Anna's Retreat
Found quite a few nice places at good prices in Anna's retreat. I obviously won't rent until I see the places but I was wondering if there was a reason why there were so many vacancies there. I did read about the double homocide there, but there have been murders in and around my neighborhood in DC too and it's a nice place to live otherwise. Thank you!
It's certainly centrally located.
I don't live in Anna's Retreat, but I'm often in the area. I met someone who has a rental unit, and he was very nice. He told me he asked his tenant to leave because she wasn't keeping the unit clean, so now he was looking to rent to someone else.
I think no matter where you're considering to rent, it's always good to have security. Some properties are more secure than others. Does the property have fence/gate? Barking dog? Lights? These features discourage criminal activities.
Anna's Retreat is very convenient, and I think if you find a secure property, it may be a good starter location. It's not an area that's popular with Statesiders, but it is centrally located. Tillett Gardens is in Anna's Retreat, and I don't think the residents there have had any problems.
Since nobody else will.... I will say most of that area is on the lower end of what is availble isalnd wide. Which does not mean the whole area is bad news. You may be able to find some nice properties. Take Ms411 advice about the particular unit and add parking security and nieghbors to the list of things to check out. Do your home work. Go by the place after dark too.
Anna's Retreat, like many others, is a predominantly "local" area. Most of the residences there are more family type residences and most don't have the panoramic vistas so often sought after by new transplants. And, yes, I'll just come right out and say it because it's the truth - many white newcomers feel more comfortable initially being in places where their "own kind" live. Takes a while to adjust.
I lived in Anna's Retreat for about a year and had no problems at all. It's a VERY convenient location. And I lived right around the corner in Smith Bay for 16 years which some people say is an area you should NEVER live in because of all that dreadful crime. I had a couple of crime issues there (one very serious) but solely because of my business. As far as Smith Bay in general is concerned I couldn't have asked for better neighbors and there was minimal at best crime where residences were concerned. In retrospect and after almost 30 years here, I'd far rather live in a "local" neighborhood than somewhere "out there" in some of the island's "gated communities".
After all these years I honestly feel a little strange going into these places where the sense of "community" is minimal and where neighbors just don't talk much to neighbors and if there was a scream in the night or during the day I would wonder if it would be heard. I've lived on the North side of STT now for a little over a year, just moved into a far, far better place than I had before and am finding my particular peace.
There are no suburbian "Welcome Wagons" here (if they even still exist stateside!) and everyone is cautious about newcomers because their attrition rate is so incredibly high. But if you can come here with an open mind and simply absorb for a long time; bite your tongue before even thinking of blurting out something along the lines of "well back home we ..." or, "what's with the people here .." or get into any conversation which revolves around, "them", then you'll have a head start. The temptations to engage can be great.
Good luck!
Since nobody else will.... I will say most of that area is on the lower end of what is availble isalnd wide. Which does not mean the whole area is bad news. You may be able to find some nice properties. Take Ms411 advice about the particular unit and add parking security and nieghbors to the list of things to check out. Do your home work. Go by the place after dark too.
Why did I even think that this thread would get attention from you and elicit exactly the expected response? No, I won't engage with you on this or anything much else. "Since nobody else will ...?" Sorry, blu4u but you are just so wrong. Yikes.
Since nobody else will.... I will say most of that area is on the lower end of what is availble isalnd wide. Which does not mean the whole area is bad news. You may be able to find some nice properties. Take Ms411 advice about the particular unit and add parking security and nieghbors to the list of things to check out. Do your home work. Go by the place after dark too.
Why did I even think that this thread would get attention from you and elicit exactly the expected response? No, I won't engage with you on this or anything much else. "Since nobody else will ...?" Sorry, blu4u but you are just so wrong. Yikes.
With all due respect Tart, I wonder why you continually feel the need to twist and misreprest my viewpoint, especially any post regarding personal saftey... Can we agree to put the squabling aside, talk facts and give the OP some solid advice. In that spirit, here's the skinny...
Anna's Retreat is adjacent to two of the island's subsidized housing communties and most popular cock fighting arena. (I don't think anyone's mentioned that) My late husband (the first in his family to graduate college and earn a professional degree) was raised in a housing project--so I have familiarity with the day to day. Unfortunately, poverty breeds a host of issues, principally drug abuse and crime. Not to say that project residents are suspect or all the homes surronding the projects are impovrished, In fact, you will find some lovely rentals and some close knit groups of neibhbors. Be aware any crime stats you see are likely driven by gang activity and fueled by drink and drugs. Personally, I would not rule out Anna's Retreat, simply use cognitively caution. Coming from DC, I suppose you carry a degree of street smarts.
