You can't stereotype the millions of wonderful people in Florida like that.
You said:
nobody does the posted speed limit
[ever driven on STT? #TaxiDriversGoneMad]
Sometimes seems all gone wild. Motorcycles & scooters included.People rig gas pumps to steal your money
[ever bought gas at a STX gas station? Just because you don't know you're being screwed doesn't mean you aren't]
True on Stt also.Some idiot recently 'lost' his eight foot king cobra snake in a residential area.
[been to F'Sted recently? Some idiot let a bunch of boa constrictors loose #SnakesGalore]
Scary, crazy people out there.People will shun you and treat you like less than human, even when you are polite and kind to them. If you say "good morning", you will get strange looks, like you just committed a crime.
[have you met some of these new transplants?]
Just look at their Facebook pages or the cliques they hang out with - not one West Indian.You will be discriminated against by East Indians, Mexicans, Spaniards, Arabs, and other races who want to prove that they are better than Black people.
[you got me on this one--blacks, hispanics, and other brown people have no beef in the VI. The self-loathing brown groups in the states are pretty bad sometimes]
I know several Puerto Ricans on island that do not like West Indians at all.You are NOT safer in Florida.... statistics don't mention the thousands who die from medical mistakes
[been to Juan Luis lately?]
Not many problems at RLS Hospital, except for one misdiagnosed ailment, which after the second visit it was caught on time or I wouldn't be here anymore or in a nursing room because I would need 24 hr constant care.I'm all about defending my hometown, but we must be fair and honest here. It would be just as easy for me to create a list of why living in FL is much better than living in the VI:
1. Greater Upward Mobility for Young People Depending where you live.
2. Salaries
3. Cheaper Energy Costs
4. Cheaper Food Costs
5. Better schools.
Depending on where you live.
6. Far less corrupt government (fully independent prosecutors, etc). Corruption in one way or another all over the states, just not as blatant.
7. Far more efficient government.
Not necessarily.
8. World class universities (or at least pretty good ones).
9. Reliable energy (not cutting out several times a week).
Does happen in Florida in some areas
10. Cheaper plane tickets.
11. More efficient police forces.
Not everywhere.
12. BETTER HOSPITALS/HEALTHCARE. Depending on where you live.We shouldn't flatly dismiss people's genuine posts about seeking a better life as ridiculous propositions.
And now we have the murder at a day care center.
And now we have the murder at a day care center.
can't wait to hear the apologists explain this one! It's not even the first shooting at a day care in the VI! In fact, it's not even the first shootout at a daycare IN F'STED!
And what is presumed to be retaliation at Water Gut
There has been, it seems , a lot more crime these past couple of months.
I hear you. My perception is also that it is sad on STX from what I see my friends posting on Facebook and those discussions. First time I've ever heard several friends who are native multi-generational Crucians discussing giving up and leaving for Florida.
LMAO...I moved to Florida to work. There is crime here too, you can't run away from people. Also, there is a more pervasive, constant undercurrent of lawlessness, for example nobody does the posted speed limit and a road-rager may get upset if you do and may curse at you or even shoot at you in extreme cases. A couple months ago a speeding driver lost control and killed three road workers. People rig gas pumps to steal your money (like they keep trying to do on STX). Some idiot recently 'lost' his eight foot king cobra snake in a residential area. If you are a Black man, you'll face rampant racism because of the perception that all Black men are the guy on the six-o-clock news in the orange outfit. People will shun you and treat you like less than human, even when you are polite and kind to them. If you say "good morning", you will get strange looks, like you just committed a crime. You will be discriminated against by East Indians, Mexicans, Spaniards, Arabs, and other races who want to prove that they are better than Black people. You are NOT safer in Florida. You can get dead in many ways besides being shot or stabbed, and the statistics don't mention the thousands who die from medical mistakes, DUI drivers, stand-your-ground murders, and the countless other ways people get dead unlawfully.
Well, since some discussion has happened around this, I'll respond -
I fully recognize that the experience described is in one of highest crime areas of the state (Orlando). But much of the state of Florida is not how this description seems to perceive it is. Where I have moved to, the crime is so negligible compared to STX it is hard to even describe the difference. We routinely leave doors unlocked and even garage door open with no consequences. Home builders in our area will go off for lunch and leave expensive tools and survey equipment sitting out with no concern that someone will come steal it, unlike on STX where three separate times we had tools and an air compressor stolen sitting in the driveway for less than 20 minutes. None of our friends here have been touched by crime, while everyone we knew/know on STX has been touched in some way. People tend to focus on this board on murder in the VI (which is the only statistic to be found), but the majority of the crime that eats away on a person on STX isn't murder, it's all the everyday stuff - the home invasions, the petty thefts out of vehicles, the broken windows and electronics stolen, the mugging in the parking lot after a night out with friends...and that over time just breaks a person down. And where I live now it doesn't happen.
