Apple Computer repair stx?? HELP!!
Hi Everyone,
Recently my Apple G4 laptop came to literally a screeching halt. You never want to hear that sound come out of your computer, trust me!
I've taken it into Computer Solutions in Gallows Bay but they don't really have an Apple tech person...
At this point I'm not greedy I'm not looking for the laptop to ever work again I just want to recover files from my hard drive... Any suggestions?
Much thanks,
Oh my goodness, I share your pain!
Call PC Paradise...they do mac repairs (but they are very pricey) 773.9227
They are in the Easterly Building in Golden Rock (above Pueblo)
Thanks! I'll try them if things don't work out with other repair service...
To have my apple repaired, I've had to ship to the states, and had a liason (my grandmother) receive it to ship it back.
If it truly came to a screeching halt then I fear it may be your hard drive. If you PM me with more details I may be able to help you trouble shoot before sending it back, or recommend where to have it repaired. I have a dozen uyears eperience with mac and their problems. Cheers, good luck. I feel your pain -- dropped my macbook pro last week. nasty dent but it still runs. Cheers. I also know of a 20' iMac G5 for sale here on STT. L8R cg
If you would like to Fed Ex it to the states, I have an awesome guy in Orlando, Florida that I have used (unfortunately) three times over the last 3 years and he is wonderful. Steve @ Mac Doctor: 407-671-7477.
Just a word of hubby sent his laptop back up to me last year to get his repaired....we never saw it again. That was through the US Postal service from here to Michigan.
Word of Advice: Always use FED EX
which mac do you have and how old is it?
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