Since Old Tart recommed Smith Bay, I think it's worthwhile to explain that erea as well. Employ a cognitive "awareness" in Smith Bay. Again, I don't want to take away from the efforts of the Smith Bay Community action group, but I will say that Smith Bay proper experiences more than it's share of violent crime. (more than Anna's Retreat) Simply google Smith Bay shooting or gang or murder and see all pages of results. Again the area (referring to land inside the boarders of the colonial smith bay estate) is not all bad. Some of the most popular resort condos boast a Smith Bay address.
STT is small island. It is not uncommon to see lovely up-scale homes and more modest homes (with deferred maintence) on the same street. More important then homes' values is the spirit of the nieghborhood and the set up of the particular residence as mentioned in previous posts to this thread.
Now with today's cartography lesson compete, I'll step on my soap box for a moment... When "residents" down play the existence violence and it's subsequent effect on the community at large, we dismiss the horrific impact on the victims (and thier loved ones) and minimize the efforts of all the hard working individuals striving to make a difference. Crime, especially the influence of gangs and drugs on our young men is plague upon our community. A societal sin to which I will never be come accustomed.
So Old Tart, feel free to pretend that Smith Bay is "just as safe". My empty heart knows otherwise.
I do realize that the OP was mentioning the crime in this particular area so the conversation was warranted but it seems to be a sore spot for you and I am very sorry if crime has personally affected you. Its horrible in ANY city and a shame to ANY community. Hell we had 33 murders in ONE MONTH here in AZ last year and around 350 total last year. Pretty bad, I don't even want to look at the stats for some other "more dangerous" cities. Yikes!
I value your posts, many have helped me so thank you for that, but others have a pretty negative undertones and usually regarding the crime in the VI. I don't live there yet so I cant say squat and wont pretend to know what I am talking about regarding crime in the VI. You can't tell inflection on the boards so I want to preface that I am not getting an attitude or being a jerk. I hope you don't take it as that.
I HOPE I never have to experience the VI crime first hand, and I am so very sorry for those who have. I read many of the posts and it feels (at least to me) that your emphasis on the crime rate is pretty hard core. As generalization: It is VERY frustrating for newbies such as myself to read constant negativity. I have a pretty vivid imagination so when I read post after post about the crime and guns and drugs guess what I come up with..... People running around panic stricken to get indoors by sundown, everyone with guns, criminals lurking behind every bush just waiting to jump out, take your wallet, steal your car, rape you and then shoot you in the head. I am sure that's not how the posts are meant to be taken but a person who has never been to the VI certainly can conjure up these ideas based on what is posted.
Most of us that wish to adventure to the VI are not idiots and have positioned themselves to be able to make the journey and I would think most have done their homework to some extent. This board almost single handily crushed my personal dream of living in the VI because of the massive negativity... regarding the crime. Maybe I am off base here but don't newbies; whether they succeed or fail bring in much needed revenue to the community as a whole? Just a flip-side to the coin. I would venture to say that most of the "newbies" have the same sense that you have in regards to living in the VI... after all its NOT easy to live there, but for most that live/move there the "juice is worth the squeeze", if is wasn't, why would one stay?
Oh man....let the flaming ensue, I hope I didn't ruffle too many feathers! Its just my .02
P.S. Sorry OP for the hi-jack. 😀 Good luck on your move!!!
Well said.
So Old Tart, feel free to pretend that Smith Bay is "just as safe".
Oh, thanks! But I'll just (as usual) speak of what I know. Having lived in different areas of Smith Bay for 16 years I might just know a little more than you about the area and its community ...
For the OP- there are much prettier & safer places to live on STT in my opinion.
While my intent isn't to scare off anyone. (or, add fuel to anyone's imagination) I do think if someone asks about crime they deserve an honest cold answer.
AandA you state 350 murders in AZ last year. Providing that number is correct, here's the math for 2011 based upon total population:
AZ homicides 350/ population 6,500,000 = 0.00004
VI homicides 44/ population 550,000 = 0.00008
So AandA, statisically speeking you be twice as likely have homicide impact you personally in the VI. However as young woman you your odds are becoming a victim are less than young men.
I'm NOT trying to discorage you, merely providing some info so that you and others rembember to stay aware. This is the same advice I'd give to my own daughters.
Who knows, in 20 years you maybe passing along the advice. to another young woman
Don't be scared and don't be stupid.
Check your numbers:
AZ=1 out of 18571 people
VI= 1 out of 2500
But who's counting?
I used to live in Estate Smith Bay, and now live in Annas Retreat. Smith Bay has some scummy areas and some very nice homes and apartments mostly up the hill (where I used to live). I sometimes felt like locking my car doors when driving through the lower parts especially at night. Annas Retreat is a very large area for a small island, and has nicer and less nice (safe) areas as well. I feel pretty safe where I am now in Annas Retreat, but it has projects and stuff too. Do not rent sight unseen!
