Anyone From US Southwest - How Long to Acclimate?
I am curious if there is anyone from the Southwest US living there?
If so, how did it take to acclimate to the humidity there, or do you always sweat like a pig?
What do you miss the most from Southwest other than good Mexican Food?
Other than the good Mexican food, which we miss A LOT (!!!!!!) not much. I thought I would miss those glorious desert skies, but the skies here can be pretty dramatic too.
I sweat like a pig for the first month, but we came in August and it was 112 degrees the day we left Phoenix. I think we cared less about sweating than the fact that we could actually walk around outside. What!?!?! You can actually do stuff outside year round here, not just go from air conditioned house to air conditioned car to air condirtioned office and hope for the best. 🙂
After four years here, I still love the weather and don't find the humidity oppresive except on random days when it is trying to rain and just won't, and the air gets heavy and still. And either way, still able to have outdoor activities.
THe only caveat, you have to really work to make sure you are getting your daily allotment of water... in the southwest, it is easy to remember to drink because you are always dry. Here, you do have to remind yourself to stay hydrated.
my mom came for a visit in march from lake havasu city. the humidity is the only thing she mentioned. she didnt complain, she just mentioned it. actually she didnt complain about anything but she knew she would get to go back to her city. she did say she wouldnt be able to live here because it is an island and it cost too much to go anywhere and she didnt have the conveniences that she does in her town. like del taco and walmart oh and jc penney.
the humidity really isnt so bad on most days. i know when i go to havasu, as soon as i step off the plane my nose starts to hurt and my legs start itching like crazy, all the moisture is just sucked right out of me.
oh, she did say she had no allergy issues for the two weeks she was here.
always try to take water with you every where you go, just like you would in the southwest. you have to keep hydrated.
Hi, I'm from Phoenix as well. Hi Beth! its Kelly over on STT. I've been here about 3 years. The humidity isn't really too bad. It certainly isn't as bad as Phoenix during the monsoon when its 110* + and the humidity is over 70%. On the rare occasion it does get too nasty, you just go hop in the sea. :-). The only thing I miss from Phoenix is good Mexican food. There are a couple of places here, But not quite like Phoenix.
We had a great Phoenix islander club back in Arizona. All people who had some connection to the VI but lived in Phoenix. There should be several great opinions from that group. (Terry?) 🙂
Hey Kelly!!!!! Glad you guys made it to the islands! 🙂
I think it depends on where you live in the Southwest. If you live in the desert you may find it to be ok. If you are from areas like Flagstaff or any high country you may find that the humidity is worse that the heat from where you are from.
I had a neighbor from Las Vegas who used her A/C 24/7 all year round. , couldn't stand the humidity. She has since moved to Guam.
We don't live there full time, but when we are there we find the weather better than Phx. We will be coming in AUG and Sept and I doubt that we will use the A/C at our condo.
Hi Kelly, how is everything for you on STT? Annie retires July 30th and then we will start splitting our time.
MMMM, I would miss my Del Taco beef and bean burrito with green chile! (would love some fresh Mahi Mahi to make fish tacos though!)So if we opened a Del Taco or a Taco Time, do you think it would do well? Seems like eveyone says they miss Taco Bell, well they want some pretty hefty fees to start a franchise there!
We are from Reno, NV, and believe it or not we have had clouds, T-storms and some rain for like a week straight now.....I am not looking forward to the 100+ degree days coming up (funny everyone says that hurricanes are scary, at least you get some notice about those to prepare, unlike a wildfire from a lightening strike!) and then from 100 degrees right back to freezing temps and snow!
Sounds like the answer would be to open a taco bell and go for a swim in the ocean!8-)
I also forget to mention the nightmare flights to the VI from the west! I think American should have a non-stop from DFW?
you are so right. flying out there is an all day adventure but flying back is even worse as i have never been able to find a flight plan that does not take two days with an overnight flight.
We are always able to find same day flights both ways except when we fly for free on air miles.
Phx to Dallas to PR to STX.
Long day about 13 hrs with layovers.
We lived all over before moving here and we last came from palm springs. Where we also have the 120 summers, but the winters were wonderful. It took us about a year to really acclimate. And even then we still sweat in the summer "hot" months but not the winter months. Humidity or lack of breeze is what always kills you. So when the tradwinds die its not so much fun because the mosiqutos take over as well. Make sure you screens are tight and have no holes.
Definitely miss good mexican food, but I just make it myself and pig out on it when I go home to Texas.
Betty, I have never been good at cooking Mexican food at home, can we come over to your house? 🙂
lol, you're sweet and I always say the more the merrier. I always end up cooking for 24 instead of 12, used to Texas appetites. 😉 So at the end of the week of eating mexican I hate it, but then next month rolls around and I'm ready for more. My clothes aren't but thats why god created stretchy clothes!
It's nice to see that so many southwesterners have acclimated without a problem! I live in Phoenix now, but I lived in New Orleans for 4 years, and I'm thinking the humidity can't be any worse than New Orleans! I've heard that if I can survive my PMV in September, I'll be fine.
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