ALERT! Some sort of credit card electronic fraud scanning in STT.
I got hit too. It was caught on the first try and declined. It's a card I don't use often anyhow. Ericw…. where were the last few places you used your card on St. John? For me, it was Dolphin Market (about 12 days prior to the fraud). Then a couple of weeks before that it was Starfish Market. I went to the police station, made a report. The officers were kind, shared their personal stories of fraud happening to them, and said that all of this is likely being forwarded to the FBI where they will investigate.
It was at several restaurants both Cruz and Coral side... and also at Starfish.
Thanks Eric! Was just wondering if we could find a common thread at where we made purchases…looks like Starfish would be the only place we both used our cards.
Boyfriends cars now too. This is REDIC.
How about just using cash? I've never used a debit card in the VI once in 10 years.
Fiancee's BP account just had attempted fraudulent charges from Indonesia. For what it's worth, they did not process the transactions and locked her account.
They solved the issue - they found all the affected credit cards were stolen from the hacked "" website!
Sorry to all the significant others.
LOL Who PAYS for porn anyways? 😉
No posts on this topic in a couple of weeks. Did the issue get resolved or is everyone using cash now?
Issue seems resolved. I think the problem was likely Home Depot as the have acknowledged a nationwide breach:
So likely nothing to do with the islands, but since we all shop at Home Depot we notice it more (small community).
I'm guessing, but maybe it was a centralized attack that was resolved at a higher level than the storefronts.
Has everyone effected here received full refunds on their cards? I would assume so.
Maybe they are just keeping it quite - it wouldn't surprise me.
More info today on this, the fraud included 56 million cards! This was very likely the culprit.
Glad this wasn't a VI thing....
Just to clear the air, HD stored its customers CCs so anyone who did business with them in recent years, your card was stored and compromised.
So, of the people here who have a claim, who has done business with HD in some time past?
I am positive that I never used my compromised card at Home Depot. So I know that whatever was going on with my card didn't stem from the Home Depot problem.
My credit card company didn't even let the fraudulent charge go through. They caught it immediately.

I buy from HD at least 2 times a week and all purchases are on my credit card. I have done so since they opened.
No problem with my card yet.
This is still happening. My card got hit yesterday for the first time; in the previous week I had used it only at Starfish and St John Market. The fraudulent charge was $240 for some menswear company in Great Britain.
Best of all, the bank won't send me a new card because "we no longer service the Virgin Islands" -- so instead of them sending me a replacement card, they're closing the damn account and now *I* have to look for something replace it. Grr!!
So, who has a credit card company they like that DOES NOT require a stateside address?

Discover Card, American Express, Mastercard
FirstBank issues MC and Visa cards.
You might also be able to sign up for whatever card you want (not the one that just ditched you) using a stateside address, and then change your address to the VI.
FirstBank issues MC and Visa cards.
You might also be able to sign up for whatever card you want (not the one that just ditched you) using a stateside address, and then change your address to the VI.
Thanks, STXBob. After my experiences as their customer, I try to avoid anything First Bank.
If I was going to falsely claim stateside residency, I'd have already done it with my prior card provider. That's not the route for me.
CruzanIron, I know Amex and Discover issue their own cards directly; I didn't know MasterCard did that without a bank intermediary. I'll look into that. I don't want an Amex or Discover card because they are so often not accepted in the places I want to use them.
Banco popular also issues visa & mc.
Not many places take discover. Home depot does.
I buy online from HD now and then among others and have no fear. I use disposable one time use CC numbers linked to my citibank mastercard. Get a new virtual number for each purchase. Anybody steals it they can't use it. Ha Ha. Discover Card used to offer this but I think eliminated it this year. They need a lot of security to make sure nobody hacks the banks web site and starts making up CC numbers. Sorry to say Citibank won't let you create new virtual numbers outside the US including VI, or at least they didn't when I was on STX a few months ago. Unless you can spoof your computer location. There are ways.
Well apparently they have not figured this out yet. I was in St. John November 13 to the 18 with two other friends. All three of our credit cards were compromised. All caught immediately by our respective credit card companies. One charge of $63 on mine at a Little Rock Arkansas Dollar General got through but a $173 charge at a Family Dollar was denied. We are all getting new cards. None of them had RIFD chips. We spent most of our time on STJ but did got to Mountain Top and Magen's Bay on STT and also went to Jost for a day trip. Thankfully, we all had good fraud protection. I am now on a Text list. I will get a text every time my card is used no matter how much is charged and will be able to cancel my card with a simple text.
It just happened again to another of my cards. Between my wife and I this has happened about 4 times since the summer. Moving to cash for the foreseeable future and we have been careful not to use any debit cards (only credit) to ensure protection.
Time to go back to traveler's checks! Remember those? Don't leave home with out them.
My wifes business checking card which had never been used was also recently compromised. It was used at some german font company!?
The card has never been out of her wallet and has no chip.
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