Anyone Remember Me?
I lived in St. Thomas from 1980 to 85. Used to be a regular at the end part of Morningstar beach, body surfing, playing frisbee and watching my guy friends play 2 0n 2 volleyball. Also lived just above Magens Bay when I first moved there. Walked to the beach every day! Worked at Bartolino where the staff and boss (Bart) started calling me CK. My name then was Cynthia Kennedy. It was right upstairs from Alexander's and just a stones throw to a bar on the water in Frenchtown by the sea planes. Worked in Creeque's Alley in a small shop for about a year. Also lived across the street from Twins restaurant and B&B on Commandant Gade. Used to live with an Austrian named Hans (a cabinet maker, boat builder). I know this is a long shot, but I just stumbled on to this site through a Google search. Even if you don't remember me, maybe keep me in the loop. I know a lot has changed since 1985 and would love to hear news of what's going on. I really miss St. T and all the surrounding islands. I hope you know that you are living in a heavenly place!!
Best to you all,
CK -you were a bit before my time as I arrived in August '84 but I remember the "old" Morningstar very well. Monty (the soccer player) is still around and living on Water Island but I haven't actually seen him in years. Bill Arnet who used to frequent Morningstar is still here. Gone are his curls and geekiness and he's been married to the wonderful Nikki for several years now!
Much has changed and I think you would have a hard time relating to all the changes. You obviously have most fond memories. Was it Studds Terkle who said you can't go home again or was that Thomas Wolfe? I think the latter but I'm sure that someone on this forum will correct me!
Morningstar Beach is not what it used to be. I shall say no more.
As far as living in a heavenly place? As I said, things have changed and after over two decades here it has, IMHO, become less heavenly as time has gone on.
Cheers, CK! It's awesome that you found this forum.
Whatever you gain from your research on this forum or any other, what you have in your memory bank is infinitely more important than what you might discover through such research, as in that things have changed....
Hi CK. I am sure we crossed paths as in those days I was out and about way too much! Twins B& B. that's a blast from the past! Was the cookie bakery open then in the triangle n Garden Street?
Monty is still around? Wow! I'd of lost money on that bet. He always kind of reminded me of a latin Dean Martin.
If I saw a picture of you I might remember you, and perhaps you might remember me as well. I used to play quite a bit of 2 on 2 at Morning Star between the years 1977 and 1982, and occasionally after that up until 1984.
I can't remember very many names that used to show up at Morning Star but a few come to mind.
1. Armando Jenik
2. Andy (can't remember his last name but his sister's name was Caroline)
3. Freddie Nicholson
4. Cliff Bryan
Andy Young. Armando was a Tortola for a while. Don't know if he still is.
Monty is still out and about. Sometimes seen hanging late nights at Betsy's in Frenchtown!
That's it Ronnie. Thanks!
Manny (tall and thin) is another one that comes to mind. i don't remember his last name either. Then again, I'm not sure I ever knew his last name.
This is all too funny - but is CK still out there and looking at this meager bunch of responses from a bunch of older fogies who have a hard time remembering but who's neurons and synapses kick in once in a while?
Ronnie's neurons and synapses appear in good working order.
As for me, I resemble the remark pretty closely.
BTW, who's CK?
Richard - too funny. BTW, told your old bud (what's his name, you know) you sent your best and he sent returns!
Thanks STT. Apparently his synapses are also in good working order if he remembers me.
Wow, I can't believe how many responses I received!! Not really surprised that Monty (think his last name was Montenegro) is still around. I still have pictures of him and you're right about the Dean Martin thing! He always wore that huge gold chain, brought his boston whaler to the beach and kicked the soccer ball around all day (most of the time with a drink in one hand!). I think I knew the Andy that you mentioned. He used to give me rides to town after the beach. I think that a guy named Whitey used to play volleyball too (he was Really white) and I think a guy named Don. My girlfriends and I used to set up our chairs close by. Most of us went topless since then at the far end of the beach you could get away with it. I heard that things had changed at Morningstar after the Marriott (?) took over and made it a tourist trap. Too bad. I guess not many local's beaches left. Hope to talk again soon.
Topless? Well then, I'm absolutely positive I wouldn't remember your face since I never would have gotten around to looking at it. 🙂 Seriously though, I do remember the sans top crowd occasionally hanging out on that end of the beach.
Now that you mention him, yes, I do remember Whitey.
He's still here too! He sells windshields!
