Anyone Remember Me? *grin* Eve, this means you...
Oy, what a hectic few months, and they're not over yet! Productivity is our middle name -- while away from our friends here on the board, we:
--did our premove trip in mid-April (covered the island several times in five days);
--ratified a contract to buy a nice on a house on STX (will close by June 14 if not sooner);
--opened bank accounts on island and received our ATM cards;
--ratified a contract to sell our condo here in DC (we close on the 28th of May! yikes!);
--located VI/PR doctors for all my peculiar medical needs;
--started selling our furniture; and
--paid off the car to get it ready for shipping.
We're now in crunch time. Kelly quits his job next week to crank moving duties into high gear -- it feels like there is so much left to do. In fact, I am on the phone right now with the moving company to lock down dates We plan to hit STX with our cats on Memorial Day weekend and not look back.
So how is everyone else doing with their plans? Has anyone made it to the islands since I was last lurking about?
Was just wondering the other day where you were ... congrats! Sounds like real progress is being made. May I say that as a long time resident of St. Thomas, it is always a pleasure to see positive people moving here! Let me know if i can help in any way.
Of course I do. I knew you found the house of your dreams. I saw a post from Kelly right after you were due back to DC. I'm so happy for you.... Mark and I are still *screwing around* with all the details ourselves. Next Friday we're meeting with the real estate agent for Our Cottage. After we're more stable on that, then we'll talk to the StX agent again. Right now we want the property we looked at (Yes Ronnie, we've discussed it and its a go if the logistics all work out.) I'm praying to the Lord that the place doesn't get a bid in the next two - three weeks. We're starting the packing process now, We have designated rooms as The StX room, The Garage Sale room, The Family room (meaning give it to family), the I Don't Know room. Its crazy, we'll be sleeping in boxes ourselves soon!!!!
Good Luck with all. Make sure you email me your po box number! I don't want to lose touch with you over the moving process interim.
Alright HipCrip! Congradulations. You really made things happen and fast! I have applied for a job on STX and am hoping for an interview when I'm there the end of May.
Anyway - it is exiciting to hear how well things are going for you.
Hello Hip Crip - WOW, good to hear from you and with such positive news from your trip!!! Good for you. Glad to hear you got so much taken care of on your pre-move trip.
Thank you, Pamela, Eve, Janet and Islander! Have missed talking with you all but you can see that we kept busy by putting all of the terrific relocating adivce we received from you al, to use. *grin*
Three weeks from tomorrow, we're on the plane down to become full time Cruzans -- it feels like I'm finally coming home. Enjoyed the premove visit so very much. We were on the go almost all the time taking care of mortgage applications, touring houses, checking out Pueblo and Plaza Extra and K-Mart, meeting with our real estate attorney, and fugring out what places to eat in C'sted are wheelchair accessible, so I think it's fair to say we got a good taste of what living on the island will be like -- it certainly didn't feel like a vacation, that's for sure.
We found the people of St. Croix to be absolutely lovely! Did not have a single bad experience or unfriendly encounter -- perhaps it was because I was grinning ear to ear and so very eager to practice my good morning/afternoon/night greetings on anyone and everyone I encountered. These few words and a smile were returned to us a hundred fold all across the island -- yes, even from the checkout clerks at the Sunny Isle KMart. I'd like to give special acknowledgement to all of the staff of the C'sted Subway shop, who worked with some customers to open a locked door and iroin security gate that they never unlock so I could get in to enjoy lunch on our first day in town.
I have never been to a city anywhere in the world where people were so courteous -- stopping to allow us to make turns in heavy traffic areas, waving to let us cross the street, eager to help me get where I needed to be -- and who did it with a smile. Coming home thrlough the Miami airport during a Monday evening rush hour where we were shoved, snarled at, ignored, and generally treated like an annoyance, I broke down and cried because the people throughout the airport were so harsh, rude and awful when compared to the laid back and far more personable way of living we experienced on St. Croix.
One quick funny anecdote before I get back to work We had stopped at the Plaza Extra (near the 'other' KMart on the west end of the island) to pick up groceries before heading to Cottages by the Sea in F'sted. My hubby Kelly was standing in the checkout line (I can't fit through them in my chair) and was momentarily shocked to have a gentleman come past him and drop a single bag of potatoes on the conveyor belt -- in *front* of our items. The man said to Kelly, "Only one item - thanks for letting me go ahead." Kelly almost said something, and then realized that he didn't feel annoyed at all by this so he simply smiled and said, "no problem, mon. - enjoy your afternoon." In return, Kelly received a large smile -- not only from the man with the potatoes but from the checkout clerk and the people all around him. Now if this happened here in DC -- even if it were done with a smile -- we both probably would have reacted quite differently. I'm certain we will both become better people for moving to STX -- the island and its people have already become an enormous reminder of what's really important in life.
I can't wait to get home.
There is a great restaurant in C'sted called Savant that you must try. I know they have recently opened rear outdoor garden seating (which I think is paved), so do not be deterred by the steps in the front of the restaurant. If I recall correctly, the access to the back is through the flat driveway.
Hi HC,
Rumrunners, if you haven't been there, is an excellent restaurant with a great view, right on the harbor. You can access it easily through the lobby of the Hotel Caravelle, and I think from the boardwalk by the sushi bar and on to the lower level. It is one of my favorite places, and we'll be there again next monday for a week. I'll let you know for sure.(They have a great happy hour too!!!)
Thank you, Onika and Bubba -- we will definitely check your suggestions out!
Looks like we will close on our house on June 1, so we bought tickets to move ourselves and our cats down for good on May 29. My parents are going to come down the week after that to help us get settled -- we'll take them out to these places so they can get acquainted with all that STX has to offer at the same time we do.
Hi HC,
Just got back from STX. And yes, access to Rumrunners is very easy through the front lobby of the Hotel Caravelle. However, there is one step if you access from the Boardwalk. But stop at the hotel entrance and it is one level from there. Free secured parking in the evening at the lot next to the hotel. Convienient and delicious. Hope you enjoy it. Let us know how you liked it.
Thanks, Bubba -- we land on STX one week from today and are so psyched! I'm pretty sure Rumrunners will be on our agenda while we're in between homes and waiting for our belongings to arrive.
Thank you again for scoping this out.
just read your message....I love to hear that people are following their dreams like you guys. I have been pondering the move now for 15 years. I think it is time for me to jump up and do it. any advice you could give? I see your bringing your cats. I want to bring my 2 chihuahuas but do no know exactley how that works with pets. what do you do on the pre-move?? I would greatly appreciate any advice you could give to me. thanks in advance.......I will be there one day!!!
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