Another Buster Stor...
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Another Buster Story

Posts: 224
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Hey Guys You Remember Buster My Dog Whom I had So much trouble transporting to STX? Well he disappeard for five days. I just new he had met up will all types of brush challenges that would lead him to an untimely demise. I looked for him along with my neighors and landlord whose dog he ran off with for two days. ( My landlord's dog returned home. Every where I drove I'd slow down for some stray dog that might have been him. I could not imagine this city dog surviving much less leaving more that a few feet from his residence ( he was that kind of dog.) Anyway I found myself dealing with the probablity after calling the shelters and the hospitals. I kept looking out of the window but there was no Buster. I called home and announced to those who even cared one way or another that Buster was gone probably forever.

About five days later I'm riding in the princess area and who do I see on the side of the road. BUSTER! All wet and stinky but in pretty good conditions. He had traveled a long way from home. I have no idea what he was eating but the Vet said he looked fine. He got a good bath and I took him back home where my landlord's dog Digger greeted him with open paws. Just another tale of me and Buster in STX.

Posted : October 19, 2005 5:39 pm
Posts: 315
Reputable Member

Is your Buster fixed? I am asking as our male dogs would run away when ever a dog was in heat.
Glad you have him back.


Posted : October 20, 2005 1:06 pm
Posts: 224
Estimable Member
Topic starter

Yes he is fixed. I am not sure what lured him away or what he was after.

Posted : October 20, 2005 5:16 pm
Posts: 481
Reputable Member

Glad you got him back! After going through all that to convert him to an Island Dog, it'd sure be a shame if he ditched you for new owners. Maybe now that he's gone exploring, he'll be happy to stick closer to home and not risk getting lost again.

Posted : October 20, 2005 7:06 pm
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