mail is Thanks and good luck to you.
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