Hi Ronnie, wow, if you remember Twins you were definitely around the same time. Did you ever meet Shoop? He was an old guy that lived there and was quite the philosopher and artist. We had some great talks. Do you remember Yesterdays that was just down the street. And there was a great disco up a hill that had a kind of hidden downstairs bar with one of our favorite bartenders, always bought us drinks. I wish more brain cells would kick in so I could remember more of the places I used to hang, like the french restaurant on Crown Mtn. with a great locals bar. I used to work at night so that I could go to the beach every day. Used to go out after work almost every night. There used to be some great late night clubs and if they liked you, wouldn't kick you out after last call! Hope to talk again.
Of course I remember Twins and Shoop. I live on the top of Synagogue Hill. Yesterday's burnt down. Jummy Buffett sang there in his early years. Safari was that disco. Entre Nous is the French restaurant over in Dorothea.
How about Fat City, remember that? And Gracie's? The list goes on!
Entre Nous.... there's another memory tickler. I worked next door for a couple of years + some summers at Nordside Grocery. In fact, I also lived right across the road and up the hill in one of Carl Bryan's apartments at the same time.
I can remember faces but I just can't seem to remember names. The owner of Entre Nous was balding on top and wore his hair in a ponytail. I think his name started with a "J". The owner of Nordside grocery was Richard something or another and the manager was Richard Magras.
JC was at Entre Nous. Don't think he was the owner though. He passed away this year.
Hmmm... I guess I just assumed he was the owner since he was there during the construction and then was very active in running the place. But now that you mention it I don't recall him being around much after a year or so.
Sorry to hear of his passing.
As for Nordside's owner, I'm pretty sure his last name began with a "B". I can distinctly remember the stock boy, Wayne Bryan, calling him "Mr. B" all the time. I'm sure Nicky Russell would remember as he was good friends with his son and his son's wife.
Okay, I'll join in on this game. I was a bartender at Sparky's Waterfront Saloon in the early 80s! Spent every Monday at Morningstar, where Rick was the most awesome bartender. Loved Fat City and definitely remember many nights when they would "close" at 4 a.m., then reopen at 4:15. You never had to leave. Rosie O'Grady's and, later, Chaps on Backstreet. I was actually at Yesterday's one of the times Jimmy Buffett just showed up and sang Cheeseburger in Paradise (but not Crazy Cow). Alfredo's in Frenchtown, the Quarterdeck and, what was that Bistro below Cafe Normandie??? CK - if you worked at Bartolino's you might remember a waiter named Greg. Haven't thought about him in years. Leaving in New England, lo these 20-odd years, but I make it back for a visit every year or two.
I've enjoyed this trip down memory lane.
I used to go to Sparky's after work sometimes. You probably remember the guy with no legs that lived on his boat named Sea Legs from the Quarterdeck. Greg I definitely remember! I was good friends with him and his friend Bobby (remember, short guy?). Greg used to live on the west end of the island where there were/are great cliffs for climbing and big surf, kind of dangerous though. And you're right about Rick at Morning Star, he made the best sundowners! Remember Fat City too. Used to love the shakes at Crazy Cow, the best! Wish I could remember the name of the bistrow below Cafe Normandie (Maybe it was called The Bistro?). Just know we used to go there on Sundays, read the NY Times and order Steak Tartar from our funky waiter friend. I've been in CA since '95. Moved from St. T to Hilton Head to DC then here. Miss the east coast and the islands. Nice talking with you. If you don't mind, can I get your first name. I think if you hung with Greg we most likely met.
Thanks for the memory jog!!
Hi Cindy,
My name is Paula. I actually went out with Little Bobby!! We definitely must have known each other! I worked at Panchitas with Greg and Bobby (after they worked at Entre Nous and before Greg worked at Bartolinos). My email is if you want to right to me directly.
I live in Southern NH now, work in Boston. I go to St. John every year or so for a vaca (my brother lives there), so I get my island fix.
manny 's last name is kuvach he was resposible for his wife of 35 yrs committing suicide funeral was today he is a real piece of work
I worked at Fat City 81-82 & various other gigs around town. I loved Morningstar during the the day & work at night. I liked Megan's Bay, Water Island, Frenchman's Reef, The Dove ( or something like that), Lower Caret Bay. Anyone remember Gloria she worked at the Greenhouse? When I left the USVI I joined Army Military Intelligence (9 years), Had a son, Got clean and sober, used GI Bill for Respiratory Therapy, married only once in 2006 and still happily married, now I am retired & travel. I remember when Liz got shot at Syb's. Anyone remember when someone got killed in front of Fat City? I worked that night. Bill Jowers was my friend, he managed Megan's Bay. Remember when Jan Michael Vincent came to the islands? It is so sad how he looks now! Anyone remember me? My name is Lenore.
I am curious, it seemed like you enjoyed living on St. Thomas, why did you move to Hilton Head?
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