Race relations, snake releases, people speeding in vehicles, stealing at gas stations, etc - that all exists in equal measure on STX in various forms (as monogram stated) and as a matter of opinion I think some of it is worse on STX as it is more concentrated on an island. I don't see a difference there. But for me, overall quality of life better here in FL, and we still have sunny skies, blue ocean, white sand beaches, abundant (protected!) wildlife, and palm trees. But then, these are all reasons why we left STX, so of course I am biased.
Just look at the transplants' Facebook pages or the cliques they hang out with - not one West Indian.
I know several Puerto Ricans on island that do not like West Indians at all.
The first quote is obvious, especially among the younger generation. Many on this board don't see an issue with the lack of assimilation of recent transplants. Interestingly, many of those people would excoriate minority groups in the states for "sticking together" and not assimilating with white americans. Oy vey.
The second quote fascinates me. I have never seen a Puerto Rican Vi'er treated as anything other than a welcomed Virgin Islander. I have never overheard any anti-hispanic sentiment among west indians. The intermarriage rates between hispanics and blacks is very high (see Nellie Rivera-Oreilly's husband, Juan Serville's wife, etc etc). Rates of intermarriage are usually a good gauge of race relations in an area.You don't see as much intermarriage between whites and blacks (or Puerto Ricans, for that matter) other than the occassional white hippy fling with a rasta. :D:D
In the 1980's, I read about a major research study that examined homicide rates of many countries across the continents.The diverse sample of countries were ranked by their rate of homicide. Then factors like per capita income, poverty, wealth distribution, unemployment rate, gun control laws (strong or weak), police per capita, family bonds (strong or weak), education levels, capital punishment (present or absent), population density were scored for each country. One of these factors had the highest statistcal correlation with low homicide rates. Which one do you think it was? .
In the 1980's, I read about a major research study that examined homicide rates of many countries across the continents.The diverse sample of countries were ranked by their rate of homicide. Then factors like per capita income, poverty, wealth distribution, unemployment rate, gun control laws (strong or weak), police per capita, family bonds (strong or weak), education levels, capital punishment (present or absent), population density were scored for each country. One of these factors had the highest statistcal correlation with low homicide rates. Which one do you think it was? .
Do tell!
One of these factors had the highest statistcal correlation with low homicide rates. Which one do you think it was? .
Income inequality and poverty have the most pronounced positive correlation with homicide rates. Not surprisingly, in USVI we can observe high income inequality, high poverty, and high homicide rates, just as we do in countries like Honduras, El Salvador, Jamaica, and Belize.
Reading facebook this morning I read of at least 7 other shootings I assume they happened yesterday. Practice carnival parade has been canceled due to this spat of violence.
Just look at the transplants' Facebook pages or the cliques they hang out with - not one West Indian.
I know several Puerto Ricans on island that do not like West Indians at all.
The first quote is obvious, especially among the younger generation. Many on this board don't see an issue with the lack of assimilation of recent transplants. Interestingly, many of those people would excoriate minority groups in the states for "sticking together" and not assimilating with white americans. Oy vey.
It is not just the younger generation, but new middle age transplants are the same way. Both coming to Stt with their complaints and racist views.The second quote fascinates me. I have never seen a Puerto Rican Vi'er treated as anything other than a welcomed Virgin Islander. I have never overheard any anti-hispanic sentiment among west indians. The intermarriage rates between hispanics and blacks is very high (see Nellie Rivera-Oreilly's husband, Juan Serville's wife, etc etc). Rates of intermarriage are usually a good gauge of race relations in an area.You don't see as much intermarriage between whites and blacks (or Puerto Ricans, for that matter) other than the occassional white hippy fling with a rasta. :D:D
Maybe because STX has a much larger population of Puerto Ricans than Stt and a longer history with them, there isn't much animosity between Puerto Ricans and West Indians, but the Puerto Ricans on Stt told me straight to my face they don't like West Indians or black people. I'm not saying they all do, but it does seem prevalent in the younger generation. Also while riding the safaris, I hear West Indians yelling "speak English cause we are a English speaking country." That can be toward either the Puerto Ricans or the Santo Dominicans. I mind my own business.
Surprisingly, income inequality and poverty were not as statistically significant as this particular factor in respect to homicide rates. Guess again. The data for the study were collected in the 1970's. So much has changed in the world since then including the incidence of entire countries virtually overwhelmed by narco-criminal cartels and attendant gangs who massacre rivals and anybody else perceived as an obstacle at the drop of a hat.
I'd say, family bonds.
Just look at the transplants' Facebook pages or the cliques they hang out with - not one West Indian.
I know several Puerto Ricans on island that do not like West Indians at all.
The first quote is obvious, especially among the younger generation. Many on this board don't see an issue with the lack of assimilation of recent transplants. Interestingly, many of those people would excoriate minority groups in the states for "sticking together" and not assimilating with white americans. Oy vey.