Ut oh you're right! And I'm wrong! So sorry. But gald you caught the BIG mistakes (math and data). Thanks.
So roughly 7.5x as many murders. Right?
Wish I had more fingures and toes.
Give it a rest!
There really is no need for all the negativity and sarcasm.
Sure everyone is tired of it. I know I am.
Alana, I suppose you are correct, As you stated, there really is "no point to all the negativity"...
After hearing the god-awful news this morning of Betsey's son, maybe any discussion of safe v. unsafe neighborhood is just plain meaningless. What IS the point anyway, I wonder....? All I know right now is that we stand by and watch another mother grieve her boy,,.
I wrote, "There really is no need for all the negativity and sarcasm." and I stand by that.
There is no need for the continuous litany from you. You seem to always want to "score your point" and "have the last word."
That's fine - just consider ending on a more positive note and drop the sacasm.
You do have something to contribute but oftentimes it seems as if you are in more of an "attack mode." Try to soften that up.
Is anyplace in the world, truly safe? Is there some place that is "crime free?" Let us know.
I am always sorry to hear about the loss of any life, especially a young adult in the prime of life, leaving a grieving mother and family, behind.
Instead of "standing by," why not create "neighborhood watch groups/crime watch" in your areas with your all of your neighbors and the help of VIPD and help to make things safer. Maybe things like this and others can be averted in the future.
I do think if someone asks about crime they deserve an honest cold answer.
Agreed. Stand your ground, blu4u
Is there some place that is "crime free?"
Um...yeah. It's a matter of degree, isn't it? There are certainly places that have low crime rates. This isn't one of them.
I do think if someone asks about crime they deserve an honest cold answer.
Agreed. Stand your ground, blu4u
You missed the point Aussie re: my comment "negativeity and SARCASM."
Is there any one answer to which neighborhoods are safe?
This has been gone over in other forums..........even high priced, expensive neighborhoods can be and are targeted.
You cannot designate any particular area, these days, which is just one of the reasons that our Senators should pass the Peace Officer's Status Bill, post haste, and stop playing their stupid games or we shall continue to be at the mercy of hoodlums anywhere and everywhere, unfortunately and like most other places while our islands only compromise a population of 110,000 people.
(Note: Present were Dowe, Sanes and White. Absent were Richards, Rivera-O'Reilly, Russell and Williams. -
Unless people become proactive and involved, Negativity won't solve anything.
Neither shall sacrastic attitudes.
I do think if someone asks about crime they deserve an honest cold answer.
Agreed. Stand your ground, blu4u
You missed the point Aussie re: my comment "negativeity and SARCASM."
Is there any one answer to which neighborhoods are safe?
This has been gone over in other forums..........even high priced, expensive neighborhoods can be and are targeted.
You cannot designate any particular area, these days, which is just one of the reasons that our Senators should pass the Peace Officer's Status Bill, post haste, and stop playing their stupid games or we shall continue to be at the mercy of hoodlums anywhere and everywhere, unfortunately and like most other places while our islands only compromise a population of 110,000 people.
(Note: Present were Dowe, Sanes and White. Absent were Richards, Rivera-O'Reilly, Russell and Williams. - people become proactive and involved, Negativity won't solve anything.
Neither shall sacrastic attitudes.
Why do you consider my posts "SARCASM"? Prehaps if you could see the tears in my eyes when I type, maybe you'd reconsider. As I stated before on other posts, I love the VI. It flows in my blood . My kids blood. I post negetive comments about crime, because crime is the biggest negitive, the biggest threat to our youth and our future. The homicide rate (1:2,500) is untolerable. I will NEVER become de-senstized.
Now I'm taking a rest from this ridicculous converstation...
I certainly hope the OP can glean from all of this a decent answer. You guys digress way too much. Maybe you ought to start a thread and call it RUMBLE and all attack and correct each other there. Just my 2 cents.
OP you have been told and you say you will, do not rent anything sight unseen. St Thomas is a tricky place to find the right fit. Believe me, when I had my short term rental property and even now I have helped hundreds get their feet wet around here. I have a lawyer right now out there looking for a place and finding out the differences. Too many people grab the first place and then find out it is not convenient for them. I always suggest you get your job first, then search for a place convenient to work. Will save on your commute. By that time you will find out about which neighborhood to live in or not live in. You will get many varied opinions when you hit the ground I am sure. Good luck!
Definitely, the best way to find the perfect place for YOU is to look for yourself.
One of the positives about our car search (had a friend who loaned us hers while she worked) was discovering all these different neighborhoods. Gave us the chance to see a lot of parts of the island we may not have thought of while apartment hunting. I truly love where I live, but not everyone would be as pleased with the location.
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