Any Tattoo shops on the islands?
Hello all,
Are there any tattoo shops on the islands and what islands are they on?
What is the feeling toawards people who have tattoos? Are there any prejudices towards people with tattoos? The only reason I ask there still negative notions that people have sometimes here on the mainland.
If anyone has any thoughts, drop me a line.
We have two on St. Thomas. Both are within walking distance of each other in Havensight.
I have had a tenant that came here to live and work at one of the parlors. He and his tattoed wife could not find permanent lodging, so much so she returned to California and he followed a few weeks later. He is to come back and forth and work, but I have not seen him. He told me of standing on the corner trying to get a 'dollar ride' taxi and they ignored him. They told me of going over to Water Island to look at a house that the owners were enthusuastic to rent. They told them they had a child in advance. He removed his piercings and wore a long sleeve shirt. When they saw the tattoos on his neck and hers as well, they said, NO Kids! Although they know they had a baby! It was sad as they were a really nice couple, no trouble at all. I didnt know those prejudices existed! BTW, the couple on Water Island were white as well.
So, take it for what it's worth. Lots of people here with tattoos, just that these guys were really tattooed. Maybe there is a line? I don't know! Good luck.
Hey thanks a lot for the reply.
I't's just good to know.
Where exactly is Havensight?
Where the cruise ships come in in Charlotte Amalie.

Wow, I didn't realize that tattoos were viewed as discriminately as that. I have 3 tattoos, one on my shoulder/upper arm, one on my knee and one on my forearm, and I have haven't felt any discrimination. Then again, I'm not covered with them, either. My nextdoor neighor and his girlfriend were covered in them and they lived here on STT for a year. He never mentioned any discrimination to me. And this guy often cut his hair in a mohawk, too. I guess it just depends on whom you meet, huh?
I'm an old(er) lady who has never been tattooed or pierced but I thought I'd interject my two cents here because the post reminded me of an absolutely gorgeous young lady who I met a few years back.
I mean, this girl was drop-dead beautiful! Very tall, slim, long blonde hair, model-gorgeous. She also had a good portion of her body tattooed and the tattoos were incredibly striking. None of the commonly banal or gangsta-type stuff - incredible intertwined designs of turquoise, pink, subtle yellow. She was a walking masterpiece of very expensive art.
Then I started wondering about what was going to happen to all those tattoos as she ages. As much as one endeavours to stay in shape through middle-age and into the older years, natural sagging takes place, the wrinkles keep appearing and - heck - you start looking what you are - AGED! Oh sure, these days if you have an infinite amount of money you can go for the liposuction and the botox and all those nips and tucks and transformations which keep the plastic surgeons raking in the dough. Hey, you can end up looking like Cher and many others - sort of a reinvention of yourself but with an expressionless stretched look? Go for it if that be your t'ing!
But whatever your wherewithall, it ain't going to stop those tattoos from looking really messy as you age. The skin loses elasticity and the basic, "MOM" tattooed on your upper arm wrinkles into a blurred "MMM" at best. That tattooed snake on your leg, or that tattooed ankle bracelet is going to look very "old" when you're old.
Just my two cents!
I am looking for info on tattoo shops there please help
HI recieved two of my tattoos on STT from Jimmy Buffham Tattoos in Havensite are next to the paradise point tram thier number is 340-714-3693. i got my second tattoo the4 first from them 2 yrs ago and was on STX this feb and took a day trip over to STT just to get a tatoo from them adn pizza from Pizza AMore just a few yards away. They do great work and I will only be getting my other tattoos from them other than perhaps the shop in miami from Miami ink but the rest belongs to them I am sold 100% on them after I move to STX next year and get many compliments from my tattoos from jimmy's good luck
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