It is not just the younger generation, but new middle age transplants are the same way. Both coming to Stt with their complaints and racist views.The second quote fascinates me. I have never seen a Puerto Rican Vi'er treated as anything other than a welcomed Virgin Islander. I have never overheard any anti-hispanic sentiment among west indians. The intermarriage rates between hispanics and blacks is very high (see Nellie Rivera-Oreilly's husband, Juan Serville's wife, etc etc). Rates of intermarriage are usually a good gauge of race relations in an area.You don't see as much intermarriage between whites and blacks (or Puerto Ricans, for that matter) other than the occassional white hippy fling with a rasta. :D:D
Maybe because STX has a much larger population of Puerto Ricans than Stt and a longer history with them, there isn't much animosity between Puerto Ricans and West Indians, but the Puerto Ricans on Stt told me straight to my face they don't like West Indians or black people. I'm not saying they all do, but it does seem prevalent in the younger generation. Also while riding the safaris, I hear West Indians yelling "speak English cause we are a English speaking country." That can be toward either the Puerto Ricans or the Santo Dominicans. I mind my own business.
Yeah, that's not the case on STX. We love our Juan Luis, our Curtis Gomez, our Nellie Rivera, our Samuel Saneses, etc. We elect them regularly, and they are beloved. Many of the latinas are black themselves, like Chucky Hansen.
Please explain this quote where you said: "It is not just the younger generation, but new middle age transplants are the same way. Both coming to Stt with their complaints and racist views."
How so?
re- One of these factors had the highest statistcal correlation with low homicide rates. Which one do you think it was? .
I hope we all know correlation does not equal causation. 🙂
Which begs the question: Where are the parents and families of all these thugs going around killing people, shooting up the place and harming innocent bystanders?
Which begs the question: Where are the parents and families of all these thugs going around killing people, shooting up the place and harming innocent bystanders?
Family bonds led to LOWER correlation to violent crime.
Poverty/income equality has a high correlation higher violent crime.
Doesn't matter, sparty. The question still stands:
Where are the parents and families of all these thugs going around killing people, shooting up the place and harming innocent bystanders?
You can't tell me that they are completely unaware of what is going on.
Maybe they are working two jobs? I know many people here who are/do. You statement reads like an assumption that all the parents of criminals are letting their children run wild. (Some do). Most of the violence seems to be coming from 20+ year olds who shouldn't need mom and dad to be there 24/7.
Where are the parents and families of all these thugs going around killing people, shooting up the place and harming innocent bystanders?
You can't tell me that they are completely unaware of what is going on.
The baby boomers weren't satisfied tanking the worldwide economy gifted to them by the greatest generation. They just HAD to take opportunities from the succeeding generations as well! Worst parents ever! LOL (I am just kidding).
My guess is they are too terrified of what they know their little cherub is capable of to say anything
re- One of these factors had the highest statistcal correlation with low homicide rates. Which one do you think it was? .
I am not sure what "bingo" means in this context. Maybe you can provide a link to the study that you are referring to, so that it's clear.
There have been studies after studies exploring the correlation of homicide rates to various economic, social, geographical, and racial factors. They all concluded pretty much the same: the most powerful and consistent predictors of high homicide rates are income inequality and poverty.
Here is one paper:
Here is the cross-country correlation between income inequality and homicide:
It sounds to me like you are one of those people looking for a racist. If that is the case, you won't have far to look whether it be in Florida or the Virgin Islands.
There has been, it seems , a lot more crime these past couple of months.
I hear you. My perception is also that it is sad on STX from what I see my friends posting on Facebook and those discussions. First time I've ever heard several friends who are native multi-generational Crucians discussing giving up and leaving for Florida.
LMAO...I moved to Florida to work. There is crime here too, you can't run away from people. Also, there is a more pervasive, constant undercurrent of lawlessness, for example nobody does the posted speed limit and a road-rager may get upset if you do and may curse at you or even shoot at you in extreme cases. A couple months ago a speeding driver lost control and killed three road workers. People rig gas pumps to steal your money (like they keep trying to do on STX). Some idiot recently 'lost' his eight foot king cobra snake in a residential area. If you are a Black man, you'll face rampant racism because of the perception that all Black men are the guy on the six-o-clock news in the orange outfit. People will shun you and treat you like less than human, even when you are polite and kind to them. If you say "good morning", you will get strange looks, like you just committed a crime. You will be discriminated against by East Indians, Mexicans, Spaniards, Arabs, and other races who want to prove that they are better than Black people. You are NOT safer in Florida. You can get dead in many ways besides being shot or stabbed, and the statistics don't mention the thousands who die from medical mistakes, DUI drivers, stand-your-ground murders, and the countless other ways people get dead unlawfully.
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